
After a relaxing time in beauty parlour and conditioning my hair, the dusk was already spreading across the blue sky giving it a pink-orange hue. With the earphones over my ears, I looked out at the birds who were returning to their nest.

I was enjoying the evening sky until the car pulled in front of my present house, 'the sunrise residence'. A sigh left my smiling lips as I turned to my mom before placing a soft peck on her cheeks.
I got off my seat and opened the back door to be welcomed by the heaven of soft and fluffy paradise. There were 4 plushies on the seat which I won, there were a giant boba tea plush, a pink hamster which I bought for the youngest salmon hair boy of the Asahina, a lamb plushie with pink ribbon for Ema, purple bunny for my mom and a purple alpaca which actually mom won for me.

"Honey.... Do you need help?"

Obviously, I was struggling but mom had a flight tomorrow to Milan. I wanted her to have a good rest before her flight, so I denied her help.

"Nah, I am good. Take care of my gift...."

She smiled waving the purple bunny. "Yeah I would, Good night sweetie...."

"Goodnight mom." Those were my last words before I turned around walking in the residence.

I was welcomed by the silence inside the building, no one in sight. Not even the cheerful wataru for whom I bought the hamster.
I headed towards the living room couch and plop myself on it as soon I got near it.

A relaxed sigh left my lips as my body collided with the warm couch, seemed like someone was here a few moments ago.

"Ugh! Another girl? Are you my sister too?" I looked up at the irritated voice to see a familiar face.

I raised my eyebrows at the light brown hair boy who stood with a irritated expression, his brown eyes narrowed at me as he didn't seem to recognize me since I still had my mask on.
"Well well......didn't expect the one and only fuuto to be one of my step brothers. I feels like a dream." It came out more like a sarcasm, I actually expected him to be brat. What can I say I am a person who is good at finding fake people like him especially the fake smile he gives on stage.

"At least you seem more with brains unlike that idiot sister from awhile ago."

My eyebrow twitched in irritation, this brat is crossing his line. He has to be taught a lesson.

I got up from the couch walking towards his future which stood in the middle of the living room. "Aww... Don't be rude, my sister just little of a airhead."

When I stood near him, I batted my long eyelashes at him gaining a smirk from him. "You must be really ugly huh? That's why you have to hide behind that mask, however your eyes are really beautiful I must say."

He held my chin pulling my face close to his. "Hum? Does my mask disturbs you then let me take it off."

When I finally took the mask off, I saw the boy frozen in his place as his hand fell loose from my chin. I pout to tease him.

"Aww...... Little ototo is feeling shy, are you?" With both of my hands on his waist I pulled his waist towards mine pulling his out of his frozen phase as he looked at me with wide eyes. "Aren't you a cute one?"
My one hand left his waist, reaching to his cheeks as I glide my finger on his skin.

"U-U-Ummm, I-I-I..." He stammered....

"I see, my kawai Ototo doesn't have anything to say."

Suddenly I pinched his cheek making him squeak, I let go of him as I started laughing my ass off at the expected reaction from the boy.
He was too embarrassed as he stomped his way out of the living room leaving me laughing while clutching my stomach.

After a few moments I calmed down, I wiped the tear from my eyes which was the proof that I laughed really hard.
My ears suddenly caught onto the sound of light footsteps, my eyes dart towards the sound as my eyes fell onto the blonde spectacled man.

"Okairinasai...." I smile while greeting him but later it turned into a confused frown as I saw him look surprised. "Umm.... Are you okay Ukyo nii-san?"

He was silent for a moment before shaking his head and walking to the kitchen placing the bag of groceries on the kitchen counter.
"I am fine, it's just....." He paused letting out a sigh with a smile. "I........never expected someone would be there to welcome me home."

Since the day I came here, the 2nd eldest has always looks out for me and took care of me. It's my first time to see him so vulnerable, it was as if my body reacted on its own.

I wrapped my arms around him, embracing him. He seemed to be taken back at it but then relaxed wrapping his arms around my waist as we both stood hugging each other. I could feel his body warmth and the smell of his cologne made me relax after the tiring day out.
It was like time stopped, we actually forgot that we were in each others arm until we heard a person's foot steps. Our eyes met before we awkwardly let go of each other, heat rush up my cheeks realizing the thing I just did. I actually didn't notice the blushing blonde who stood in front of me because I was trying to hide my own tomato face.

"Oh Okairinasai onee-chan and Ukyo-san." We both looked up at Ema who just walked down the stairs with a smile.

"Tadaima Ena-chii!!" I ran to hug her to forget the awkwardness, as she giggles at me being clingy oblivious of the situation.

I let go of her and cupped her cheeks with a wide grin. "How was your day?"

"Like always...... I hope you had fun and..." She gave a small smile before continuing. "I met fuuto-kun today and it seemed that he isn't like what I used to see on TV."

"Well, most of the celebrity are fake. They fake their smile, kindness and friendliness." I said bluntly, Juli who sat on Ema's shoulder also agreed to my words.

"Aren't you a celebrity too?"

I answered Ukyo nii-san without hesitation. "Don't include me amongst those kind of people, nii-san."

"I just thought that you and your members were so kind and friendly, so I thought he is how he looks on the TV." She spoke timidly as if she is trying to not offend anyone, I breath out a laugh as I patted her brown hair.

"Welcome to reality, my little lamb. lamb I remember, I have something for you. Go and look on the couch, its a little lamb just like like you." Her eyes sparkled as she sprinted towards the direction with juli also running behind him.

I turned to the blonde brother. "By the way, why is fuuto here? I thought he is busy..."

"Actually, he was in Japan. So, i asked if he could join us tomorrow for Subaru-kun's birthday."

"Wow really!" I grinned. "It's gonna be fun."

"Yeah, usually we don't celebrate birth day but since he is turning 20 it has to be special." He gave his usual kind smile Patton my head, while I was deep in my thoughts thinking what to give him.

"It's really good to have so many siblings...." I looked at Ema, who walked with the lamb in her arms. I nodded agreeing.

"Its been always me and Ema, sometimes our mothers would join. But ever since I went away to Korea 6 years ago, she has been alone. I feel really bad for leaving you."
She wrapped her arms around me, as she obviously heard my voice crack due to my sadness for leaving her.

"Onee-chan, it wasn't like you knew those things would have happened to us."

"Yeah, that's right. Never blame yourself for the things which wasn't under your control." I smiled at Ukyo nii-san's attempt to make me feel good.

I calmed myself down and tried not to cry before jumping up and down in excitement. "Can I help you in the preparation for tomorrow?"

The 2nd eldest seemed to think for a bit before nodding. "Help me with the cake...."

"Sure!" Me and Ema responded at the same time before looking at each other and giggling.

Then I remembered something, tomorrow is my last day. The thought of leaving them was giving me a hard time.
In these two days I gave grown close to the Asahina brothers and I want to spend more time with Ema, however I know it would be impossible to stay.

I really don't wanna leave.
