Chapter Ten

When the emperor heard about the assassination attempt on Sasha, he was angry. Who would dare to assassinate his 'pride'. 

And he had two suspects who would do such a lowly thing. 

His son or that girl, Kate.

He was inclined more on his son than the girl, so he called them to the court and asked the two of them to tell the truth.

The emperor had a soft spot for Sasha because of her mother, Ophelia. He had a crush on her and was planning to propose her as a prince but when he heard about her marriage with Marquess Castina, he was enraged so much that he killed his father, sat on the throne and earned the title of a tyrant.

He still went out of his way to propose only to got rjected. He wanted to kill Marquess but couldn't because he was one of the pillars of the empire.

So he just decided to let his son marry Ophelia's daughter.

Which, turned out, had led to havoc.

"So between you both, who decided to send assassins to assassinate Lady Zecallion?" Asked the emperor, his voice pressurised the whole courtroom.

Both of the suspects trembled, one in fear and the other in guilt.

Kyle gritted his teeth and clenched his hands, blood drawing from his nails that were digging in his skin.

Kate was sniffing. She didn't expect Kyle to be so hellbent in killing Sasha. 

Afterall, the culprit was Kyle and not her.

"Father it was Kate who did it!" Kyle exclaimed and pointed his finger towards Kate.

"It wasn't me! It was you!" The poor sound cried out.

"I tried stopping you! Now you blame it on all of me!? How could you do this Kate!?" Kyle glared hard at her as she trembled with betrayal.

"I didn't! I could never think of doing anything bad to Lady Sasha!" She cried out.

"Silence!" The emperor raised his hand and then glanced towards Kate with cold eyes.

"Take her to the prison and whip her till she says the truth!" He declared.

Kate's eyes widened as she looked at Kyle with anger, fear and sadness.

"Father…" Kyle coughed out.

"Do you have anything to say!?"

"I need to have a word with Kate. I believe she will tell me the truth!" Kyle bowed and glanced sideways at Kate.

The emperor nodded his head, giving him permission. 

Kyle went beside Kate and whispered to her, "Thank you for taking the blame…Thank you for being a stepping stone towards my goal." 

That's when Kate's thread of tolerance snapped, her heart broke and her bottled anger escaped as she yelled at him, "You will rot in hell! Mark my words!"

Before the silver haired girl could lash out anymore, the guards took her to the prison.

"Kyle, I think you shouldn't marry that woman!"

"Your words are my command, your Majesty." He bowed respectfully but no one could see the malicious grin that decorated his face.
