Brand New Interview Time. What's Coming Up?

Find out what's coming in October, November & December in the Most Exclusive Look Yet.... Are YOU Excited?

Question One - You were telling me you made some changes to Corrie Stories? What are these exciting changes without giving so much away?

Answer One - Well, This Month is set to see David Platt suggest that him and his family should book the Halloween Night Party, which is set to take place on a steamy train in Manchester. Of course, Disaster Strikes when Robert arrives and put's his Finale plan into place... with the Platt's. Sarah will fear for her life once again, Bethany will attract a new, mysterious lover - But Who is it?, And Robert's identity WILL be revealed to passengers of the train. The only question is... Who is this man? Maybe even some Lake/Pool Drama?
Question Two - You say Lake/Pool Drama.... Could we get any kind of hint? 😉

Answer Two - The Train Journey is set to take a tumble for the worse when something get's collided! Soon afterwards, Robert goes full lengths with Sarah as an Finale Showdown will occur and ONE Character will only return to Weatherfield in a coffin box! And the person is part of The Platt Family. But you'll never get it with it knowing something else 😱
Question 3 - Oooh! Sounds very interesting and slightly sinister. I mentioned in our last interview, about characters returning/new characters. Any updates for that? Some Dates? Who?

Answer 3 - The Famous Becky McDonald is coming back to The Cobbles during the Christmas Period. A Brand New Face, Who is actually gonna get played by me, Lucus, is joining the Cast Of Weatherfield. "I would LOVE to see myself on the front off My FanMade Inside Soap!" And putting that aside, Sarah is set to REUNIT with an old flame. Ummm...
Question 4 - Oooh! Can't wait to see Lucus appear! So Happy and Excited. And Happy October to you too. Even though we are talking about October. Any Christmas Storylines coming?

Answer 4 - Ahh. Christmas. A time for friends & family. A time for love. And a time for new beginnings. The Festive Season is set to see a extremely early wedding with Carla & Nick. "They've loved each other for ages now! - Nothing's stopping them this time!" With everything that's been going on. Halloween. The last wedding. There just want EVERYTHING to be quick, smooth and perfect. But after all... it's Corrie Stories, be carefully what you wish for!

On the other hand, we've got Sarah Platt reunited with a old flame... only to get more and more curious about the character himself after discovering mountains of information and evidence. Including a key. What key? The New Year is to see another stunt in a smashing 2 Parter Episode taking place on New Year's Eve & New Year's Day. We'll also see some more characters leave. More characters join. And what's next for Robert in 2018?
Question 5 - OMG I'm excited now! 🤙 BRING ON CHRISTMAS 🎄 is there any further update on the Doctor Who storyline?

Answer 5 - Yes! I can confirm it will contain 12 Episode's starring The Doctor & Sarah Platt. The Halloween Episode will see The 11th Doctor and Sarah... I'm still deciding which incarnation I want for Series 1. So that's a waiting game for the moment.

The Finale Episode for the series has been planned for a year ish now. I've always had it in my mind - now it's just getting bigger & bigger. So yasss! We will also be seeing a big women baddie connected to the pair (The Dr & Sarah!) and she will be appearing throughout the series and COULD be getting portrayed by Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time. But again, it's still a working progress.

The other thing I could add is that The Series is expected to air Spring 2018. So I'd say April Time (Like S10 Typed!) It could be a little before that - or a little after. It just depends.

But I will have EVEN MORE information on this topic VERY SOON! So, keep you're eyes all peeled! Thx for all you're time and can't wait to think what you all think - Lucus!
Very excited and so ready for this series! Going to be fantastic - sounds so great and I don't even watch Doctor Who! 😀 - I don't know who Emma Swan is but sounds great non the less! 💕
