Ch. 3 Keeping Hell

So, its been like four or so days (which is pretty good for me) since an update. Here I offer you chapter Three, which features some (well a lot in my book) Destiel... Sorry I really am. But Lucifer finally appears in the story so thats something to look forward to, right? This is the longest (I think) Chapter thing so far. As always, even though you guys don't seem to want to, leave comments or whatever, like it... do something. I feel like its a terrible story, prove me wrong. This also has not ben edited so sorry if it does suck. 



    Meanwhile, while the boys were trying to figure out the case of the blood and Anori's wings, Lucifer was pacing in the cage , listening to Michael yell at him for absolutely no reason. Something was wrong, he could feel it.

    "Michael, stop talking!" He snapped at his brother, "Something isn't right."  

    Michael stopped for maybe two seconds to look at him incredulously, and then continued, "I'll tell you what's wrong, you and that stupid Girl in the garden. You went and started this all because you couldn't live with her being dead you selfish prick. I'm here because of you!"

    He turned on his brother and shoved him against the wall, holding him by his throat. "Listen to me." He snarled, eyes glowing slightly, "I was lied to! I only wanted the best for everyone! Stop putting this all on me. Now listen to me, something is wrong and it involves her I can--"

    "Now now boys." Interrupted a gruff British voice from outside the cage; both turned and glared at the king of Hell, who was holding a glass of Scotch. "There's no need for arguing like this." He said swinging his glass around, "You're disturbing Hell, and quite frankly I'm not too pleased. So would you two kindly Shut Your Pie Holes!" He screamed at them, face turning red before turning his back to walk away.

    The brothers looked at each other and then to the man retreating from the cage. "Crowley! Get back here!" Snarled Lucifer, glaring at Michael who stood by his side.

    "And if I don't?" He challenged, looking over his shoulder.

    Lucifer narrowed his eyes. "Just get over here. I need you to do something for me."

    "And what's in it for me?"

    "Keeping hell." He replied.

    "I'm listening." He replied walking back towards the devil, Michael just rolled his eyes and sat down, figuring that if his brother was right, shit was going to go down and then he would be powerless.

    "I need you to find an angel..." He said calmly, walking up to the edge of the cage.




“Cas, man. There’s nothing more we can do.” Dean sighed. “Just let her rest. Sammy got her patched up. She’ll be okay.”

“Dean. He removed her wings!” he whisper screamed, running his hands through his hair.

“You don’t know that, they could have been-” he began to reply, but Cas shook his head.

“They would be mangled, like Gadreel’s, if they were injured in the fall, not clean cut off.” he muttered, pacing in front of the table. “God!” he screamed, turning and smashing his fists into the table. “She’s not even my Innamorata and I want Metatron dead!”

“Your what?” asked Dean, making that cute little confused face.

“My Innamorata.” Cas replied. “My one lover.”

“Like a soul mate?”

“Yes, Like a soul mate.” he sighed. “But more powerful.”

“Do you have a Inna- inamo- Innamerate thing… a lover?” Dean asked, blushing slightly.

“All angels do.” he replied, shyly avoiding Dean’s reddened face. “Sometimes the other does not accept it or they die and then the angel suffers alone, either sadly watching or mourning the death.”

“And what is it you do or rather did?” he asked the former angel. “Do you watch or mourn?”

Cas looked up, contemplating if he should really tell him, "I watch, I have always watched." He said sadly, looking into those wonderously green eyes of Dean's. "I have watched him since the day...since..." He paused, looking away from Dean, not wanting to continue but doing so anyways. "Since when I... Pulled him from hell." He finished in a rush, turning redder than Dean and then running to the kitchen, unable face him.

Dean stood there, not believing a word he had just heard from his angels mouth. Cas loved him, he was his Innamarato. He ran after him, wanting so badly to reciprocate. "Cas!" He cried, running into the kitchen and holding his struggling angel fast by the shoulders. "Don't ever... EVER, think I don't love you. Ever." He whispered, moving a hand to cup his face. "Do you understand?" He asked. Cas did not answer and Dean acted, crashing his lips upon Cas'.

They were interrupted by someone clearing their throat, Dean pulled away just long enough to tell Sammy to screw off, then went back to mooching.

“Well now, is that any way to treat a guest?” Came Crowley’s snarky voice.
