63; jack

Jackgilinsky; meeting you guys was amazing! thanks for suprising cindy and i at the airport, you guys are real ones❤️ je t'aime  

tagged; wolfiecindy

5.9 million likes



user; I WAS THERE 💜💜💜

user; come to spain!

wolfiecindy; 😘😘

user; i wish i came

user; ewww

user; je t'aime  💝

jackj; aye say hi for me 👋👋

jackgilinsky; for sure! @jackj 

user; u are so hot

user; i still want jadison! where is madison at? 😡

madisonbeer; here! @user 

jackgilinsky; fuck off @madisonbeer 

user; ew no not madison 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

wolfiecindy; sorry hun but it has been near a year since jadison, bye now @madisonbeer   😚 
