19. teamwork really does make the dream work



The next thing Kaveh remembered after waking up was the doctors uncontrollable swearing and a concerned Alhaitham gently patting his cheek to wake him up.

"Hmm?" He mumbled as he felt his roommates touch, his cheeks flushing a bit.

"Come on, lets go." Alhaitham whispered to him as he helped him up.

"Who's that lunatic swearing at? What happened?" Kaveh asked as he rubbed his eyes, still not fully back to his senses.

"Wanderer and xiao. They attacked him and tased him. I'll explain later." Alhaitham replied shortly, before swiftly picking his roommate up and escaping from the room while the other two distracted the doctor.

Kaveh didn't even notice but he ended up falling asleep in Alhaithams arms as he got carried out. but he was soon woken up by the sound of loud deeps, probably a siren. He could hear Alhatham swearing to himself as he ran out of the building and put Kaveh down before closing the door behind him.

"Kaveh, listen...R.U.N." The grey haired male said as he pushed kaveh to encourage him.

"I'm not going anywhere without you." Kaveh stated stubbornly as he crossed his arms.

"Yeah, kaveh you're really cute and romanic but this isn't the right time, you actually have to run." Alhiatham said strictly as he kept trying to push Kaveh.

Kaveh sighed, he knew Alhiatham could defend himself with his hot dreamy muscles but he wanted to be there. He couldn't just leave. he didnt even know where to go.

(As a person that doesn't like big muscles or pretty much men in general I felt wierd writing that.)

"Kaveh, quick!" Alhaitham repeated strictly.

Kaveh felt like he had no other choice, Alhaitham was basically ordering him to run. His boring life felt like a movie. It had felt like a movie since they ran away together. It was the best worst decision he had ever made.

"fine" Kaveh mumbled, he gave Alhaitham a very quick kiss on the lips before running off. (I imagined a bride running off when I wrote this idk why thoooo.)


(Took a little break here and literally accidently cut my hair like scaras-)



Alhaitham felt a bit shocked for a moment after the kiss, he already missed the feeling of Kavehs soft lips against his, he even considered trying to catch up to Kaveh for another kiss but he didnt have enough time. he had to go on with the boys' plan.

He saw that a lot of guards were coming towards the entrance of the base, that was a part of the plan. He looked at some of them and realised that he was literally stronger than most of them. (visions and delusions dont exist here) He beat some of them up but they just kept coming and coming, Alhaitham was starting to get tired. all he had to do was to clear the exit way so the other two boys would be able to get out without guards getting in their way. Thats exactly why they set off the sirens. to get all of the attention to the front door where Alhaitham would knock them out.

Soon the other two arrived. Xiao stabbed one of the guards with his polearm before Wanderer punched his face, knocking him out. That was the last guard there at the moment. They quickly ran out and closed the door behind them before more Fatui guards had the time to catch up.


Alhaitham sat by a river as he cleaned up his bloodied clothes and cuts, Kaveh helping and putting band-aids, that wanderer had stolen from the doctors office, on him.

The said Indigo haired boy sat down next to his new friend and showed him his fist, expecting a fist bump. Xiao rolled his eyes at wanderers gesture but still gave in and bumped his fist against his new friend's.

"You're a good fighter, wanderer." He said as he cleaned his polearm in the water, making sure there was no blood on it.

"You too, Xiao." Wanderer complimented the boy in return before patting his shoulder and getting up to talk to his schoolmates.

"Ay lovebirds, we should probabaly go back. Your friends are worried about you and so are the teachers." He said as he wetted his hand in the river and splashed the water into Kavehs face, earning an annoyed groan from the blonde in return.

The three said goodbye to Xiao and thanked him for his help before heading back to the hotel. The trip took a while but they safely made it back. Kaveh qanted to see his friends but it was already late so Alhiatham ended uo dragging him back to their dorm instead.


"So, kaveh what have we learned from this experience?" Alhiatham asked his roommate as he pinned him down on his bed.

"That you make shit decisions?" The blonde asked, trying to piss his "friend" off.

"Haha, how funny, princess." The "friend" in question replied with a visible smirk on his face.

"I promised that we would get back safely and I kept that promise, Kaveh."

"Nuh-uh, Wanderer kept your promise."

"I took a big part in that escape, alright? I would have never forgiven myself if that doctor did anything to you so don't speak of this so lightly, is that clear?" Alhiatham asked, seriously now.

"Mhm, but you know whats not clear?"


"Why we're not together yet..." Kaveh said as he raised his eyebrows.

"I was just waiting for you to suggest it, I guess." Alhaitham defended himself and shrugged.

"Why me? You're such a strong man and are literally my savior but you can't handle asking me to be your boyfriend? I thought you were as strong mentalky as you are physically, Alhiatham." The blonde teased with the attitude Alhiatham had grown to love.

"Oh shut it, Kaveh." He responded before leaning down to Kavehs level and kissing him. As he pulled away he leaned back up again, basically doing a whole push-up as he kissed his now ?boyfriend?, taking away Kavehs breath even more.


A/N- Theyre back safely yalll. Idk this fanfic seems so silly to me i honestly feels like it makes no sense but hey that not necessarily a bad thing, right? (It totally is, I'm just trying to convince myself.)

Also sorry for the random comments I was making whilw writing I've been yapping a lot recently I just cant shut up.

Also I wanna start updating this book more often but school is just UGHHHH.

And as always thank you so much for reading this masterpiece (silly ass book) I LOVE YALL SO MUCH.

also i read all of your commant and Yall are literally the best and I love your humor!!!!

Alr im gonna stop talking now, have a good day yall!! (☝️🤓Umm, technically I'm typing not talking but-)
