Chapter 2: Lost

Marinette' POV:

It had been two hours of mind numbing class and now every student waited as the clock's minute hand painstakingly moved, at the slowest rate possible to man. But, finally the bell began to ring and the students started packing up for lunch. I grabbed my bag, and walked up to Alya who was still talking to Marceline. I tapped her shoulder and she turned around with a surprised look on her face" Marinette, when did you get here?" Alya asked with a dumbfound expression. I looked at her with disappointment and then answered her question, "Right before school started" I answered a bit annoyed.

Marceline was behind Alya so I looked over her shoulder and gave a friendly wave." Who are you?" Marceline asked while pointing a finger at me, now that just ticked me off. Alya looked towards Marceline and introduced me, " Marci this is my friend Marinette" Alya explained. " Hi! It's nice to meet you Marceline" I greeted with the fakest enthusiasm I'd ever expressed. She looked at me with a disgusted expression and then spoke, " Oh, so you're the famous Marinette, it's nice to meet you to" She said blandly

The two then grabbed their bags and left me standing alone, like an idiot. I walked to lunch and noticed that Alya was was once again with Marceline. She was also sitting with Adrien and Nino, who were listening intently to what she was saying. Uughhh, first my best friend and now my crush, is she trying to take my place?, I thought. While lost in thought I accidently... rammed into someone. The collision had knocked me onto my but, along with the other person,"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" I said while gathering all of the papers that had slipped out of the persons hold. " It's okay Marrinette" Nathaniel stuttered out while accepting his papers back.

After I helped Nathaniel, and he walked away I realized. My purse is gone. The same purse that Tikki's in, the same purse my miraculous is in,the same purse that my friend is in, the same purse my earrings are in, the same purse my power is in. I checked the ground to see if it was just laying around, but it was nowhere to be seen. Without my earrings I can't be Ladybug, and Paris needs Ladybug and Chat Noir.

For the rest of the day I run around the school checking every corner and crevice for my bag. Most kids thought i was crazy when I checked through the garbage cans, but Tikki is more than just my kwami she's also my friend. At the end of the day I go back to the school office to check the lost and found, for the tenth time today. But, to my surprise my bag was at the top of the pile. I rush to the box and snatch off the top of the pile, I quickly open the bag. But, the earrings aren't in it anymore. I grab my bag and run home hoping that she safely returned to my house or someone found what was in my bag and brought it to my house. I pass by random couples on the streets of paris, mostly strangers. I finally make it home, and I become quite surprised when I see that Marceline is buying a batch of chocolate chip cookies from the bakery. I ignored her presence and quickly walked up to my room.But, when I walked in my earrings were nowhere to be found. No Kwami, No Tikki, No Powers, No Friends.

( Okay really short chapter but the next one is insanely long. Once again Comment, Vote, Add, Share, and READ.

Thank You!!!)
