Don't Wake Me Up

Blue eyes bored into my green ones, I was captivated by them. I couldn't escape them and I wouldn't. I could feel his hot breath on my face, he was so close to me and that made my heart race a million beats in a second. He licked his lips, his hungry gaze traveling to my lips and staying there. At this moment,  I didn't want anything but to be kissed by those edible lips. He leaned in as his lips were now closer so painfully close, after what seemed like forever he closed the gap between us. His lips felt like heaven, I was lost in them. He tasted really good and I couldn't help the moan that escaped me. As a cue his hands ran along my body, leaving a hot trail behind it, staying longer on parts that screamed to be touched. His lips left mine and went on their own way to the rest of my body, leaving me-- moaning, whimpering and begging for him to take me, to ravish me.

"Baby, I want you so much, " he whispered in my ear, his lips nibbling my ear lobe and to prove his point he pressed his growing arousal into my heated core, making me moan and press myself into him more "fuck, I need you now" he growled into my ears and positioned himself between my legs

"Please" as he was about to enter me, someone shouted my name in my ears.

I jolted up as I took my surrounding in; I was in my room on my bed. I sighed, it was merely a dream. I looked down at myself; I was covered in thick cold sweat. Ugh. I looked up to see a very amused Donna with her hands on her hips, lifting an eyebrow.

"Let me guess. It was one of those dreams of you and the Greek god having it on" she rolled her eyes

"How did you know?" I frowned, throwing the heavy covers off. It was too damn hot in her.

"Well, your moans and cries for him to take you, just gave it away, " she smirked and I felt my whole face sets on fire. Shit that didn't happen, especially in front of her.

"I did not, " I lied and hid my face so she can't see my now red face.

"You did too, " she smirked "oh please I want you, take me, " she mimicked me in a fake girly voice "Oh my god it feels so good, you are so--"

"I did not say that" I screamed at her as I got up from the bed and threw my pillow at her which she squealed and avoided "get out of my room, Bitch" I yelled in frustration and mostly, embarrassment.

"Alright, calm your tits down, " she held her hands up in the air "Horny virgin" she muttered as she went out of my way.

I sighed and groaned in frustration. Why this has to happen every-fucking-time? It wasn't the first time I had this dream and this hunk in it. He had been in my dreams for a long while now, for years. Even before I was married to Dylan he was there, when I was married, I couldn't help feeling guilty that I was dreaming of someone else besides my husband but I couldn't stop it and I wouldn't. I know it may seem crazy, but these dreams feel so real, he feels so real. I ran my fingertips over my lips, still feeling the pressure of the kiss; I swear I could almost feel the taste of his lips. I don't have those kind of wet dreams every time, it happens sometimes. Most of the dreams are so sweet and innocent.

 I sometimes wonder if he was real, if he did have these dreams like me. Would I ever meet him if he was real? Would I have a chance with him? Would I ever have to feel his lips on mine?

I was taken out of my thoughts as I heard Donna screaming for me to hurry up and I was late.

Shoot, I looked at the clock and it said 8 am. Fuck, I had only one hour to get ready and go to work.

That's when I remembered something. Holy shit today was the meeting with the English group. It was important, really important, my job relayed on that meeting.

I hurried over to the shower and took a nice cold one to erase the dreams effects on me and wake me up. I dried myself with the towel, then wrapped it around me. I got out of the bathroom and picked up a nice business outfit. I put them on and did all the other things.

Shoot, I was done and it was 30 minutes till the freaking meeting.

"Donna" I screamed her name "Get your ass down here. I'm late, " she showed up walking as slowly as a turtle.

"Hey, " she protested as I was practically shoving her out of my apartment.

"I'll be late for the meeting, " I jumped into her car as she mumbled some colorful words then she started the car.

It has been six months since I got back here and stayed at Donna's house, I stayed with them for like two months till I finally found a job and rented a flat. It wasn't that big, but it was okay for me, I couldn't have wished for more. Donna's father was the one who helped me get my certain job that I was late for now and I'll probably get thrown out because of that. I didn't have a car, yet, actually I can't drive that's why Donna is picking me up. She lives with me, she's my ultimate roommate, but she really doesn't pay the rent.  Yeah, I know.

I was nervous for two things. One, I had an important meeting that was a big deal for the company and the CEO of the company was attending it. Second, I was late. Third (even though I didn't mention it), I'm screwed.

I was in the car and guess what it was a traffic jam, FML.

After what seemed like centuries, we finally pulled up in front of the company. I said goodbye to Donna as I literally ran inside, shoving people out of my way. I know it may seem rude, but hey, that's my job that we are talking about. I stopped the elevator before it closed and got inside. I looked at my watch and it was 9:05. SHIT. I was officially screwed. I was tapping impatiently as the elevator was moving so slow. FUCKING MOVE, I screamed in my head. Oh shit, my boss will kick my ass.

Eventually I reached my floor; I got out and went to the encounter. God, please get on my side today. I stood in front of the door shaking. Alright, calm down Megan, you can do it. I took a long breath then I opened the door and went in. I could feel all the stares on me involving my boss which I knew it was death draggers.

"Sorry, I was late, " I smiled sheepishly. The English group and our company workers that were involved in the meeting gave me disapproving looks and dirty looks "I know it's kind of rude to be late but it wasn't my problem that the traffic was jammed. You know, oh you must know. Who didn't get stuck in a traffic jam and its delayed him from something important" I shrugged and they nodded "they must find a solution to fix this problem, or we all will be screwed because of it. It isn't our problem" I threw my hands in the air, trying to play it cool and basically drive their attention away from me being late.

"Yeah" an old man with a heavy British accent said and I assumed that he was the chief of the English group "it's such a pesky problem, tell me about it because of it I had almost missed my wedding" he chuckled and shook his head.

"It must have been hard" I liked that man already.

"If I didn't turn up at the right time. She would have killed me and cut me to pieces and feed me to the dogs. She is quite lovely, " he laughed and I joined him.

" You have got a nice one" most of the sitting laughed along with us. Wow, I was so close of getting my ass kicked. I looked at my boss who was faking a laugh, then he gave me a death stare.

"Asshole" I mumbled and stuck my tongue out when he turned his back. I heard someone chuckle. Oops, looks like I was caught. I didn't look up or made an eye contact with that person, I dismissed it.

We got off on the meeting as there was a big discussion on the products and the business that both companies held. I was listening to them and stayed silent.

"So what do you think, Ms. Vermont?" asked the old man again. In case you are wondering, yes I had changed my last name to Donna's because I didn't want anything to remind me of my previous family. I looked up at him kind of shocked that he asked me.

"Um...Well, I pretty agree with them" I nodded my head "but there is always better ideas"

"How?" He leaned in his chair, seeming interested.

I looked unsure and glanced over at my boss that gave me a look that told me to shut up, but I agreed against it and talked to piss him off "well, the ways you are talking about is so old and lame"

"Really?" his eyebrows were raised in an amused manner.

"Yeah, " I nodded and got up "first, the advisements are so lame and boring. Like who would buy a product that the commercial is showing supermodels that are perfect. We are not dump, we recognize that this is their real skin and hair, and they don't even use the product. We know that this is for adverting. And putting animals in the commercials. Are you insane? You are basically telling the people 'hey, those our lab rats' I wouldn't even buy this product. We need something that attracts people, we need commercial that get stuck in their heads. I don't know, but what about making it kind of comedy one. You know some funny lines and moves trust me it will attract people" they looked unsure so I went to a woman from the English group and sat down beside her, she looked weird at me "I love your perfume. From where did you get it?" I asked, she looked taken aback for a while but then she smiled

"My friend told me about it, it's very popular in the UK, " she threw her hair behind her shoulder.

"Oh, I see. Well, dose most of the products you use your friends told you about it?" I asked.

"Yeah, we tell each other. It's not just the beauty products everything, to even the milk brand" she said

"I see, " I turned around to very confused people "well, I know that you are pretty confused, but you won't be for so long" I smiled, then stood up again to the in front of the table resting my palms against the cool table " You wonder why I asked her that? Simple. We women tell each other about these new products is and how they are good or bad. Well, here's where it comes in handy. You realize if we gave samples of the new products to random women for free and they liked it. They will tell each other about it; it will be a free adverting for us. We just need to give them to the right women that will spread them wisely. Good talk here and there and you can say welcome to another million of dollars. Sounds lame, but it works, it happens with me and I'm sure all of the women that are sitting here with us" I looked hopeful at all of them, the old man was thinking it over and over. I kept on persuading them and even coming up with new ideas that I never knew that I had.

I stood there my heart is racing and waiting for their decision.

"I agree with her, " said the sexiest voice I've ever heard. No, scratch this. I've heard it before. I turned around slowly to the source of the voice, my eyes snapped to meet the eyes of the speaker.

My breath was caught in my throat as I started in shock and disbelief at those blue orbs that I've never thought I would ever see in real life.  


here is chapter 2 hope u enjoy it

I'm writing this story fro fun and I don't care about how many reads it will gets but anyway thank you for reading.

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thanks xxx
