Part 9 Punishment

'' Naib! '' Black shouted.

Naib snapped out. He already lose his formation. '' Oh no'' 

Norton realized that the enemy is coming. He smirks. 

'' You all think we are not prepared for this?'' He plucks his finger as his followers appeared out of nowhere and started to gather up and encircle Reznik Clan. 

'' Well, well, look who we have here. It's a Burke's dog'' as he said and pointed his fingers at Naib. Then he gives the signal to his followers to escort his client out of the scene.

'' Norton, if you are here it means that......''

'' Yes, that man is my client. '' Norton said and still smirking.

'' Tch! Naib, you so slow! '' Tracy yelled. 

'' Let's work out for the plan B'' White said. He takes out a smoke bomb from his pocket as a sign to retreat immediately as their appearance has been detected by the Burke's clan. 

'' Heh, running away? ''

Norton's followers started to shoot towards Reznik's clan. White successfully fire the smoke bomb. Naib takes this opportunity to run. 

'' Where are you running, Naib?'' Naib widens his eyes as he was held by Norton at his wrist. ''W-wh.. let me go!!'' Naib shouted in sinister. Let me go! let me go! White! Black! Help me! '' 

Naib felt terrified with Norton's tight grip. Naib tried to fight Norton and he uses all his strength to release himself and somehow he is succeed to escape from Norton's grip.

'' Heh, see you again Naib. Let's have some FUN again next time'' He grins.


'' Where is him? '' Tracy asked.

'' In confinement room with Joker,'' Emily said.

'' Where is Jack?'' 

'' He's still outside for the meeting''

'' Good''

Tracy opens the confinement room. '' Explain yourself now, I have no time to be waste.'' 

'' Sorry, I was not focused at that time.'' 

'' Daydreaming on your 1st mission? Wahh Subedar. This is how you did your work? '' Tracy increase her tones. Naib tilted his head down. '' I'm sorry, something distracted me. I promised no more mistake again next time''

'' Yeah, I can give you a chance next time. But this time you have to redeem your mistake with the punishment. See you, '' Tracy stood up and looked at Joker. '' Do your work. Emily, you also stand by'' Tracy left the room immediately.

Punishment? What's her mean? As Naib busy with his thought, Joker already approaches him and tied his hands up. Naib sigh and he looks at Emily. Her face looks uncomfortable and displeased. 

'' It's been so long since I am doing my job. Ngehehehe'' Joker started to speak. 

'' This organization never failed on their mission. I guess you are the luckiest one to receive my 'best' treatment because of your failure. This organization is strong. We never did mistakes and failed. Did you remember how is your first failure when you try to fight us too, Subedar?'' 

Joker asked as he is busy tying Naib and hung him up. Now his hand was attached to the rope on the ceiling. Naib is floating up now as he cannot feel the ground with his feet.

Emily just see them from far. '' Don't worry, my 'treatment ' would not kill you. We have a world-class skilled doctor here to treat you later. Ngehehehe ,'' 

Naib silents. He knows the incoming pain he will receive soon. Joker ripped Naib's cloth with his medium-size knife. He takes out all his equipment and he choose the whip. Then he started to hit Naib with it hardly. Naib groans and screaming for each hit he got. 

'' Argghh!! Arghhhh! Urghhh!!! '' Naib struggle from the hit. The thigh rope makes his skin on the wrist redder.

Joker laughs happily. '' Scream more! It's so good! Ngeheheheh!'' 

Naib feels his skin was pierced for every hit. Joker keeps hitting Naib until Naib's voice becomes slower. Joker feels mad. 

'' Voice...... where is your voice?!!!! '' He started to scream like crazy when Naib stopped to groan. Then he keep hitting Naib non-stop at his head.

'' Stop it Joker! '' Emily shouted. '' Enough''

'' What? I promised I didn't hit him at his abdomen so hard. Why you want me to stop now?'' 

Naib opens his eyes and looks at Emily. '''' Naib said weakly.

'' Good job Joker, that's enough. You may go now.'' Emily smiled. 

Joker loses the rope on the ceiling and makes Naib falls down on the ground. '' Urghh, '' Naib groaned. Then Joker carries Naib on his shoulder and brings him to the treatment room. 

'' Dang, his blood tainted my cloth. Ngeh~'' He complained.

'' Thanks, Joker, Emily said'' 

As Emily started to treat Naib, he close his eyes slowly. Naib takes a nap but woke up as he feels a gentle touch at his abdomen. He open his eyes. He saw Emily touch his body gently especially at that 'point' where his 'heart' was placed on. Surprisingly Naib sees Emily licks that part and smiling with psycho face. 

'' Emily???'' Naib asked.

She snapped out. '' Oh! Naib! How are you feeling? She repositions herself again.

 '' I give you the best treatment so don't worry, you will be fine as new. She smile. After you eat this medicine for 3 rd time today you may go back to your room.''

'' T-thanks Emily. '' 

'' Sleep well, Naib, I'll come back later for the 2nd medicine, ok?'' Emily left the room.

Then Naib close his eyes again and fall asleep. 


'' Good work, Norton. Our client satisfied with the service'' Burke said as he clapped his hands. 

'' Haha, it's not a big deal Burke. Btw I found your dog today. Heh'' Norton said. 

Burke silent. 

'' Dog is still a dog. He won't run far away from me. One day he will be crawling to me and licks my feet again, '' He smirks. 

'' So you still hope for Naib to come back?'' Norton asked.

'' He is my property, Norton. I won't let him go just like that. I just let him enjoy his moment out there until my next 'product' complete. Then I'll claim him back again. Hahaha'' 

Norton just smile and nodded.


'' Urghh,'' 

'' Woke up already, sweetie?''

Naib looks at the tall figure beside him. He is sitting on the chair beside him. '' How you feel? ''

'' Hngh.'' Naib try to wake up slowly and lean his back on the bed  '' I'm good, no worry'' 

'' Naib, it's the protocol here. No failure allow as it was stated in the rules to stay here. So, what happened? What's the thing distract you, sweetie? '' Jack asked as he smile to Naib.

Naib silent. He doesn't have the intention to talk about that matter again. 

'' Leave me alone, Jack. '' Naib holds his injured arm firmly. 

'' Did you feel uncomfortable with me? Listen Naib, I'm............''


'' Naib, it's your medicine time.'' Emily came in with the tray on her hands. 

'' Greeting Jack'' Emily bow to him.

Jack smile at her. Behind her back Jack put a  deep glare.

'' Done. Please take care of your body ok, Naib?'' she giggles. '' Don't be so rough on your precious body'' 


'' I can go back to my room tonight, right?''

'' Yes, after you eat the 3rd medicine, ok?''

'' Thank You, Emily''. Emily went out of the room with a bright smile.

Then Naib looks at Jack. The glare on his crimson eyes already disappear.


P/S : One of my friends ask me why I love to hurt Naib in my story. Ahaha, well I love to torture Naib. Maybe I should stop to hurt him next time? What do you think? Am I being rough on Naib? Lemon slot coming soon~ Be prepare~ EHEHEHEHEHHE
