At the Cafe

1) Imagine you are waiting in a cafe for a friend who is very late. Describe your surroundings and your thoughts and feelings as you wait. Write about 350-450 words.

        I sat on a beige chair, with my back pressed against its cold surface. The catchy jazz tunes and the indistinct chatter poured into the ambiance. I picked up a sugar packet from my sunkissed-grey table, fidgeting with it in all ways possible! I looked around and saw all sorts of people. Some reading, some scrolling endlessly on their phones, some clicking the keys of their laptops, and of course, the gossip girls! As I was admiring the abstract painting on the cream wall, my eyes drew towards the needles of the romanized clock. I pondered about Stacy's tardiness. She was not even answering my calls or replying to my texts! I shifted my curious gaze out of the tinted windows, hoping to see her arrive any second.

        Waiting for her had made me quite parched and I couldn't ignore the nutty, caramelized aroma of the coffee that flew around. Also, I couldn't guarantee if Stacy would even show up or not, so I decided to order some coffee. I picked up the leather-back menu from the table and flipped around the laminated pages. There were numerous options to choose from, but I decided to order a 'caramel frappucino'. Unfortunately, there was no waiter around so I had to walk up to the counter. I gave my order and stood there as the worker prepared the coffee. The beckoning aroma in the atmosphere grew even stronger. My mouth watered as he placed the transparent cup on the cold grey surface of the counter. The light-brown frappucino and the fluffy whipped cream with oozing caramel coaxed an inner smile that warmed me from within. I couldn't wait to taste the delightful sweetness of my frappucino. A smile found its way on my lips as I thought about Stacy missing the opportunity of a pleasurable treat.

        I placed the cash on the counter and walked towards my table. I was completely lost in my thoughts, and just then, the cup of coffee slipped out of my hand. It splashed against the wooden floor with a  loud creak and the coffee started covering it like a blanket, traveling at about the speed of light! This was a disaster! All eyes were on me! People stared with bitterness in their eyes, especially the janitor, who looked like he would eat me alive any second! I was too embarrassed to even apologize and forgetting about Stacy, I ran out of the cafe and slammed the door of my car shut. Stacy still hadn't replied to my texts and now I was headed home with an embarrassing incident to stay with me forever...
