Huang Xinchun

happy birthday Xinchun~❤


word count- 800
type- angst, fluff

"Why is she even with him?"

"I seriously don't like her!"

"Why is she even here? I hate her!"

Your thumb twitched, itching to reply back to each one of the hate comments you were getting.

Xinchun had finally posted a picture of you and him together on his weibo, which made you happy. Of course, his fans weren't too overjoyed about it.

He didn't read his comments, but you did. You wanted to know if being with him was too much for you, which currently, it was.

You had second thoughts of everything. You knew if this gotten any worse, you would lose it.

You curled up in your favorite striped blanket and layed on the couch, watching a marathon of Fresh of the boat which was you and Xinchun's favorite show.

It was just getting to the theme song when Xinchun walked in from another room, in search for something.

"Hey, (y/n). Do you know where my..."
When he noticed you didn't look up at him to see what he wanted, he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Babe, what's wrong?" he asked. He knew you too well by now. You couldn't hide anything from him, even if you wanted to.

"Nothing" your voice cracked, sounding really hoarse, as if you had been crying. You had..

He walked in front of the television and turned it off.

He trudged over to you and sat down in an empty space, next to your head, where you were lying down.

"(y/n)" he whispered.

You didn't reply. It was so quiet now, your ears had begun to ring. Your phone was still scrunched up in your hands and you were still trembling in shock.

"What's wrong? You've been... acting differently ever since yesterday" he finished his sentence slowly.

He had touched you gently on your back, and you flinched . You never flinched when he touched you.
He scooted closer to you and let you rest in his lap. Tears stung your eyes as they tried to squeeze their way out of between your closed eyelids.

"Xinchun, I can't take it anymore," you whispered, letting your tears free. You began to sob and he rubbed your back. You knew he was confused, but he kept it on the down low.

"What? What can you not take anymore?" he asked, shuffling around a bit.

You flung up and looked him in the eyes.

"You know what I'm talking about, Xinchun!" you freaked out.

He sat still, eyes lowering in sympathy and guilt. He hated to see you cry, but he couldn't stop you.

"Did you know I'm starting to get death threats?" you cocked your head to the side sarcastically. "Did you know there's endless paragraphs of hate comments directed towards me? Did fucking you know any of that?!"

"No... (y/n), just calm down---"

"Don't tell me to calm down! You promised me that I wouldn't have to deal with any of this when we started dating! What happened to that?" you scolded him.

Even though he was probably debating on doing it or not, he came close to you and embraced you in a hug. He let you cry onto his chest as he held you so tightly and protectively, making you calm down by the second. You felt safe and shielded from all of the bitterness that was starting to take over you.

"Stop crying, (y/n). You're strong. You can fight through this, babe." he whispered in your ear, making you shiver.

"You have to make it stop. I can't. You know I ca---"

He kissed your forehead, a tear streaming from his eye. He truly did hate seeing you like this. It was his first time seeing you break down... It tore him to pieces.

"We'll take a break from social media for a while, okay? Both of us." he muffled into your hair.

You nodded into his chest.

"You're my strong little princess," he added quietly. A half smile formed on your face as he cheered you up with his cute little sayings.

Before you knew it, he was telling you throwback stories for your amusement. You were giggling and smiling again. You were gradually forgetting everything that had just happened. He helped you forget...

"That was the best time of my life," he came to a conclusion, chuckling.
You chuckled along with him.

"Actually, scratch that. Meeting you was the best time of my life," he laughed.

"Aw, I'm glad you think that," you blushed and giggled.

Then, he looked at you and poked out his bottom lip.

"What?" you asked.

"Meeting me wasn't the best time of your life?" he fake pouted.

You layed your head on his shoulder.

"Of course it was! You know I love you" you smiled from ear to ear.
He came in and pecked your lips.

"You better."
