chapter 2

You went to greet the Angel messengers. They were in the meeting room. One of them had sky blue hair and tangerine sunny eyes. The other had blonde hair and teal eyes.

They had a bored expression on their faces looking at their scrollphones. It was the latest type of phone invented by the company Demo and Ang.

Their eyes lit up when they noticed your presence and suddenly wide alert they bowed and mumbled their utmost courtesy.

"Our apologies." said the white haired one.

"We have no desire to disrespect you Queen Y/n of Dark Night. My name is Day." the blue haired angel said.

"And that's Eirwen."

Eirwen smiled and bowed down again.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you both." You said smiling.

"I- uhm.. Well the reason why we came is that we bear a message from our Prince Rahab."

The expression on your face must have been grim because the Angel Messenger seemed to look more nervous.

Prince Rahab was an interesting fellow. The purest of all angels. He was like a celebrity idol. Prince Rahab was Perfection to everybody but you. To you he was that annoying guy that always tried to talk to you during Social gatherings.

"Ah- uhm.. Since he's.. about to become King.. Prince Rahab had requested to come to your palace to learn about your culture and gain some wisdom. He is also coming to apologize for the Assassin who... your father. We found out who it was, and we will be sending them to you, so you can..." Day gulped.

You sighed on the inside, rubbing your temple. You had just more work piled up on your head again?

"More stress, less rest and then I get more tests." You muttered to yourself before regaining your composition.

"Hmph. He can come I suppose. I'll just have to rearrange my entire schedule. You can leave now." You said, lazily waving your hand.

"Oh ah- Thank you." Day said bowing again before leaving. Eirwen kept on staring at you, making you feel uncomfortable.

"What is it?" You asked at him

"It's just.. That you're so beautiful Queen Y/n."

The comment surprised you. Yes, you were aware that you are good looking, it's just that's the last thing any demon would say. Oh damn it! This was an angel.

"I-I uh. Thank you." You stuttered a bit, surprising yourself.

Eriwen smiled at you, but his teal eyes were shining in worry.

"I have one last thing to tell you, Be careful. Us angels may have a reputation of being pure hearted but still. Prince Rahab has a notorious reputation for 'helping' women." Eirwen said before leaving to follow Day.

What? Prince Rahab the purest of them all? What could he mean? And why did he compliment you? Those thoughts were swirling in your head as you walked down the hallway to finish all of your stressful assignments.

"Your Majesty Y/n." a voice said, stepping out of the shadows. The light hit the tiny figure showing a petite girl with maroon red hair and blue eyes. This girl was named Aguya. You rescued her a long time ago, in return she works for you.

"What news do you have this time?" You asked.

"Well, it seems like the fights are dwindling." Aguya replied, twirling her knives, with a bored expression on her face.

"Hmm, well that can't be any good. We need to keep those fools alive until I find another group willing to make a deal with me." You said, your brow furrowing.

"Don't do that!" Aguya exclaimed.

"You'll get wrinkles!" She added, laughing cheerfully.

Aguya owed you. She remembered when you rescued her. Aguya worships you. 
