sierra marie 

liked by jackgilinsky and 56,383 others

sierramarie : happy birthday to me !! also thanks graysondolan for these flowers, i wasn't gonna post a pic with them but they're too pretty not to post

graysondolan : can't tell what's prettier, you or the flowers sierramarie

graysondolan deleted his comment

graysondolan : glad you like them :)

sierramarie liked graysondolan's comment

ethandolan : you didn't post a pic of the present i got you sierramarie

sierramarie : that's because you got me a box of condoms with a message on the front saying "for you and grayson, have fun," smh ethandolan

ethandolan : HAHA i'm so funny ^^^

madisonbeer : gorgeous girl !! happy bday !!

sierramarie liked madisonbeer's comment

tanamongeau : i hope you get some good birthday sex sierramarie

tanamongeau : take notes graysondolan

sierramarie liked tanamongeau's comments

meredithmickelson : beauty !!

camerondallas : woah so hot

hayesgrier : happy birthday sierra

hayesgrier : zan says happy birthday too

hater : ugly as fuck

fanaccount : grayson got her flowers #goals

camdol : i'd be surprised if flowers were the only thing he got you. wink wink.

sierramarie : wtf why are the comments on this so sexual ?? MY MOM FOLLOWS MY INSTAGRAM GOTTA ZAYN

sierramarie deleted her post
