Part 3


I bowed a farewell before my heart exploded. All I want is to get out of here as my knees crippled after seeing Jungkook out of thin air. Everything happened without a warning and I was deprived by air.

"Jimin ssi!" He called before I can runaway from this reality. His voice sounded euphonious as it used to be. Oh! how I miss that voice.  My feet automatically stopped.

It is hypocrite to say I am not expecting something from the way he called my name. Like: he wanted to started over, that we could run off the place and be together - that he forgave me.

But things are different now. He has a girlfriend. He probably did forgive me but he also moved on. He already let go of me and set himself free. This is why he already had Rina. Funny, how she became our catalyst on meeting each other again.

This is how exactly how I foreseen it.

Him living with family I could never give - Two sons and a daughter or maybe more. Laughter and baby noises everywhere.

This is what I wanted, isn't it?

But why the f*ck does this hurt so bad?

"T-thank you... for helping Rina..." he said.

Those are words of appreciation  but it sounded more like a curse.  Not much of what I expected or just I thought because my pathetic self is still hopeful. Stupidly hopeful for something that won't happen.

Because I hurt him.

I hurt myself.

I hurt us.

Again, I've tasted the same drop of clear salty liquid streamed down my cheeks. I can't hold it anymore. Our reality tear my heart painfully.

'Okay sign' is the only response I could give as I walk away, trying my best to hide the torture and endure it by myself.

I walk as normal as I could so nobody would notice how wounded I am.

This has been  my life.

Always trying my best -

- to act normal.


My gaze followed him until he went out of the restaurant. I expertly hid the hands that were shaking from the moment our eyes met.  "Oh? Why is he leaving already?!" Rina asked surprised.

"He said he hasn't eaten anything yet and his stomach keeps growling-"
"What? Did he skip meal?"  I cut off.
"Y-yeah, he was... supposed to eat here. D-do you know him?" She asked, eyes are slowly being filled with suspicion.


"Hyung, how many times I told not to skip a meal? You always faint when you're skipping meals..."  Jungkook nagged Jimin while preparing hot poached egg soup for him.

"You're scolding me again...Jungkook-ssi," The other retorted while pressing his stomach with a hot compress. His lips were pale and pain was evident on his face.

"Do you know how worried I am?" Jungkook put the soup on the table next to his bed.

"I-i know, I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you." He answered.

"Come on, you should eat," Jungkook put his hands on the back of his shoulder and lift him a little while putting more pillows to elevate his position. The other didn't take his eyes off the other. He was thankful and mesmerized at the same time.

"Enjoying the view?" Jungkook teased while adjusting him to his bed. He noticed the sticky gaze of Jimin and yes, he liked it.

"I'm thankful you're here." He said and smile.

To Jungkook, no one could resist Jimin smile. It was always so enchanting that  he always  felt like  being pulled closer.

"Jimin Hyung...can I kiss you?

**End of flashback**

I didn't bother answering and just rushed off the restaurant to follow him leaving Rina confused. Yes, I am that dumb jerk.

Guess my sane mind already left me.


I barely manage to walk straight to my car. Breathing heavily, I look for keys while my hands are shaking and tears keep on falling down my face.

It hurts.

I tried so hard to forget but the moment I saw him I want to come back and start over again. Why is this so hard?

"F*CK" I cursed when I can't find my car keys.

"Jimin Hyung," It's that voice again. The voice I've always wanted to hear. Jungkook stares at me with sadness in his eyes. I immediately wipe my tears hoping he didn't see it.


"I..." He seemed lost.

He was about to say something when I suddenly feel lightheaded. His face turned blurry and I can't hear anything except distorted noises in my ear.


-To be continued-
