
Klaus pov

I watched Caroline vamp away to get Camille, she really cares about her. I felt sadness I ruined my chance with Caroline and now she likes Camille witch surprised me because I would've thought that she would hate her after what happened but I guess not. i was making a plan with my brother Elijah.

Caroline's ppov

i arrived at marcels house and his vampires took me too him. i walked into this huge room where i saw Camille chained and beaten my heart sank and my veins grew under my eyes from how much i was mad. "c-Caroline? is that you." she whispered " its me Camille im going to get you out of here don't worry." i said back and looked around where my eyes landed on marcel with a smirk on his face i vamped up to him and hissed at his face " hello to you too Caroline, that's no way to greet your king." he said with a smirk on his face "your no king to me, now let Camille go you have me ." i said and looked back at Camille "no Caroline I'm  not leaving you!" Camille tried to yell.  marcels vampires unchained her and vamped to drop her off near Klaus's house.

" you have feelings for a human? now that's foolish you know why because i could easily find her and kill her in the blink of an eye." he said and laughed " i understand why Klaus is in love with you, your as foolish as him." he said  " I don't have feelings for a human, and Klaus is not in love with me so you can stop saying lies or I will." I said and pinned him to the wall " you made a wrong choice princess, you should've stayed dead." he said then all of a sudden I felt a needle in my neck and everything went black.

Klaus pov

its been almost 7 hours since she left im starting to get worried what if something happened to her? a loud knock pushed those thoughts away I vamped hoping it would be Caroline but it wasn't it was Camille she was beaten in tears and screaming Caroline but why?  I rushed her to the couch "Camille what happened? where's Caroline?! I yelled " I tried but I was too weak I didn't want it to go this way, marcel has her you need to get her now!" she yelled I vamped to the door then she said before I left " please don't let anything happen to her I need her." she said while crying I felt jealously rise up but I didn't have time.

I was not about to lose Caroline again by marcel so I vamped to his house. I kicked the door down and realized none of his vampires where in the main hall, I vamped to every room in the house and finally came upon one with Caroline in it she was tied to a chair and was knocked out I vamped to her and looked around making sure no one was here but of course someone had to be here and it was marcel in the corner of the room smirking " hello Klaus here to watch Caroline die again? you don't get it do you love is a vampires greatest weakness and she's making you weak you have to let her go or ill make you in the worse way possible" he said " I already know your going to try and kill her but i wont allow it this time." i growled "oh god of course not that would just be boring doing the same thing, what i was thinking i erase your memory of her everything that you shared." he clapped his hands and all his vampire friends came out of the darkness  

they rushed at me pinning me to the ground i looked up  at Caroline she flutter her eyes opened and realized what was happening she broke out of the chair and her eyes were glowing yellow, but how she's not a hybrid? she screamed in anger and attacked all of the vampires on top  of me she ripped all of there hearts i got up and vamped to the one trying to get away and ripped his head.  i looked at Caroline with my eyes glowing as well and we smirked and looked back at marcel that was shocked
