
Oz and Vicky talking about Liam


Oz and Amira Playing Roblox

Oz: So we can either play an adopt me or we can play royal high

Amira: R O Y A L  H I G H

Oz: Somebody please peer pressure me into finishing projects 

Damien: Do it or you're straight

Oz: I said peer pressure not threaten 

Liam: It's 2020 can we PLEASE put the K back in thicc

Polly: Thikc 

Liam: You know what, i'll take it

Miranda: Im getting a hair cut today

Scott: Which one?

Miranda: strand #1043 its getting longer than the rest

Miranda: *knock Knock*

Polly: Who is it?

Miranda: uh  *looks back at Vera* who is it

Vera: Say its the tax people

Miranda: The taxes

Polly: You cant come in

Vera: Tell her gonna fucking kill her entire family if she doesn't let us in 

Miranda: We haves cookie 

Damien: What if mayonnaise came in cans

Scott: That would suck cause you cant microwave metal 

Vera: Good morning to everyone except you two 

Scott: I am the proud owner of an IQ of 5 and a half

The slayer: Not for long!

Scott: Please its all I have

PGS: God I haven't cha cha slid since high school 

Literately everyone: I've never hear the cha cha slide referred to in the past tense and I'm fucking shaken
