<33 joy x anxiety !! <33

Nurserynursefan requested this !!

"Anxiety X joy?"

I actually rlly like this ship !! so cute ( ・ω・)


In the middle of the night, Anxiety would have random BIG motivations to rearrange the entire headquarters..

..so everybody would wake up to a completely different room.

Joy would immediately know it was her, and she'd laugh and roll her eyes playfully, thinking "Anxiety..".

When Riley has big tests or when she has a big hockey event ahead, Anxiety tends to freak out, so Joy's been around her enough to be able to adapt a specific routine.

Anxiety would absolutely DOMINATE the console, kinda freaking out.

"I'm so scared Riley's gonna do something wrong..!!! She could FAIL at hockey, our parents could get super angry at us, our friends could HATE us, we could never be happy again, an-" but Joy would intreuppt, placing her hands on Anxiety's shoulders, a soft blush arising to her cheeks.

"Anxiety, Riley will be just fine. Let's try to focus on the now, okay..?"

She gestured to the special chair.

"Why don't you sit down and let someone else take control for a minute..? I'll make some tea." She smiled warmly.

Anxiety released her hands of the console, finally meeting Joy's kind gaze.

"Well, I need to keep watch.. it's okay Joy, I can make sure Riley's okay." She protested.

"Maybe I can sit with you." She playfully winked, then smiled sweetly.

"I'll get a blanket and some tea. Or maybe we could watch together! Just the two of us."

Anxiety blushed. "Okay, fine, Joy.." she laughed softly.

Her and Joy stood together, watching Riley's life go by for a moment.

After a few minutes, Anxiety looked up at Joy and smiled shyly.

"Hey, maybe we can sit together now!I'll get the tea."

Joy giggled softly. "Absolutely."

Joy sat down in the cozy chair, and after a moment Anxiety came in the room, holding one soft warm matcha tea and one tea with sweetner, cream, and a sugar count of 67.

(Joy LOVES sugar >u<)

They sat together, watching the others interact and hang out with eachother.

"Ha, look at Sadness and Embarrassment." Joy mumbled softly to Anxiety, gesturing to the pair.

Sadness and Embarrassment were hanging out with eachother, and Sadness was blushing sweetly, smiling at Embarrassment.

Embarrassment reached for Sadness' hand gently, in which Sadness softly agreed, their hands held together lovingly.

"I mean, they're pretty much from a fairy tale." Joy laughed softly to Anxiety.

"Yeah, I mean look at THEM..!" Anxiety giggled in reply, pointing to Disgust and Envy, and this time they were sharing perfume scents !!

Apparently Fear accidently blurted out that Envy tried Disgust's perfumes.. (that SNITCH!!)

And Disgust laughed to Envy about it..

"Envy, I know you've went through my perfumes.."

"WHAT?! no, I haven't!!"

"It's fine, darling, don't worry about it!" She laughed softly, and actually gave Envy a tiny perfume, which Envy now uses every hour.

Everybody smells it constantly.

Even Riley smells it sometimes, not knowing where it's from.


(this kinda morphed into a one shot..)
