Chapter 4: Back From Vacation

The next morning at the beach in Sulani island, everyone was still sleeping until Hugo woke up first. It was already 8 am and time to end their short vacation.

Hugo: He checked his phone. Wow, it's time already? I better wake everyone up.

Christa: She woke up and said. Hello, my darling. You're already up?

Hugo: Yes I am, my dearest. It's time for everyone to wake up.

Hugo: We're supposed to have breakfast and leave within half an hour.

Christa: Don't worry, I'll wake the boys up.

Brady: Woke up in his room and said to himself. Ugh, wish I could have more time to sleep...

Brady: On the inside. But that's okay, I guess. I need to pack up.

After they finished packing, Hugo started the car and they were already on their way back to LA. Brennan was sitting right next to Brady in the back and asked if he was alright.

Brennan: Brady, what's wrong? Is everything alright with you?

Brady: Oh nothing is wrong with me, little bro. Just been stressing with school.

He has a flashback of his dream where Stefan was trying to introduce him to a girl named Aster Miranda. She had long wavy black hair, cold light blue eyes, and fair skin. She was Vivian's daughter and the same age as him. Stefan wanted him and her to become a couple against Brady's will.

Stefan: Brady, this is Aster. She comes from a wealthy, aristocratic family like me.

Stefan: I want you and her to become friends and eventually date.

Stefan: It's a tradition for sons of aristocrats to date daughters of other aristocrats too.

Brady: He flashed back and said to himself. I don't even know that girl. I don't want to go out with her.

Brady: On the inside. Why does that strange man always force me into things? I have my own life.

After a while, the family arrived home and rang the doorbell outside with their belongings placed on the ground. The butler Tom opened the door.

Tom: My masters! You're home! Let me help you with the packages.

There was a look of dismay on Tom's face after everyone got in and settled down.

Brennan: Finally I'm all cooled down. I missed my videogames. He walked upstairs towards his bedroom.

Brady: Towards his parents. If you would excuse me mom and dad, I should go upstairs too.

Brady: My friends would want to speak with me. He walked upstairs too.

When both the boys were out of their sight, the butler began to speak.

Tom: My masters, I don't know how to say this, but....

Hugo: Tom? What's going on? You know you can tell us anything you know.

Tom: This is very difficult to say, but the old master Stefan Collins came over yesterday.

Tom: He and his friends got out of jail...

Christa: No, that can't be...there's no way they came back like that.

Tom: I have no idea how the hell he knows he has a son. That's a private piece of information that we never revealed to him after he got arrested.

Tom: Not only that...he also frightened Beth. She said he got into the house while she was cleaning the kitchen.

Tom: But then she said he disappeared so I'm assuming it was just an illusion.

Hugo: Who does he think he is to ask you about Christa and Brady?

Christa: Beth...that poor woman. I really hope she's okay. You didn't allow him in, did you?

Tom: Hell, no. I didn't. I would have to fight him if I did, Madam Christa.

Tom: But still, I nearly shat on my trousers.

Tom: I really apologize for not informing you sooner. I didn't want to ruin your vacation.

Christa It's alright, Tom. Don't blame yourself. You did the right thing to tell us now.

Hugo: That goddamn son of a bitch aristocrat! He can't just simply walk back and forth in our lives as if he did nothing wrong.

Hugo: He doesn't deserve to know anything about us Rockefellers, let alone Brady himself.

Tom: I already called the police...They should take care of him and his friends.

Brady was facetiming Renee on the phone while he was in his room upstairs.

Renee: Hey, Brady. So how was your trip to Sulani? I wish I could have come with you.

Brady: It was great! I really enjoyed the beach and everything else.

Brady: What are you doing now?

Renee: I'm hanging out over at Keeran's house. Isaiah's here too.

He noticed Brady was calling her.

Keeran: Renee, is that Brady? No fair you're not telling us who you're talking to. He joked.

Isaiah: Yeah, right. Give us the phone too. We want to talk to Brady too.

Renee: Facetimed Brady for the last time on her phone. I gotta allow Keeran and Isaiah to speak to you otherwise they will take my phone away haha.

Keeran: He held Renee's phone in his hands. Hey dude, we missed you.

Isaiah: Don't want you to be the loner of the group. Do us a favor and come over to hang out.

After Brady left for Daniel's house to hang out, Hugo's phone rang. It was his best friend Braxton Kowalski from high school calling him.

Braxton: Bro, it's been a long time. What are you up to these days?

Hugo Oh, we just came back from a short vacation in Sulani! I hope you're doing good too.

Braxton: I am! We should meet up, man. Maybe a place to eat?

Hugo: Sure, why not? This is the perfect time. Can my wife Christa come along too?

Braxton: You don't have to ask me that because my girl Dorothy is coming too.

Hugo: Never told me she became your girlfriend.

Braxton. Surprise, dude. That's why I called you first.

Hugo: Well, I'll tell Christa about what you said. Talk to you later!

An hour later, they met up at Giovanni's to get something to eat. Christa and Hugo sat across from Braxton and Dorothy. Hugo decided he should tell them the truth about Stefan.

Hugo: Hey man...Don't freak out, but our butler Tom told us Stefan and his friends got out of jail...

Hugo: After we got back from vacation.

Braxton: Omg...are you serious? They got a life sentence!

Braxton: What are we supposed to do about it now? It's been years!

Christa: I don't know...I thought karma is making their actions come back to them, but clearly not...

Dorothy: She had a nervous look on her face. Oh no...I'm so scared to face Kade again. I tried all these years to forget what he did to me.

Braxton: Towards Dorothy. Babe, you got me. I'll never let him get close to you again.

Back at Keeran's house, the boys were playing basketball outside until Brady's phone started to ring. It was his parents calling him.

Brady: He picked up. Hey mom, what's up?

Christa: Just let you and your dad are on a double date with our friends at Giovannis.

Christa: We're not going to be home for lunch, so if you need anything ask our servants.

Brady: Ok mom...good to know.

When he hung up, Isaiah wondered what the phone call was about.

Isaiah: Bro, who were you on the phone with?

Brady: My parents...They're on a date at Giovannis and won't be home for a while.

Keeran: Does that mean you get to stay here longer?

Brady: Haha yeah. I wouldn't mind...

Unknown to them, Stefan and his friends were in the distance far away listening to their conversation.

Stefan: He said to himself. That's my son Brady!

Stefan: He then wondered. Did he say Christa and Hugo were on a date at Giovannis? 
