Please re-read for a better story haha

Indecent Seduction

Chapter One

The scarf that wrapped around your neck and face was itchy and uncomfortable. Your slender fingers reached up to relive the tingles left on your neck from the scratchy fabric. Underneath you felt nervous; nervous because you sat in front of the principal of U.A., while also sitting beside your Aunt and Pro-Hero Midnight. Because your quirk was unique, it requires special consideration when enrolling you into the prestigious high school.

"Her grades are excellent, her record perfect, I don't see why she would not be allowed to study here."

"We can perhaps find a general studies path for her, but no student starts this late in their hero course!"

"She was in a hero course at her old school. They just weren't what she needed. Her parents sent her to me in hopes our school will be able to help."

"My only concern is the reactions of the students. This quirk is not entirely appropriate, at this age level. It will require an intense amount of control from both parties," Nezu speaks, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

You remained quiet, allowing your aunt to speak for you.

"With all due respect Principal Nezu, but I remember hearing those exact words when I first applied to U.A. We can talk to support class. We can conceal—"

"Do you expect her to cover her face throughout her whole studies? It'll be too big of a distraction," the rodent replies with concern.

Midnight frowns, glancing at you before standing to her full height. "If that needs to be done then so be it! Everyone should have equal opportunity in becoming a hero," she says with determination.

Nezu's nose twitches before turning to stare at you. "What do you have to say (Y/N)? Would you be willing to conceal yourself during your studies?"

You felt yourself freeze, the attention now being on you. The scarf around your face was uncomfortable, but if it meant being a student at U.A. then it was worth it.

"I will try anything to be a student here," your voice rings out, sounding like a musical harp strummed by an angel itself.

Since Nezu was, not human, he was not affected by your seductive quirk.

"Right, then we will do our best to create a safe and comfortable environment for you Ms. Kayama."

And that was it. You transferred to U.A., assigned to Class 3-A, your teacher being Shota Aizawa, also known as Eraserhead. At your last school, they did not have the means to help you control your quirk, hence why your parents sent you to live with your Aunt. This Eraserhead teacher had an erasure quirk that would be able to help you, so what happened at your last school, won't happen again.

They had concluded that if anyone could step in if your quirk got out of control it would be him.

You just hope he could handle you.


The tired-looking teacher stared down at the file that displayed your name. The start of the new year meant new challenges for the next generation of heroes. It was his job not only to produce quality pro-heroes but also to model students. After looking over your folder, he wasn't sure about this one.

"Her quirk is called Aphrodite, what the heck does that mean?" He says out loud to his friend Present Mic, who lounged in one of Aizawa's student chairs.

The blond man looks up from his glasses. "Isn't that Nemuri's niece? I heard she was starting classes at U.A."

Aizawa looks up with his dry eyes. "Apparently, she transferred from another school. Her quirk requires her to conceal her face. I wonder why," he says before flipping the page. He looks down at your information questioningly. Why did Nezu pair you with him?

"Is it like Midnights? Where she must cover it up?" Present Mic wonders scratching his chin.

Suddenly, the words jumped out at him and he almost had to intake a sharp breath.

Y/N Kayama

Age: 18

Quirk: Aphrodite

Y/N feeds off of arousal pheromones produced by nearby males who find her attractive. Due to her appearance, Y/N becomes irresistible and males soon fall under her control. She can make them bend to her will, even having them fight for her!

Drawbacks: When using her quirk, Y/N also becomes aroused and must orgasm to break the effects of the quirks. Otherwise, she will experience sickness symptoms such as fever, nausea, and dizziness.

A small pink blush spreads across Aizawa's face. How could such a quirk exist!? And why did they put her in his class?! She will be a distraction for sure, one that he didn't have the energy and time for. Then it dawned on him; his erasure quirk was exactly what she needed if things got...out of hand.

A deep sigh rolls off his tongue. This year was going to be interesting.


The bell rings, bringing you out of your thoughts as you lean against your locker. The headscarf was wrapped tightly around your face, and you had hoped no one would take notice and try to mess with you. So far, it seemed as if you were invisible, something you were thankful for.

At your last school, it was an everyday struggle to not be noticed. You'd hope this would mean you could start fresh, and finish your studies and training so you could be a hero just like your Aunt!

You make your way to your homeroom class, concentrating on keeping your breathing steady and your heartbeat regular. You step into the classroom, noticing that you were quite early.

Your name was taped on the desk, right in front, and direct vision of the teacher. Great, you thought as you took your seat.

Before you knew it, the desk around you began to fill with students of various colors and sizes, but you kept your head down, trying not to look at any male students. The last thing you needed was to find someone attractive.

Soon the door closed and you were greeted by a deep and sexy voice.

"Good morning class, welcome back class 3-A," his tired voice rumbles out, causing you to look up in curiosity.

Your eyes met dark orbs that seemed to be staring straight at you.

"We have a new student who was not with us the last two years. Please welcome Y/N Kayama," he motions towards you. "I'm Mr. Aizawa, your homeroom teacher," he says as his eyes locked onto you. For once, you were thankful for the scratchy fabric draping over half your face, for it hid the slight blush that spread across your lovely cheeks.

You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself from getting aroused. Who knew your teacher would be so attractive?? You couldn't help but think as you stared up at the long dark-haired man. He wore bounds around his neck, reminding you that your teacher was the infamous silent hero; Eraserhead. You've heard stories from your aunt of her co-workers, but seeing him in person was a whole new experience.


"Glad to have you here!"

"Why is she joining us so late?"

"She is a transfer student," his voice drawls out, his eyes scanning the class before falling on you once more. "I know it may be strange having a new classmate, but treat her as you would if she was your colleague on the battlefield."

"What's her quirk!?" Someone called out, and all eyes fell back to you.

With pleading eyes, you silently begged for Mr. Aizawa to spare you.

"Ms. Kayama has a quirk similar to her aunt; Lady Midnight. However, until further instruction, she must refrain from using it until we can better assess the safety of the rest of the class."

Phew, that was a nice way of putting it, you thought.

"Would you like to say something to the class?" You heard him say, and you felt your blood run cold. You hated speaking in front of others, but if you wanted to be a hero one day, you might as well get used to it.

Standing to your feet, you bowed slightly to your class. Here goes nothing.

"Hi, I'm Kayama, I hope you all can accept me graciously."

You could feel the tension in the room rise as all attention turned to you.

"Did you hear her voice?!"

"How beautiful!"

"Woah, I've never heard anything quite as lovely!"

Your face flushed red and you sat down quickly, turning away to avoid any eye contact.

A clearing of a throat was enough to send everyone into silence, looking at the teacher fearfully who glared at everyone.

"Quiet, all of you. I will not tolerate unnecessary talking in my class," he demands and you couldn't help but feel thankful.

He glances at you like the class apologies. "Right, now onto the first hero training.."


Hero training at U.A. was nothing like your old school. It was bigger, more dramatic, and more realistic. You were tasked to save a pedestrian while taking down a villain; assigned to teams of 4 for the mission. You fell behind, barely able to give support as you tried to keep up with your classmates. Even with your new hero costume that concealed your face, your quirk was too risky to use.

In the end, your team failed the mission, and you could feel their anger and frustration directed at you.

"Jeeze, give us the new girl, what did you expect?" A loud mouth girl scoffs as she crosses her arms in annoyance.

"She didn't even use her quirk," a smaller voice speaks out.

You could only shy away at their criticism. If this had been a real-life situation, you knew you could have taken control of the male villain easily, but with the severity of your drawbacks, you still weren't ready to unleash it quite yet.

With the loss weighing heavily on your shoulders, you fearfully looked at your homeroom teacher. He must already think of you as a menace to his class!

"Kayama," he calls to you, and you gulped nervously at the criticism you were surely about to face.

You stand before him, feeling quite small next to his tall stocky frame. "Y-yes, sir?"

He looks down at you with emotionless eyes, as if piercing into your soul. "I read your file. I fully understand why you haven't used your quirk out on the field. However, you can't expect to become a hero if you can't keep it under control. In order to better understand what I am up against, I want a demonstration of what it's capable of. How about you...stay after class and show me," he suggested, a hint of slight uneasiness tickling his voice.

Your face blushes red madly. Your teacher wanted a demonstration of your quirk!? "S-sir, I don't know if that's a good idea."

Aizawa doesn't bat an eye toward you. "I understand you may feel embarrassed, but as your teacher, I must fully see what I am working with. Besides, if things get too heated, then I'll erase your quirk."

You blink at him, feeling slightly better at what he said. "Okay, I'll stay," you say timidly, bowing your head to him.

He nods in approval before walking away, announcing and dismissing the class. With slumped shoulders, a sore body, and a tummy full of twisted nerves, you made your way to the changing room, ignoring the sneers of the teammates you let down.

Your first day of school had already started off on a bad note; you could only hope that your new teacher would be the key to helping you achieve your dreams. 


Hey everyone! So this is the rewritten version, to make it a better story! I hope you like the changes! 

Old note:

I've decided to take a big step in my writing career and get a Patreon. Writing is my biggest passion and if I am able to support my family while doing it, then that will achieve my biggest dream! If you wish to support me, you can become one of my Patreon of just $1/month to have first access to story updates! This does not mean I will not post here, you'll just have to wait a little longer ;) 

If anything, it would mean the world to me if you decide to support me and my works! With that being said, I will be republishing the chapters and adding a new chapter by the end of the week. Or if you do decide to support me on Patreon, you'll get first access to the next chapter by tomorrow! 

Again, thank you always for the love and support you all bring me! 

Till next time, 

lots of love


