83.blind date

Today Kylie is making me go on a blind date, I have no idea how she got this idea from she never makes me do this but she's even forcing me to go, where did she get this guy from I have no idea.

Well I hope this is a quick date because I'm not looking forward to this, I don't even think there's hope in me dating anyone right now.so I got ready in a simple outfit, told you I'm not looking forward to this.



It's time for me to man up and apologize to Jessica today if she's not gonna scream at me when she knows that I'm the guy she's going on a date with...

Also thank god Kylie agreed to do this because I wouldn't know how to do This without her, she told me to go to a certain restaurant that Jessica loves so I hope this goes well, I got ready in a simple outfit


I reached the place and now it's just Time to wait for Jessica to arrive, I'm kind of nervous because I don't know how she's going to react but I guess let's just wait and see.

She's here, ok she's sitting down now, "sorry I'm late there was just so much traffic" she said,"it's okay I just got here too","JUSTIN what are you doing here?!" She yelled, "look let's start this calmly so this would work between us please" I said

"I don't want anything to work between us for gods sake Justin I gave you too many chances and I will not give you more" she said and ran out of the restaurant.

I chased her until I caught her, thank god there was no paparazz, " Look Jessica there is something between us that I never felt with someone else and I know you feel it too so please just give this chance and I will be so much better" I said in hope " no Justin you say that every time but it just ends up a lie" she said, "This time it not a lie I swear and if you just give me a chance and see for yourself" I said.

" no you don't care about me so how can this be a relationship?" She said, " Jessica if I don't care I wouldn't be standing right here"I said, " Justin I swear to god after I give you this chance there will be no more" she said and smiled, "YES THANK YOU THANK YOU I WILL NOT MESS THIS UP" I said in excitement.

"And your still the dorky guy I know" she giggled,
"But before anything can I give you something so you would actually trust me" I said "sure.." she said

" Justin you didn't have to" Jessica said "hey hey I don't need this bullshit right now all I want to say is this is a promise ring just to make you sure that I will never cheat on you and I also promise that this ring is going to be replaced with another ring" I said

"Someone have been getting cheesy lately" she said
"But that's just for you tho" I said " I know it is but anyway thank you for the ring I will always keep it on"
She said
