Chapter 8: Settling In

Ash, Misty, Clemont, Serena and Bonnie hopped off the bus and headed towards the cruise ship. They almost reached the boarding pass checker when they stopped. Ash spun around.

"I almost forgot these" Ash said pulling out boarding passes. Ash handed one to everyone.

"Let's go" Misty said walking towards the lady. She handed her pass to the lady.

"Room 473. Level four. Have a safe trip!" the lady said sweetly. "Next please" Ash handed his to the lady.

"Room 473. Level four. Have a safe trip!" the lady said sweetly. "Next please" Ash waited with Misty. Bonnie bounded up and handed her boarding pass to the lady.

"Room 476. Level four. Have a safe trip!" the lady said smiling at Bonnie. "Next please" Clemont gave his to the lady.

"Room 476. Level four. Have a safe trip!" the lady said kindly. "Next please" Clemont and Bonnie joined Ash and Misty. Finally Serena handed hers to the lady.

"Room 476. Level four. Have a safe trip!" the lady said sweetly. "Next please" Serena joined everyone. They all boarded the ship. They waited for an elevator and Serena was thinking. Why is Misty in with Ash? And does that mean that I am in with Clemont and Bonnie? Oh gosh! It does! *DING* The elevator arrived and they all piled in. There was a glass bottom floor and a glass window. It made Serena feel slightly queasy. *DING* The doors opened, they all hurried out and started looking for their rooms.

"470, 471, 472, aha! Here it is!" Ash said excitedly. Misty pulled out the key card and swiped it.

"You should go find your rooms and get settled in" Ash said as he opened the door and Misty and him walked in and shut the door.

"Ok!" exclaimed Bonnie. She ran off down the hall.

"Wait Bonnie!" Clemont yelled chasing after her with Serena following.

"474, 475, 476, 477, oops too far! I found it!" She yelled jumping up and down.

"Ok, ok" Clemont said trying to get his breath back. Serena pulled out the key card from her bag and swiped it. Bonnie opened the door excitedly and ran in. Serena followed wheeling both her bag and Bonnie's. Clemont brought his in and shut the door. Bonnie took her suitcase from Serena and ran into a room and shut the door.

"Dibs!" she said through the door.

"Obviously" Serena chuckled. "Clemont, which room do you want?"

"Um, I don't mind" He said smiling.

"Well I'll just have this one" Serena said walking into the middle room. Clemont walked into the room on the right and started unpacking his suitcase along with Bonnie and Serena. After they all finished unpacking, they came and sat down on the couches.

"So what do you want to do?" asked Serena.

"I dunno. There's a pool, a tennis court, dancing classes, a fifteen year old plus area" Clemont stated.

"POOL!" shouted Bonnie. "I'll go get changed" Bonnie zipped into her room and slammed the door shut.

"The pool it is then" Serena sighed. "I'm going to get changed" she walked into her room and shut the door. Clemont did the same.

Meanwhile at Ash and Misty's room...

"What do you feel like doing Ash?" Misty asked, unpacking the last of her clothes.

"Well I thought it might be nice to head to the pool" Ash answered sliding the cupboard door shut.

"That sounds like fun but I still need that cupboard open. I haven't put in my shoes yet" Misty said placing her shoes in and sliding the door shut.

"Well let's get changed" Ash said as he picked up his clothes and ran into the bathroom and shut the door.

"Ok" Misty said. She shut the room door and put on her bikini. It was a red bikini top and bottom, lined with a dark gold and she wore a dark green summer dress over the top with pink flip flops. She emerged from the room and threw a pair of pink sunglasses on her eyes. Ash came out of the bathroom wearing black swim trunks and a loose, red tank top with dark blue flip flops and black sunglasses.

"You look beautiful Misty" Ash gushed.

"Thanks Ashy" Misty said with a wink.

"Let's get going to the pool deck" Ash said opening the door.

"Yeah" Misty said and walked out the door followed by Ash as he shut the door behind them.

Meanwhile at Clemont, Serena and Bonnie's room...

Clemont stepped out of his room wearing light blue swim trunks and a loose, white tank top with black flip flops. He went over and sat down on an armchair while he was waiting for the girls. Next, Serena's door cracked open and then Serena stepped out. She was wearing hot pink bikini top and bottoms lined with light pink frills and a dark pink silk, see through frilly, really short skirt, attached to the bottoms with a big, light pink bow attached to the side. She was wearing a hot pink, silk, see through, strapless summer dress. Serena had a pink flower in her hair, wearing light purple flip flops with white sunglasses. Clemont's mouth dropped open and he was just speechless.

"What do you think?" Serena said doing a twirl which made the skirt float up then down as she stopped.

"Uhh" Clemont said, lost for words, his glasses sliding down his face. Serena walked up to him, leant over and said,

"What's that supposed to mean Clemont?" Clemont slid down in the back of the chair.

"I-it means, means that, that, I can't tell you" he said softly. Then he stood up in front of Serena.

"Tell you how pretty you look" he gushed blushing profusely, then covered his mouth with his hands, as if he didn't realize what he was saying. Serena blushed and giggled. *SLAM*

"Hello everybody!" Bonnie squealed bouncing out of her room, just to stop and look at Serena and Clemont.

"Clemont! You have never been this close in proximity to a girl ever!!" Bonnie yelled as she clambered over the couch and right up to Serena and Clemont. They looked at Bonnie, obviously embarrassed. Bonnie was wearing a blue and white horizontally striped one piece with light blue flip flops and matching sunglasses.

"Let's go already!" Bonnie moaned as she grabbed her yellow rubber ring and stood at the door.

"Um Serena" Clemont said quietly.

"Yes" Serena replied, just as quiet.

"Do you think I should wear my glasses or wear contacts to the pool?" Clemont asked.

"I think you look cute with and without your glasses but since we are going to be swimming, I think you should wear contacts" Serena replied with a wink. She turned and started packing a bag with towels and food and everything else they might need. Clemont went to the bathroom to put on his contacts. That was nice that she gave me advice, as usual. But did she say I looked cute? Oh my gosh! She did! Ahhhhhh! Does this mean anything? She leant over me before as well. Why are women so hard to understand? Clemont looked at himself in the mirror one last time before joining Bonnie and Serena.

"Come on, let's head on up!" Serena said cheerfully opening the door. Bonnie and Clemont walked out followed by Serena who shut and locked it behind them.   
