Episode 5: The Stacker

"Nickel escaped from that camera dude and ran to Knife-

-who decided to present Marshmallow in his demonstration of how to make a s'more. Safe to say her limbs are broken.

Also Balloon managed to get OJ and Bomb to join him in a "strategic" alliance.

Anyhow the challenge included everyone using slingshots to help eachother cross which only led to Marshmallow getting across for Epic and Pickle and Taco for Chicken Leg.

Team Chicken Leg won yet again as a burnt Marshmallow failed to win what was supposedly a easy tug-of-war.

This left Team Epic up for another elimination and this time the viewers got to vote! (Woahhhh)

That's what you missed (if you haven't seen it already) on Inanimate Insanity."


"Hey Salty Salt!" Pepper walked over to Salt. "Hey Pepper! Wait- what's that?" "I got this frisbee from Nickel (I think his name was)" Pepper smiled. "Let's play catch!" Pepper beamed toward Salt. Truthfully she was a little worried after Salt fell for OJ.

Something told her to worry but she was determined to stay chill. All besties go through this ... right? Either way she thought if she'd spend more time with Salt, she could distract her from potentially running with OJ. As she tossed the frisbee she couldn't help but wonder how OJ felt.

If he liked her, Salt would be happy.. of course. But what would happen after that? Would she leave her? Maybe she'd call every holiday for a second before hanging up to kiss OJ in his mansion- "AAAGHH" Pepper snapped out of his daze and scrambled to run over to Salt's side.

"I-I didn't know a toy could bounce off a cloud..." Salt groaned as she sat up. "Oh my gosh Salt! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" "Uhhh, yeah... You know what happens when you tip a salt shaker though right?"

"Huh?" "Bad luck..." Salt rubbed her face. "Oh! Well I'm sure that's some nerdy myth or something." Pepper helped her get up. Salt glanced around. "Huh, I guess you're right-" Salt was interrupted by thunder which struck her. Pepper let go of her hand before she was electrocuted.

"Uggghhhh-" Salt fell on the floor. "Are you two okay?" OJ ran up to the two. "Yeah! Get away OJ! No one wants you here!!!" Pepper shoved him. "Owww, jeez I was just trying to help." OJ walked off. "O-OJ, are you ok-kay?" Bomb nudged him lightly. "Yeah, I don't know why she shoved me though." OJ rubbed his arm.

"Alright Team Epic, time for your elimination!" Mephone came up tp the team. Unfortunately most of the team was half-asleep. "Ugh-" Mephone grabbed a microphone and tapped it to make sure it was on. "GET UP!!!!" He  yelled as loud as he could. "Jeez! Jeez!" Paintbrush stumbled on their feet.

As everyone walked to the elimination area Mephone scanned the votes. He squinted his eyes and read over the list again. "What the....." He thought for a moment. "Ehh, I'll deal with it when it's important." He got in front of the team. "We better win a challenge soon." Nickel spat on the ground. "Eww, Nickel don't spit right next to me!" Paintbrush scooched over. "Sorry, just really tired right now."

"Okay, well Team Epic, I made cookies for this elimination.... However, I'm a fat slob... so I ate them." Everyone groaned in annoyance. "Anyhow we received over 265 votes. Reminder that Knife did gain immunity last episode so he's safe!" Mephone turned around and grabbed something out of a box. "Since I ate those cookies, this episode we have Dora Dolls!" Mephone waved the plastic toy around.

"Seriously?" Marshmallow glared at the overexcited host. "Here you go Knife!" He tossed the doll to the blade. "Huh." Knife examined the doll, he kinda found charm to the stupid faced doll. "Imagina que te gustan las muñecas-" The doll suddenly spoke.

Mephone giggled. Luckily to him being a phone, he had both a translator and a neat trick to change the voice box in the dolls. "Alright, Paintbrush and Nickel are also safe!" He gave them dolls as well. "Speaking of.... for some reason some voters voted for... 'NickkkkLeeeee?'" Mephone stared at the text on the page.

"Weird because we don't have a NickLE on this show..." Mephone threw the clipboard with the list behind him.

"Ummm ... Well since this is the case, Lightbulb is eliminated!" Mephone smiled. Lightbulb was flung away by the fist thingy. "Oh and yeah, Marshmallow you're safe."

After a minute or two the two teams were gathered. "For this challenge, you will be stacking 3 golf balls. And we are splitting the teams just for now." Mephone grinned. "Heh, that's easy!" Marshmallow sat down. "Huh, wait til you try Marshmallow..."

"The four to stack their 3 golf balls first gets a prize, and the last four are up for elimination." He put his hands behind his back before stepping away. Though, he didn't want to walk off just yet.

Marshmallow was quick to grab three golf balls from the pile. "This is gonna be the easiest challenge yet!" She eagerly sat down and started to stack the golf balls. Despite her excitement she couldn't express all of it. Ever since the last challenge (even after recovery) she was still a bit crisp.

Being burnt also caused her voice to be a little more squeaky, but only a few other contestants noticed it. She stacked two, easily enough. However once dropping the third ball everything fell. "No! That had to have been small mistake... right?" Marshmallow was basically going insane.

Nickel on the other hand, stacked them well. "Heh this was easy-" In frustration Marshmallow knocked his over. "Hey! I get we're not on the same team but you don't have to be so mean!" Nickel frowned. "Ack- I'm sorry I couldn't stop myself!" Marshmallow backed away.

Paintbrush stacked two, they stopped before putting the last ball on the stack. "Hmmm.. well if I do it now, I couldn't easily mess up. Maybe I should calculate first." Paintbrush wasn't the best at science or math, but maybe statistics would be on their side.

Salt sat near OJ, who was oblivious to her staring. "Heh, hey OJ." Salt tapped him. "Oh... uh hey." OJ quickly turned away to focus on stacking the small spheres. Salt rolled her eyes, but continued. "Y'know it was really nice of you to help me after Baseball ran me over." "You still care about that?" OJ muttered under his breath.

"Honestly I think you're a better captain than Balloon!" Salt checked her nails. "Uhhh, I mean thanks but-" "You and me could go way far!" "Huh?" OJ stopped what he was doing. "Salt... What do you mean?" "Well y'know ever since this game started I couldn't help but see you more than just friends-"

"Wait Salt- I need to tell you I'm not what you think-" "Oh OJ I know! You're so different from other guys." "Salt I'm h-" "You don't have to say anything, I already know you think I'm pretty." "Salt! Im g-"

Salt covered his mouth. Bomb, who was near the two, got up and walked over. "Wha-what are you do-ing?" Bomb frowned at Salt. Him and OJ were very close, and he knew how irritating Salt was. "Oh! Bomb shoo! Me and OJ are confessing our love!"

"S-salt you do know OJ is-" "Yeah, yeah! He isn't buff or anything but he's nice! That's all I need." OJ looked annoyed. Bomb was more than upset, "Salt! O-OJ and me are dating." Bomb stared her down. Salt went wide eyed. "You and OJ? Is that some kind of joke?" Salt looked bewildered.

"We've known each other since before the show, in college." Bomb put his hands on his shoulders. "Hmph! I'm sure OJ knows who's really important in his life!" Salt walked away. OJ gasped for air. "Jeez! What's with her?" OJ shook his head.

"Thanks, Bomb." "N-no problem." The truth was, they weren't dating. However they did in college. Bomb knew Salt wouldn't back off even if she knew OJ had dated Bomb in the past, so he had to twist the truth a little.

When Salt walked back over to Pepper, she was greeted with a complete stack of golf balls. "Salty Salt, I made your stack for you!" Pepper beamed. "Omg! Like thanks Pepper!" Salt hugged her. "Oh uhh how'd it go with OJ??" Pepper rubbed her arm. "Oh! Well I found out like he's dating that bomb freak... but once Bomb is eliminated I'll have him!" "Good." Pepper sighed.

Bomb sat down near OJ and finished his stacking.

Pickle and Taco had been trying to stack, however Pickle was the only one out of the two to finish. Taco on the other hand was playing with matches. And she burnt Marshmallow a bit more. Balloon had also finished thanks to his skills at stacking.

A week before the show Balloon had tried to train for random things that might be challenges, and luckily one training had come in handy.

Even if OJ wasn't the first four, he was happy to be safe from elimination again. He congratulated Bomb on getting a prize, which was a ice cream. "Well then that means there's only two spots left!" Mephone announced to the the contestants.

"Correction! Only one spot! I finished!" Paintbrush was very proud, after all this time they calculated how to stack them perfectly. Marshmallow was about to finally finish, until Nickel kicked it over. "Wow! Revenge is sweet!" Nickel took one golf ball and added it to his stack.

"Well there it is! This means Marshmallow, Pepper, Knife, and Taco are up for elimination." "Womp womp." Knife smirked.


OJ sat next to Bomb that night. "Bomb can I tell you something?" "O-of course." "Hmm... well I think I have a crush on someone." OJ fiddled with his hands. "Who? It b-better not be Salt." "It isn't!" OJ chuckled. "Well?" Bomb was eager. "Heh, I think I like Paper." OJ's face heated up a little. "W-wasn't he eliminated early though? How d-do you know?" "Well before this whole competition started we talked a little."

"He's shy and all that but I think that's why I like him." "Hmmmm" Bomb tapped his non-existent chin. "I hope I see him again. I'd like to get to know him more." OJ smiled.

"W-well good l-luck!" Bomb gave him a thumbs up. "Thanks."
