Episode 5: The Answer Part 2

Nobody POV

Calming relief later hourisan told everyone incident report on the park midnight and the kiss from Garga, Dragon Witch Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) disgusted scoffed love between buddy monster and human.

Jeanne (Alter): Eww... First your little cheating death, now  kissed by Garga what's that lunatic dragon mind doing loving human.

Hourisan: It's Not my fault he kiss me getting sneak attack by him. Worst death or him.

Jeanne (Alter): About none seriously fact reason why he kissed you? Really Yu's dress.

Hourisan: Try asking her, Anyway Isola how interrogation of mask suspect went? Especially Jeanne I don't know.

Isola: Armageddon so far Tasuku figured out how we able to stop these guys from further damage?

Toma: Ok enough destruction and love now battle against Masato.

Isola: Agreed maestro our departure awaits late is not good excuse.

Hourisan: Mom I'm off be back from battle.

Hourisan mom: Alrighty bring home victory for everyone.

Heading outside "Off we go." Garga watches them go facepalms remembering first kiss her.

Isola POV
Arriving at Aibo academy were we saw Masato waiting getting off amor skirt.

Isola: Apologies for delayed.

Masato: No problem can't wait to battle.

Agito:*hides his Blushed marks* "Agito cut yourself out and focus".

Hourisan: Certainly someone ready *giggles having robotic dragon tail swinging both sides*

Rama and the guys hurried spectating match unfolds "Cameras is all set"

"Maestro the hero your holding it called Nameless Chains it focus on increase attack and defense." Saying within the hero world deck. "Got it" nods stepping on platform.

--- Buddyfight Battlefield ---

Virtual reality, Activated:

Justice is order to bring evil down! To protect the world! Luminize! *Clutching her fist's* Nameless chains!

The linked spiral is the chains of bonds! Luminize! *Clutches his fist* Spiral Linkdragon Order!


Raise the flag!

Hourisan: Hero World!

Masato: Ancient world!

"Rumbling Thunderaxe, Agito" summoned full energy dragon.

"Valkyrur,Riela Marcellis (Isola)" military girl with gun and weapons in disposal smiled then looks at her enemy.

Riela has red eyes and long and two-toned flowing red hair fringed with silver near her hairtips. Her hair is tied with a black ribbon. She differentiates her appearance by wearing the Nameless Jacket and wearing a collared white shirt, a black corset and a red skirt. She also wears a belt with a pack fastened to it. She wears brown gloves, leggings with the Nameless colors emblazoned on them and long brown boots. She is noted by other Nameless members as having well-endowed breasts. Her concept art depicts her to have worn the standard apparel for female members of Nameless which retains the black motif of the squad.

Live or Die by the Sword

What power do you hold in your hands...? Dancing flames, decaying Earth, withered ocean.

Miko Hourisan turn, Life points 10

Hourisan: Draw, Charge and Draw! I equipped Warpick A-1.

Riela: Commander beware of Agito abilities.

Hourisan: Understood, I call Number 7 Officer, Kurt Irving to the right.

Kurt: Ready for firing.

Size 1, 9,300 attack and defense, Critical of 2.

Hourisan: Kurt attack the fighter!

Kurt: Copy that *brought out rocket Lance" Mortar Lance!

Launched a beam explosive dealing 2 damage to Masato in impact.

Hourisan: End of turn

Masato turn, Life points 8

Masato: Draw, Charge and Draw! I cast! Give Your All! *Discarding some cards to drop zone* I add Agito to my hand. I Buddy call Rumbling Thunderaxe, Agito to the right!

Summoning Agito in first form "I'm going to give my all!" Restoring 9 life points by Buddy gift and summoned Kaina at center, Jisen to the left finally equipped Order's Axe,Wildaxe.

Masato: Agito. Attack the fighter!

Dealing 3 damage to me.

Hourisan: I cast, Revenge C4 *a happy face bomb appeared on Agito tail* It also effects your friends final form as well.

Yuga: Revenge C4?

Rama: I guess a counter card for dealing Masato damage at end of turn total by monsters only .

Masato and his monsters dealt total of  4 damage.

Masato: Ending my turn--- *Explosion of Revenge C4 decrease by 4*

Kaina and Jisen: Masato!

Rama: Yup definitely a counter.

Miko Hourisan turn, Life points 3

I summoned Number 1 Nameless, Imca the center and Buddy call Valkyrur,Riela Marcellis (Isola) to the left.

Riela: I will protect you three. Size 3, 20,000 attack and defense, Critical of 2.

Imca: I won't miss my target. *Firing missiles towards the air*

Hourisan: When Imca is summoned her ability activate destroying any effects and monsters on the field. I sacrificed my items to Fusion equipped!

Ion: Fusion equipped!?

Riela: Sacrificing any equipped items saying nameless and 5 nameless monster if she has low life points.

Hourisan fusion to become Soul nameless saver, Dragon GX.

Size 4, 30,000 attack and defense, Critical of 3, Soul guards: 4

Hourisan: My ability activates, Valkyrur links *Mysterious light power up my monsters and myself* Any nameless monster is in drop zone total increase my Monsters gain 900 and one critical plus size to 1.

Kurt: Also I gained penetration.

Riela:*raising her hands* Valkyria mode! I gained additional 300 attacks until end of turn.

Miko: Valkyria mode?

Eden: Warrior of heaven each has different types valkyrie's wielding weapons not expecting hero world having valkyrie.

Hourisan: As a fusion monster now I can't attack due next turn, *missiles destroyed soul guards to Jisen and Kaina* Imca, attack Kaina.

Imca: Copy that *Slash Kaina destroying him*

Kaina: Not good! *Destroyed*

Hourisan: Kurt, Attack Jisen. I cast, Valkyria blessing it allows Kurt or Imca to attack again.

Kurt: Thanks *Throws grenade but blocked* Double attack *Slash by big sword*.

Hourisan: End of turn.

- At Miko's café -

Miko: Those two are really bringing excitement.

Eden: A transfer student? Is she an friend?

Miko: She's Miko Hourisan or Hourisan from Tokyo.

Eden: Radiant songstress I never watched previous matches facing Subaru and Yuga.

- Battlefield---

Miko Hourisan life points 2
Masato life points 7

Imca: Intercept *used explosive gun shot blowing Agito away* look like I'm  done... here... win for us Commander.

Hourisan: Rest now you have done well *Icma got destroyed* "I got only one defense card".

Masato: Final phase! I cast! Thunder Dragon Tornado!

Riela: Maestro used my ability don't worry, they say cat have nine lives.

Masato: Impact! Thunder Dragon Tornado! *Throwing his equipped item*

Hourisan: I cast! Valkyrian shield! *A shield appeared as thundering axe wings reduce my life points to 1*

Riela: ..! *Hit as soul guard disappeared*

Ion: Unbelievable she managed to escape another impact card!

Crowd watching the match yelling totally excitement

Masato: No way! *Smirk* Welp end of turn.

Miko Hourisan turn, Life points 1

Hourisan: Draw, Charge and Draw! I cast, Tactics operation one by sending one card to drop zone *New cards full her hand and two filled as gauges* I call! Gallian general, Selvaria Bles to the right.

Size 1, 20,999 attack and defense, Critical of 2.

Selvaria: summoned by a savior to help again.

Hourisan: I attack Agito*Teleport to Agito* Forgive me my... future husband.

Agito:*Blushes bad* F-future husband---

Falsely kissed him on the cheek as a beam under him raised destroying Agito "Holy judgement" teleport back.

Hourisan: Selvaria and Riela, *points to Masato* Attack the fighter.

Selvaria and Riela: Understood! *Jumps to Pierce with the lance*

Riela: Double attack! Valkyrian light! *Shots beam at him but ending being blocked*

Hourisan: Final phase! I cast, Localized Assault! *Summoned Kurt to center by fusion equipped*

Masato: Subaru was right your pretty strong.

Hourisan: There still more obstacles I must overcome. Impact! Localized Assault.

Kurt: Mount a full-scale attack!

Selvaria and Riela: There coming for us

Mounting him with everything they have "Go Riela" "He's all yours" Kurt and Selvaria fell exhausted.

Riela:*switch to Valkyria mode* It was wonderful battle Masato.

Ion: Winner Miko Hourisan.

Hourisan: 🎶Justice is served...🎶. *Bows changing back to normal*

Isola: your quite good hourisan.

Hourisan: Fun it my buddyfight experience.*lift up masato*

Masato: That... was... Awesome, For share.

Agito: what's the future husband thing?

Hourisan: I don't remember saying it strange?

Agito: .... *Hides his blush face*

Eden: I might get to know her better.

Miko: Same here.
