Credit to Renowned Wolf for helping me for a few things on this chapter.

Scene opens on Loona in IMP's office reading a magazine called IMPGossip. The cover highlights an interview with Verosika about how "Binge drinking is sexy". She takes a swig of alcohol and places it on the Grimoire. A portal soon opens, the screams of your latest victims can be heard as a tree falls through the portal into the office, followed by the severed head of a Lumberjack.

You and Moxxie pop out of the tree revving chainsaws, with you reverting from your human disguise back to your Demon form. Blitzo walks in with an ax.

Blitzo: Wooo, that was a fuck ton of Lumberjacks!

Millie scurries in like an animal, carrying an ax between her teeth

Millie: Ahhhh! I'm still so jazzed up!

She screams in excitement yet again while breaking her ax.

Moxxie: Well, you better *stay* jazzed, babe. Because guess we're I'm taking you tonight?

Blitzo: (Teasingly) Don't you dare finish a filthy pun in my presence, Moxxie. Besides, drinks are on me tonight. Let's hit up the new dive down the street.

Moxxie: Actually, sir, it's our one year marriage anniversary. So I'm taking Millie to Ozzie's in the Lust Ring!

Millie: (With her eyes sparkling) Ozzie's?!?! No way! That place is always booked!

Moxxie: Yeah, well...I've been planning it for quite a while.

Millie: (Pouncing on him) Oh, Moxxie!

She kisses him several times before the two of them start full-on making out.

Blitzo: Okay...uh...

He turns to you and Loona

Blitzo: The three of us tonight! How 'bout it?

Y/N: Oh. Sorry, Blitzo. But it's my six-month anniversary with Loona and Verosika, and I wanted to do something special for them.

You walk over to Loona's desk and the two of you hold hands lovingly before Verosika walks through the door.

Verosika: Hey, Puppy. I got your text. What's up?

Y/N: Well, since we've been dating for half a year, I wanted to give the two of you something to show how much you mean to me.

Loona: Babe, you didn't have to-

Y/N: I know. But I'd feel bad if I didn't do something for the two lovely ladies who taught me love was possible. Okay, close your eyes and put your hands out.

They do so and you place tiny boxes in their hands.

Y/N: Alright. Now open them.

They both open their eyes and see the tiny boxes before unwrapping them and pulling out a pair of jewel encrusted golden lockets. They both gasp in admiration before opening them. Inside of their respective lockets is a picture of them snuggled up to you. They then place them together to show a picture of all three of you snuggled up together.

Loona: How did you-

Verosika: These must've cost you a fortune!

Y/N: Yeah, I had to take on some side jobs off the books. But it was definitely worth it.

Loona and Verosika both pounce on you, driving you against Loona's desk while they give you bedroom eyes.

Verosika: You sweetheart!

Both of them start showering you with kisses which leads into a three way make out session. Blitzo looks at all the PDA around him and groans in disgust.

Blitzo: Ugh. Can...can you guys not?

Moxxie: (Catching his breath) I'm sorry, sir. Maybe some other time?

Blitzo: No, it's fine! I can go with the two of you!

Moxxie: Uh, no. The reservation is for us.

Blitzo: Uh huh.

Moxxie: Just us.

Blitzo: Mmm-hmm.

Moxxie: Without you there. Explicitately without you there!

Blitzo: (Hugging them) I'll wear something nice. It's a big deal after all!

Verosika: What's this limpdick inviting himself to?

Y/N: (With several lipstick marks) Their one year wedding anniversary at Ozzie's.

Verosika: Oh, cool. The three of us should head there tonight.

Y/N and Loona: Really?

 Verosika: I'm supposed to perform there anyway. The owner is a good friend and I can guarantee we get *all* the perks.

She purrs sexually while running her hands down your chest to your crotch. However, this is interrupted when Blitzo invades your personal space.

Blitzo: Oh, you know, I could hang out with the three of you as well. 

Y/N: ...Were you not listening when I said it's our six month anniversary and we also have plans?

Blitzo: So what time are we heading out?

The three of you glare at him regarding his lack of respect for your privacy.

Verosika: Can you please use your powers on him?

Y/N: I would, but he might fire me. And this is the only job where I'm paid to kill scumbags.

Loona holds up a spritz bottle labeled "Blitzo-be-gone" and sprays it in his face, causing him to freak out and run out of the office.

Y/N: What's in that bottle?

Loona: You don't wanna know.

Cut to the Lust Ring, where the three of you are standing outside of Ozzie's.

Loona is wearing a dress reminiscent of a 1920's Flapper

You're wearing a Red Suit

Verosika has her hair in a Ponytail and is wearing this

A/N: I have no idea to describe what's she wearing, I'm not a fashionable person. But who cares? She still looks drop-dead gorgeous.

After being waved through by the bouncer, you're intercepted by none other than the Prince of Lust himself, Asmodeus, or Ozzie, as he prefers to be called.

Verosika: (Cheerfully) Ozzie!

Ozzie: Verosika, my dear! Lovely to see you again.

He leans down the two of them give the other a professional kiss on the cheek.

Verosika: Ozzie, this is my boyfriend. Y/N L/N, the Son of Cerberus. And this is Loona, one of his other girlfriends.

Ozzie: The Son of Cerberus, it's an absolute pleasure!

He extends his hand and you shake it.

Ozzie: I must say, you've done a decent job acting in my name. Few can handle a harem. Let alone, a harem with five succubi and a Goetia Princess.

Y/N: (Grinning nervously) Thanks. I think.

Ozzie: (to a Hostess) Please, escort this lovely trio to one of our best tables. And give them a complimentary bottle of our finest champagne! 

Cut to the outside of Ozzie's where Blitzo is arguing with the bouncer.

Bouncer: Name.

Blitzo: Y/N L/N. Uh...boy, do I hate Rapists! Bark bark???

Bouncer: Huh. That's funny. A "Y/N L/N" walked in here half an hour ago with Verosika Mayday and a Hellhound. 

Blitzo: He did? I-I mean I did?

Bouncer: Look, everyone knows Verosika Mayday is dating the Son of Cerberus. It's all over her Voxtagram account!

He shows Blitzo a new post on her account, featuring her giving you a loving kiss on the cheek. The caption reads "Taking my boyfriend for a night out at Ozzie's! Happy six month anniversary, Puppy! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO"

Blitzo: Oh.

Bouncer: And even if you were him, this club is for people in relationships only.

Blitzo: Well...maybe we can take care of that...daddy...?

Scene cuts to a dumpster. A punch sound effect is heard and Blitzo slams into the lid before falling into the dumpster

Blitzo: You fucking prude!

Cut to the inside of Ozzie's where you, Verosika, and Loona are being seated when you encounter some familiar faces

Ace and Josh: Hey, Y/N!

Y/N: Ace, Josh! My guys!

You bro-hug the two of them

Y/N: So are you guys-

Josh: Yeah, this is our first date.

Y/N: Well, congrats, guys!

Josh and Ace: Thanks, man.

You notice Kiki and Milky talking with the Goetia's butler among some other demons, who excuse themselves.

Kiki and Milky: Hey, Puppy!

Y/N: Hey, girls!

Both of them kiss you on the cheek

Milky: Congrats on six months with these two.

Kiki: Though I hope you're planning on doing something with the rest of us when we hit our six month anniversary.

Y/N: Trust me, you girls are gonna lose your minds.

Scene cuts to the Goetia Mansion, where Stolas is depressingly pouring milk into a bowl of cereal before sitting down in front of the TV with his "dinner". He switches the TV to a show called Hell-A Novella.

Gabriella: Ayyy, why won't you love me, Alejandro?!

Stolas: That's a mood, Gabriella.

He takes a bite of his cereal before his phone rings, and misty text appears saying "Blitzy is calling". 

Stolas then proceeds to make two Meme faces before answering the phone

He trips over himself to answer the phone.

Stolas: H-Hello? Hello, Blitzy?

Blitzo: Stolas. Hey. You busy tonight?

Stolas looks over at his spilled cereal.

Stolas: Ummmm...why do you ask?

Blitzo: I was wondering if...you wanted to come with me to a club tonight.

Stolas: (Blushing with heart eyes) Are you...asking me on a date, Blitzy?

A/N: No. He's taking advantage of you for selfish reasons.

Blitzo: I-yes, I suppose that is what's happening. How fast can you get down to Lust?

Stolas: I can be ready in 20.

Blitzo: All right, fantastic. See you soon.

Stolas: I'll see you Blitzy~

Stolas pulls out an outfit, transitioning to him putting on eyeliner, looking in the mirror. He turns around and puts on blush. It switches over to Blitzo pacing back and forth on a street.

Blitzo: Come on, come on, come on...

Stolas arrives and steps through a glowing portal behind Blitzo.

Stolas: Oh Blitzy, I'm here~

Blitzo: Wow. That's a bit overkill, don't ya think?

Stolas: [chuckles] W-well I-I just wanted to look a little nicer for you. This is our first real date after all.

They both walk off together, holding hands.

Blitzo: Oh yeah, I guess this is, huh.

Bouncer: You again? Beat it shithead-

Stolas: Ahem, do we have a problem?

Bouncer: ...Oh uh, shit-uh my apologies your highness. Uh, please go right in.

Cut to Stolas and Blitzo in the Club

Stolas: Oh, MY! Oh no; no, but yes! Oh Blitzo, how romantic is this? What made you choose such a place to bring me?

A/N: So he could have an easy ticket to spy on his employees, adoptive daughter, and ex-girlfriend like a creep.

Blitzo: (with a pair of binoculars) Oh, it just sounded like- I just thought we'd have a blast here, you know?

He looks through his binoculars until he finds Moxxie and Millie at one table, and you with Loona and Verosika at another table not far from them. 

Blitzo: Gotcha!

Stolas: Oh, Blitzo. What are you looking at?

Blitzo: I'm looking at nothing; how about that?

Waitress: Can I get you two off- I mean, start you two off with some drinks?

Stolas: Yes! Um, perhaps some wine to share; do you prefer red wine or white, Blitzo? Or perhaps some champagne?

Blitzo: Yeah, whatever.

Stolas: [nervously chuckles] Well, perhaps all three. Why not? So Blitzo, how was your day?

Blitzo: Huh? Oh, good I guess. We killed a bunch of beardos.

Stolas: THAT sounds fun! How did you kill them?

Blitzo: How? I-I-I mean, there was a lot of them, so I-bullets.

Stolas: Right, right... so, what made you decide to ask me out after all this time?

Blitzo: Uhhhhhhhhhh

Before Blitzo can come up with some bullshit excuse, he's interrupted by a familiar voice

Fizzarolli: : Ladies and gentlemen! I see some sexy faces around here tonight! [descends from the center stage] Welcome, welcome, to Ozzie's: Lust ring's number 1 place for all kinds of sick twisted fantasies. Put on display for all you 'Sleaze' and 'Sleazettes'. The gem joint of Asmodeus  himself! C'mon, give him some LOVE!

Stolas: Did he just say 'Asmodeus'?

Blitzo: Oh, no fucking way. Not HIM. [hides behind a menu]

Fizzarolli: I am the one and only Fizzarolli. Some of you may recognize this dashing clown face from my numerous toy botic replicas across the rings of Hell. Gloriously designed by the big man himself and [rolls up a sleeve] ribbed for your pleasure tonight. We have a great lineup for you tonight: Verosika Mayday (she quickly stand up and waves to the crowd), Wet Dream, and 'The Squirters'!

The crowd cheers

Fizzarolli: But as everyone's warming up, I got a funny one for y'all: did any of you hear about the bat-shittery between the Son of Cerberus and Stella Goetia?

Most of the crowd laughs 

Fizzarolli: Ha ha ha, oh yeah, oh wow. I'll tell you what; that guy either has balls of steel or has to be one of the dumbest guys in Hell to get on her bad side. And not everyone knows this; but I have a psychic connection to all my bots, so I can tell when one gets damaged. And I'd love to shake the hand of the crazy son of a bitch who ripped the arm off the one helping Stella, and then slap a fat subpoena in it! 'Cause I'm very much looking to sue!

Loona and Verosika cringe nervously and glance around, you sink in your seat and hide behind your menu, while M&M, and the present members of Verosika's crew look concerned.

Fizzarolli: Those Robo-mes make us more money entertaining kids than the ones we sell to get you freaks off, if you know what I mean. (cackles)

Random Fizzarolli Fanboy: Oh, I know what you mean! I have four of them!

Fizzarolli: (Uncomfortably) Okay, keep that guy FAR away from me. SO, without wasting any more time, our little opening act is a fresh one! Coming at us from a little imp from the Wrath ring, give it up for Moxxie... with no creative stage name whatsoever.

During the song, Blitzo stands up when Ozzie and Fizzarolli start heckling Moxxie.

Blitzo: Hey, now. I've watched those two pork many times.

Moxxie: What?!

You stand up from your table.

Y/N and Moxxie: Blitzo?!?!

Blitzo: And honestly, they make missionary look...reletively exciting. And that's not even taking into account the kinda shit Y/N gets up to when he does it with his girls.

You sit back down, looking a combination of disgusted and mortified.

Y/N: ...I want to die again.

After the song

Verosika: Oh, and Blitzo (O is pronounced). 

Verosika sits on your lap and shows off her locket to the audience while slowly grinding on you.

Verosika: For future reference, *this* is a real man.

She reaches her arms behind your head and pulls you into a heated make out session while you caress her body.

Verosika: You could've had all this, but you squandered it.

 She gives you a love bite, which you return.

Blitzo looks guilty and turns to leave with Stolas but you stop him

Y/N: Blitzo...

Blitzo turns and sees you standing menacingly and glaring at him.

Y/N: ...We need to talk.

Blitzo: (Nervous chuckle) What did you want to talk about, buddy?

Y/N: Oh...I don't know. How about the fact that you were (demonic voice) completely out of line tonight?!

You gesture towards Moxxie, Millie, Loona, and Verosika who are all glaring at him.

Y/N: How many times did we tell you that you weren't invited to this?

Blitzo: A...a lot.

Y/N: You know, I was really looking forward to tonight. To show my first girlfriends how much I love and appreciate them. I'm sure Moxxie and Millie were too.

They both nod.

Y/N: You couldn't even grant us one quiet night out. Instead, you selfishly tried to insert yourself and used poor Stolas as an excuse to what? To fucking stalk us?! You know, this kind of behavior is disgustingly close to the kind some of my targets had back when I was alive!

Blitzo: I-I...I'm sorry, Y/N. Really.

Y/N: (demonic voice) Why don't you look me in the eyes and say that?

Blitzo: Well, it's kinda hard to do that when flames are coming from them.

Y/N: Well excuse me that my powers flare up when I'm mad!

You grab a glass of water from a nearby table and splash it in your face, extinguishing the flames.

Y/N: To be honest..I really thought you learned something about the way you treat people after we were captured by DHORKS.

Blitzo looks at the ground with a guilty expression.

Y/N: You may be my boss...but you're not my friend.

Blitzo glances up at you, looking genuinely upset, while you only glare. Stolas walks up to Blitzo while summoning a portal to the outside of the club. He glances back at you.

Y/N: You deserve better. Tell Octavia I said "Hi".

You sit back down between Loona and Verosika and rub your temples while they each put a comforting hand on your shoulder.

Y/N: Sorry I brought our date to a halt, but it was time someone called Blitzo out on his shit.

Loona: Don't worry about it.

Verosika: We of all people should know. 

Loona and Verosika: Besides, it was pretty hot.

They both run a hand up your thigh, causing you to become flustered.

Asmodeus: Well, wasn't that something, folks? You know...I guess we could allow one sappy love song from the guy who told off that loser. If you're up for it, that is.

Fizzarolli hands you a microphone.

Y/N: Alright.

You get up on stage while your girlfriends and regular friends cheer.

Y/N: This one goes out to two very special demon ladies in my life. The first ones who really gave me a chance.

You look at your dates with nothing but adoration in your eyes.

Y/N: I love you, Loona and Verosika.

They look back at you, their eyes brimming with tears of happiness.


After the song, you hear a single person clapping, who reveals himself to be Asmodeus. He and Fizzarolli then stand up, followed by everyone else, giving you a large standing ovation. 

Cut to the outside of Stolas's castle, Blitzo drives Stolas back to his place, who bumps his head getting out of the van.

Stolas: Thank you, for... inviting me out tonight. Despite everything that's happened, I... I enjoyed spending time with you.

Blitzo: [irritated look] Yeah.

Stolas: You know, I have some more wine in the house. Octavia's with her grandparents this weekend, so we could--

Blitzo: I'm not fucking you tonight, okay? I'm really just -- [sighs] I'm really not in the mood, Stolas.

Stolas: We could talk, or... watch a movie, or... maybe cuddle?

Blitzo: Stolas, don't act like what we have is anything but you wanting me to fuck you, okay? You make that really clear all the time. [voice breaking] But I just, I-I can't do it tonight, okay? [Both Stolas and Blitzo look at each other with sad looks on their faces.] I'm sorry.

Stolas: Okay. [sighs] Goodnight, Blitzo.

Blitzo: Night.

Blitzo drives away from the castle, leaving Stolas all by himself, shedding a tear, and sitting in front of his staircase, feeling some form of regret.

Scene cuts to Blitzo entering his and Loona's apartment, looking at several photos adorning the wall. He then loops through several photos on his phone featuring memories such as; him photobombing Moxxie and Millie during a date, him adopting Loona, Moxxie's first day at IMP, him getting ready for a night out with Verosika, pictures of him and Fizzarolli as teenagers and children, and stops at a picture of him with his sisters.

Said picture has a huge impact on him, as it causes him to curl up into a ball and cry into a pillow.

End of chapter.
