
??? P.O.V.

I was dusting the typewriters on the shelves when I heard the bell of the shop ring. I turn and see my Uncle Charlie enter with the groceries, as well as some spare parts for the typewriters. I set down my duster and grab the groceries from his hands while he goes and sits down, tinkering with a typewriter. After putting most of them away I hear the bell ring again and walk out to give my uncle some parts he left in the groceries but saw him talking to a blonde man. "Uncle you left these parts in the grocery bags by mistake," I tell him, he smiles at me and I return it placing the items on his work desk before nodding with a slight smile at the man before turning and walking back to the kitchen to put the rest of the groceries away.

Third person's P.O.V.

"Who was that?" Agent H asked the older man who sighed, "that is my Niece I was hoping to introduce her to the industry sometime soon, I feel she will be a great contribution to Men in Black." The agent stares at the man in disbelief "you mean she doesn't know about MIB at all? I find that hard to believe." The older man sighs at H, "I have done a lot to keep her from knowing the truth and you being here longer than necessary is not helping so if you would leave before she knows something is going on or sees how you leave that would be great." The younger man held his hands up in mock surrender pressing a button on the typewriter and walking into the elevator that appeared disappearing behind the doors that closed. The girl finished putting all of the food away and went back to dusting the typewriters downstairs. "Uncle Charlie who was that man?" she asked, curious as ever, "just another customer E." he told the girl, "just another customer." she nodded and went back to dusting and her uncle went out to get another piece that he had forgotten about, while dusting an typewriter with a little blue tab the woman accidentally pressed one of the keys and the elevators door opened up making the woman jump a bit in surprise before walking over to the doors curiously. She walked into the elevator and looked around curiously until suddenly, the doors closed the crack right before closing completely was enough for the woman to make eye contact with her uncle who had just entered the building.

E's P.O.V.

The elevator's doors closed, and I looked around confused until a red light in front of me started sounding an alarm and the elevator went much faster going down. The alarm stated that I was an unregistered person, or agent or something. I soon found myself in a white room cuffed to a chair looking around curiously. A man walked into the room and sat down in a chair across from me. "Who are you?" he asked me, he looked at me as if I was some sort of weapon or spy of some sort. "I'm Charlie's Niece?" I state in a somewhat questioning manner wondering if that's what he meant. The man in front of me nodded and told someone to get Charlie "how exactly did you find this facility?" I make a confused face and tell him the truth "I was dusting the typewriters on the shelves and when dusting one I accidentally hit a key and some doors opened up, and being curious I looked at it then made the mistake of getting inside when the doors closed." I state honestly in my English accent, the man nodded and then my uncle walked into the room, I gave a nervous chuckle and smile "I'm in a whole lot of trouble aren't I?" the man in front of me stood and exited with my uncle while I just tapped my fingers of the chair making a rhythm and started humming. Until the two men came back in and sat across from me when another chair sprung up from the floor "well that's new." I state casually in y now normally confused voice.

"Ms. E we would like you to come and work here at MIB." The man who was there before told me. And I stare at him once more, confused "what the bloody hell is a MIB?" Over the next few hours, I was told about the history of MIB and what the organization does. I then took classes over the next week nonstop on their weapons, the cultures, and languages of other species, and other things. At the end of the week, I was accepted by the man who I learned was High T and was fit for my suit, given an outfit, sunglasses, a gun, and made a probationary agent. I now stood in High T's office as he spoke to me, "you have been erased from the system, you are now above it there is no recollection of your existence and no one knows your name. You are now a probationary agent and if you impress me will become a full-time MIB agent. Welcome to Men in Black Agent E." we both smile at each other before I am dismissed to go to new agent orientation knowing that this was the start of an amazing new life.

A/N HELLLLO MY AGENTS! Welcome to Men In Black where both you and H are internationally ignorant!
