
I walked to the store, The weather was amazing its Autumn and nearly Summer, I'm excited for Summer holiday. We'll be going to Daegu to visit my grandparents, Oh btw I'm Rae-na Kim. I have a childhood Friend, his name is Huang Renjun he really loves Moomin.

I heard the news that, Renjun is going to be a trainee in Sm ent. And I was so shocked he never told me he wants to be an idol he told me he wanna be an artist in order to draw tonnes of moomin.

But he was the only friend I have. I have no other friends rather than him.

After 9 months~

I watched the TV and there is Renjun I was so happy that he debuted Never thought he would debut so fast and his team mates is in same age approximately 4 people is in his age. But still I missed him I wanna hug him. I'm lonely here.

I missed you
When will you come here?


I don't know when can I have free time..
I really want to see you I missed you so much


Gosh, can you check your schedule I have tonnes of ideas of making Moomins.



I stayed up late for those Ideas you kno. Better be grateful. I have sleepless night for you.

Raenapwetty went offline
Moominjunnie went offline

The guy named Renjun is always helping me in every subject. I should at least help him in giving ideas for his moomin.

After like 4 weeks finally he said he got freetime but instead of him going to my house I'll be going to his dormitory and I never knew I could go there you know..

At dormitory~

"JUNNIE!!" I squel I missed him so much I have never have a brother so I kinda make him as one of my own brother.

"Geez, my pretty Raena~" He said and hugged me back. He told me that I'm lucky no one actually have ever visited their dormitory I'm the first one.

"Chenle hyung! Give back my PSP!! I need it my level is not gonna go up if you keep doing this to me" Jisung Cried while running around with a duck and dinosaur in his hand.

"You think I'll give you easily? Na ah" He continued as soon as he realized there is a girl he shut it and throw his PSP on the couch.

"Hyung,Who is this?" He asked

"My childhood friend, her name is Kim Rae-na, she is pretty shy and strict towards guy so better not make her angry she will definitely make you in trouble. Once I got into trouble because she hit me by accidently, she said sorry but I insist it so she fight me and I really did fail"

Jisung laugh mischievously, Chenle shut his mouth.

"Jeno hyung, Jaemin hyung, Markeu hyung, Haechan hyung we've got a guest here you guys better greet her" Chenle screamed.

Mark and Jaemin walked through the hallways and saw a beautiful figure.
Haechan and Jeno was reading a book and their glasses still stuck on their faces.

They all gulp when they saw you. Raena herself gulp. She is not used to guys dormitory. She introduced to them herself she got her asses up and she introduce herself.

Haechan was gasping dramatically. Mark bring juice for her. Jaemin talk to her and get to know better; Jeno gave her a smiley face which make her flustered his deep dimples is so cute.

"Noona.. can you come to our place everyday?" Jisung questioned. I shooked my head.

"Why noona? Please come.. just come often is already grateful" He continued.

"Jisung, I have collegue now right. I have to prepare my international upcoming exam in 2 weeks and the exam is my fave subject which is Maths! I'll see after the exam, me I take part in alot of activity that's one of the reason why I couldn't come here everyday.." I explained

He nodded his head. Haechan can be seen kinda disappointed.Renjun ofcourse he would, because he wants me to be closer as always to him. Oh btw I know their members name so they don't have to introduce themselves since they are an idol is also one of the reason.

An; short chapter but idk 🤔🤔
