|Chapter 30|


Five days in Greenburg. Nothing more, nothing less. We had Friday as the college was doing some weird professor meeting. Sorta like a teachers meeting, but it was at the college. Then we had the weekend and none of us had classes Monday and Tuesday.

'And we made sure of that. Gives us a nice section of time to get everything done and handle the vampires before heading back to college.' A well thought out plan in my opinion. My dad planned for the meeting to be on Monday and got it in for Monday.

He got people a vacation on their jobs if their jobs didn't allow them to take a day off. But this was way more important than some job. A meeting that determined what was going to be done and if an all out war was coming like back with the rogues.

'Dad hopes it won't get to that, but he wants his reputation known that he doesn't play around and just one slip up could ruin that.' I nodded. One day we'd be keeping up the reputation although I know for sure Isabella could keep up that. Isabella wasn't one to be fucked with for sure.

'And those vamps are going to find out if they piss her off enough. She freaking ordered a hand grenade in the end.' 'That she did. That'll be interesting when Ryne sees that package.' Ash nodded in agreement. Then she had those bombs.

I see Isabella starting a nuke war if she became the president. Yeah I could see her doing that for them pissing her off. But I loved her and it was a good thing she never planned to become the president. That her other hobby of making money besides hunting was her artwork.

So we were good. No nuke wars. Today was Thursday and I had just finished my exams and was waiting outside of the campus for Isabella. 'Typically she waits for us, but now we are waiting for her.' I nodded. The exam wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be.

The study guide helps a lot when you use it even though Isabella doesn't like them. They helped me no doubt pass the exam in college. I looked at my wallet that was in my bag. I told Isabella I'd take her out to Taco Bell after the exams.

And she would no doubt begin asking me about it the moment she gets over here. So I had my wallet packed with thirty dollars in case Isabella decided to get expensive although it shouldn't be that bad though. It's not like we were at a restaurant. Just a fast food chain.

'So it should be fairly cheap. Taco Bell isn't insanely expensive like some fast food like to get. Nice food, nice price.' They did have some good food. Not as good as food that you make yourself, but still good. Although Isabella really did love their quesadillas.

She was trying to get Flimur to get a sauce that tasted like Taco Bell's. Their quesadilla's had a sauce that tended to be spicy. So Isabella had Flimur trying to cook something up. Maybe when we left tomorrow Flimur would have the sauce recipe all ready for her and she could enjoy some good quesadilla sauce.

And it wouldn't be greasy like most fast food places. Not that I even knew where Isabella put any of it. Isabella had a smaller body, and she made it around 5" or 5'1. But she wasn't tall and had that small yet muscled body. And none of the food went to her chest either. 'All women says that's where it goes, but Isabella doesn't have a big chest. I really want to know where she puts all that food.' I wasn't going to ask her that though she might ask me where I put it all in return.

I looked up to see Isabella shouldering her bag with Maryse walking at her side. Her royal blue silver swirled eyes looked around for me before settling on me. I smiled at her and waved some. Isabella didn't wave simply came walking over to me like normal.

"Are we going to Taco Bell?" Isabella asked. "Yes, I brought the money." I told Isabella who nodded. "Thank you." Isabella said as she watched me. 'And she thanks us yet again for the food. I'm getting used to it.' Isabella handed me the keys which I accepted. "Come on." Isabella said and I went to the parking lot.

"So we're leaving for Greenburg tomorrow, what do you think of that?" I asked. "I just want to take care of these vampires and no longer have to worry about their troublesome presence." Isabella said and I nodded as her car pulled into view.

I unlocked her car before I got in and Isabella loaded Maryse in before getting in herself. Then she shut the door and buckled up. 'Well I am happy for when these vampires won't be troublesome anymore and we can go back to our normal life.' Yeah that did sound nice. Our semi normal life.

You can't exactly have a normal life when your girlfriend, mate, is the first immortal in centuries to be seen. Is the vessel of Satan, a very feared hunter from an older hunter family. The sister of the first Lycans, which came from the immortal gene in them.

And then me and my family and my family's situation and everything like that. 'So we don't have the most normal life, but it's our life and I've gotten quite used to it.' I had to and I didn't care that Isabella was an immortal she was still Isabella.

And always would be Isabella. Immortality wouldn't change my feelings for Isabella. I loved her. I spent two years finding out how much I cared for her and Isabella being an immortal wouldn't change that. Starting up the car I smiled before pulling out of the parking lot and speeding off into the parking lot to head off to Taco Bell.
Isabella was sitting down at the table sipping her sweet tea while we waited for our food. I had ordered some supreme nachos and two soft tacos with lettuce, cheese, and sour cream. Isabella like usual ordered her chicken quesadilla with sour cream on the side.

'And then for dessert we have cinnamon curls, something that is crunchy and delicious at the same time. And it's not Cheetos either.' Yeah. Isabella suggested that we get some so now we have three things of cinnamon curls. One for each of us then one to share between us.

And I was happy I did that as now we had a nice meal that would be coming our way. Supreme nachos, tacos, quesadilla's, and some cinnamon curls. Something that made me happy that Isabella asked if we could go here. Isabella glanced up at me as I moved the ice in my Pepsi.

"So has your dad said anything about the meeting?" Isabella asked and I looked up at her. "It's going to be this Monday as the warehouse, and we have a nice amount of wolves and the rest going to be there." I told Isabella who nodded.

'She's probably thinking about her bombs and what she can do when using them. She does enjoy thinking about slaughtering those vampires who are fucking with her.' 'She doesn't do well when people challenged her state of mind and the dominance she has. Messing with Isabella isn't something I'd dream of doing.'

Ash nodded in agreement. Isabella was powerful and didn't seem to be scared of the vampires and seemed prepared to attack those vampires once provoked. And they defiantly weren't prepared for what Isabella could do to them. No one was ever truly ready for Isabella's strength that came in many forms.

Physically and mentally. 'She just shouldn't be someone you want to mess with and cross in the end. Which is another reason why I love her so much sometimes. She is very intelligent. And one day she'll make a great luna and help improve this pack and their ways with me.'

That would happen one day and it'd be one a very good day. It'd be the day that Isabella and I were truly mates, not just in a relationship. I loved our relationship, but one day she'd my luna and mate. Even if she was a hunter, she'd be my luna.

I looked at Isabella just as the waiter brought our food over. "Thank you." I told the waiter who nodded before walking off and I looked at my food. 'And they got the delicious warm cheese dip which is just so great and I love it.'

Then Isabella had her food. "Thank you for this." Isabella spoke and I looked up at Isabella and offered a smile before nodding. "No problem, I'm actually glad we came here." I told Isabella who unwrapped her quesadilla and tore off some pieces and dipped them into the sour cream before going to eating them.

I smiled before going to the nachos happy at how my life was going. A lunch and then we'd return to our dorm and start packing for tomorrow. Things seemed to be going so well. For now of course.

1532. Hope your enjoying. Another chapter should be up today so I'm back up on schedule. I'm feeling better minus the stomachache I had after eating the microwaveable cookie in a mug, but I'll pull through. Until next time mug marshmallows.
