You'd be home

I was young when I fell in love with her, well young enough. Twenty-three wasn't that young but I suppose that it was to other people. She was young too, only nineteen and yeah it was a four year age gap but love doesn't have a number. That didn't matter to us, what mattered was that we loved each other, we were each other's world. I ran my fingers through my shaggy hair, fixing my square Superman looking glasses as I looked through old pictures on my phone. I came across the pictures of Harley and I the summer we spent at Myrtle Beach, how I wished that summer had never ended.

It had been a couple years since that summer, I was twenty-five and a writer living in a studio apartment in San Francisco and Harley was going to school in L.A. Things were different but I still remembered that one day sitting on the beach with my Harley and everything was perfect.


The ocean waves crashed on the beach, just a few feet away from us from where we decided to sit and soak up the sun. Harley was sitting between my legs with my arms wrapped around her waist and I held her close to me. Chills ran down my spine as our fingers intertwined and her sighs harmonized with mine. My head rested gently against Harley's as I thought to myself that it couldn't get any better than this.

"Jacen,are you okay?" Harley's addictive voice pulled me back into reality.

There was the ever famous stupid big ass grin on my face as I answered, "I'm more than okay because I have you. I couldn't ask for more, I'm the luckiest guy alive."

Harley turned her head to look at me, smiling at me before kissing me softly. "I love you so damn much Jacen. I hope that this feeling lasts forever."

I got up on my feet, pulling her with me and held her close as we danced slowly with the sun setting behind us. "This feeling will last forever I promise you."

-Present Day-

The street lights were on when I went outside for my usual evening walk. And even with my leather jacket on I realized how cold and alone I was out here. Things were never the same when Harley went away to school and I hadn't really adjusted all that well, it just never got any easier. I knew she must've felt the same way but we fought hard to make this work because we knew that this was worth it, no matter how far away we were from each other. We would text every day and Skype every night, so it kind of made things a little bit easier on our hearts. Then we made a deal from the very start where we would trade off visiting each other, I would go up and see her for the weekend and then she would come see me. It wasn't ideal but for now it worked.

I finished my nightly walk and went up to my lonely studio apartment, going straight for my room. I put my jacket away and I smelled flower balm perfume in my closet, it was Harley's favorite. All my clothes smelled like her cause her favorite shade is navy blue. I couldn't stop my smile as I lay in my bed but then the sadness washed over me, I still felt alone even more so at night. I rolled on my side, eyeing the picture of Harley and I from that one summer, my phone rang and broke me from my trance.

"Harley," I answered, my heart beating like crazy. "I'm so glad you called, I was just thinking about you. Is everything okay?"

"Come look outside," I could hear the smile in Harley's voice through the phone.

"Huh?" I was confused as I got of bed with the phone to my ear still. Once I got to the window and looked out, there she beautiful Harley Rose. "You''re here," I started crying over the phone.

"What're you waiting for? Let me in you idiot and kiss me!" Harley laughed.

We hung up and I ran downstairs to let her inside the building. I pulled her in my arms instantly, kissing her with love and happiness.

"I can't believe you're here," I said softly as happy tears fell.

"I'm never leaving again. I thought what I wanted was in L.A but I realized it was here with you. You're my everything Jacen," Harley kissed me again.

So I quoted our favorite song, "circle me and the needle moves gracefully. Back and forth, if my heart was a compass you'd be North. Risk it all cause I'll catch you if you fall. Wherever you go, if my heart was a house you'd be home."

We hugged each other tightly and I knew we would never be apart after that. Harley was home, my life was complete once again and this time it was forever.
