Part 3: Am I Getting The Hoomans Now?

Ifrit - Huh? Is this book expensive? Heehee. Call me Mistress Ifrit and I'll give it back to you!


*The next day*

Ifrit: Can I fill out those forms now?

Desk worker: G-gah!

Desk worker: Do it online or something!

Desk worker: Geez

Human: Gerry, wait, she has an appointment with the boss

Ifrit: I do?

Gerry: T-The big boss?

Human: NO, dummy. Regional manager

Human: Come now, he's been waiting

Ifrit and Human: *goes to the building*

Manager: Ah, there you are. Now, your customizable hooman.

Manager: What would you like?

Ifrit: I wanted two hoomans...

Human: Boss, she wanted two of her customized hoomans, and full cotton details

Human: 4500 per hooman basically

Ifrit: W-Wait, no! The hoomans are different!

Human: Pardon?

Human: You wanted to change your old order?

Ifrit: One of them is cotton that looks like Frostnova, but the other hooman is made out of the least flammable material and looks like Silence!

Manager: Oh. We can do that. And do you have their pictures?

Ifrit: Yes

Manager: Put them here please

Manager: *Takes out a tray*

Ifrit: *Places pictures in the tray* There!

Manager: I see this "silence" one has a accessory. Would you like to get an addition as well?

Ifrit: No, it's fine

Manager: Alright

Ifrit: So what happens next?

Manager: Let's talk pricing

Manager: So

Manager: 2000 for each of the customized ones

Manager: Then the material details

Manager: Cotton one will be 4500

Manager: Polyester is slightly more expensive at 4800

Manager: Would you like us to add a anti fire charm?

Ifrit: Yes, please!

Manager: Alright, the cost will be 4900 for the second one

Ifrit: Okay

Manager: 9400 LMD in total

Ifrit: Is that it?

Manager: Yes

Manager: Now

Manager: How are you going to pay?

Ifrit: Um...

Ifrit: I was thinking of paying when we get the money

Manager: When is that going to be

Ifrit: In a month

Manager: Hmm... I suppose that's doable

Manager: But how about this

Manager: Instead of the LMD, you have to promote our products

Manager: Deal?

Ifrit: Ooh, I can tell Rhodes Island all about the hoomans!

Ifrit: And then Rhodes Island can spread it to Penguin Logistics, or maybe even Blacksteel!

Manager: Any other promotional things you can do that would be helpful...

Manager: I expect this to be promising

Ifrit: Like what?

Manager: We will hopefully be looking forward to more sales...

Manager: And I don't mean to bribe you, but maybe if you do well and do more promotion for us, perhaps you could get free products to test or use...

Ifrit: Alright, but there is a chance that it won't spread immediately

Manager: Alright...

Manager: Now how are you expecting to get home?

Ifrit: Probably using the boat

Manager: Good day then. Do you need help reaching your boat?

Ifrit: No. Oh, are you going to ship the hoomans?

Manager: Of course. Please tell us your address or where you want it to ship to

Manager: While you do that, we will get the official form papers and contracts ready

Ifrit: Okau, send it to Rhodes Island Pharmaceutical, Inc.

Manager: Perfect. Forms, please

Ifrit: *Filling out the forms aggressively*

Ifrit: By the way, what's the name of your company?

Manager: ...You went all the way here and don't know our company name?

Manager: Irigumi Creations

Ifrit: Ehehe, I might have just forgotten

Ifrit: Anyway, I finished the form

Manager: Okay

Ifrit: Now what?

Manager: Well I suppose you can go home now

Manager: Oh, I see you didn't fill out the contact info box. Is there another way we can reach you rather than sending letters?

Ifrit: I don't think so

Manager: Well alright. good day miss... Ifrit. Come to think of it, I never knew your name until now. My guards will escort you outside of the building and to where you would like to go if needed

Ifrit: Okay, thank you!

Ifrit: Also, sorry for breaking in

Manager: *laughs* It's alright, just don't do it again

Ifrit: Okay, bye!
