When God gives you lemons and other weird sayigs

"When God gives you lemons, make lemon juice."

Hell no!

I'll tell you something, God didn't give you no sugar. That must be some sour stuff you are making. Tell you what... why not give you an orange - It's a citrus too - we all know you are not going to have to go to the trouble of making sugar, because it contains natural sugars.

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree"

Of course it does - if it's a normal tree. But then as it has become apparent you're not talking about the normal trees; you are talking about the midget trees which nothing falls far from.

"Dogs of a tether walk together"

I don't know what a tether is.

I can't be bothered searching it up.

I don't get it.

Let's keep it that way.

"Pigeon flies with pigeon, hawk with hawk"

I'm just going to say pigeon and hawk are supposed to be plurals, 'looks like someone doesn't needs a grammar lesson.'

I'll tell you something, if pigeons flew with hawks the pigeon population would probably be wiped out. Do you know why, because pigeons are dumb creatures who pick fights with everyone - no wonder scientists think they have a brain size of a pea - they'd probably pick a fight with a hawk and loose because of law combat skills. Play halo if you need combat skills. Geez pigeons.


Man, watching Anime can be aggravating. The amount of times I've nearly thrown my computer is incredible.

You know what, if I keep going there would probably be no end - well until I reached the word limit. I have to wrap. Thanks for reading. Till 'when God gives you lemons and other weird sayings part 2'

