Why do i think i know you ??

That stupid nope jutsu doesn't work on my clan what naruto so it won't work on boruto nope it's cause of the well you know been in side me shikadai and inojin so they won't remember they won't even remember there children I hope they remember so day that is if it worked at all
Ino thinking
My poor boy he won't remember the person he loves most in this world this man is just I can't take it any more inojin never been happy sents shikadai and him became lovers I've never seen him looks happier I wonder if true love will come to save them

Inojin thinking
Huh where am I huh noticed he is in a bed huh where am I huh see rex huh who ?who are you ?
Huh your awake huh well I'm your soon to be husband inojin
Huh who's inojin
Am your inojin Ino
Oh ok what's your name ?
Rex am helll we've know each other we love each other don't you remember
Oh of course I do silly
No I don't but I'm not going to tell him that cause he seemed hurt when I couldn't remember well maybe I do love him he is cute but I feel like I've see cuter oh well must have been a dream mmm who was that guy in my dream with long black hair tied up

Shikadai ::: I love you inojin
Inojin :::: I love you shikadai
Kiss 💋❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Huh that had to be just a dream I love rex always have always will
Huh Ino did you say something nope why I said nervously
Ok he pushes me agents the wall kiss me I had my eyes wide open I didn't really like kissing him it was nothing like kissing that other guy what am I saying it was just a dream
So you like that
Babe where you ignoring me
No just im not feeling well my stomach hurts
Oh ok kiss
Huh be quite

Shikadai think
Huh where the hell am I who am I and who the fuck is that huh hey I'm boruto shikadai don't you remember
Ok let try this inojin
Suddenly memories of inojin stared coming back

I will protect you

Because I love you shika

Hey I don't need you to protect me from everything you know

Shika can you Brush my hair

Huh I'm im .........pregnant

Huh you did this for me shika

My head hurt who the f was that guy
That guy with blond hair pale skin is your boyfriend the father and or/ mother of you children
Huh I'm not a dad yes you are bro
Yes you are you where even going to ask him to marrie you bit because you could some one used the nope jutsu on ye ye may never remember each other
So let get out of here and see if we can find that boyfriend of yours
He's not
Idiot he is do I have to spell it out to you he is your one true love
What ??????
To be continued
