Today is the day I go home and I can't wait to catch up with my dad.
I woke up feeling extra giddily because I am freaking going home. These are the days I miss breaking off from school for holidays, all the hype the day brought was positive and I always looked towards to it. I can't wait to finally be home..

Anyway, here I am in the supermarket buying some stuff to carry home. I was walking towards the vegetable section when I received a call and it was from my dad.

"Hi Dad" I answered the phone call.

"Hi sweet heart, how are you" replied my dad.

"Before I forget, please tell me that you are already on your way" asked my dad.

"Yes dad, I am" I replied. "Dad, I am just getting your stuff in the supermarket and I shall soon be on my way home and before you say anything, I am using a boda" I said not giving him a chance to argue.

"I know you have already made up your mind" said my dad.
"Any way, lemme hope that you carried your helmet with you?"

"Yes Father" I replied. "I love you" I told my father to which he replied.
I was so engrossed in planning about my journey that I ended up bumping into a wall.

"Wait, walls don't smell this divine nor do they have hands" I thought as I was regaining my composure.
For some unknown reason, the cologne smelt familiar.
I turned towards the "wall" and I felt weirdly safe .
There was a pair of sharp brown eyes looking into my own.

"Watch it woman" said the "wall" arrogantly.

"Wow, these walls are really...." my thoughts were cut short as the walls released me and I felt my butt kiss the floor.

"Ouch" I winced.

"Next time, try telling your lover that you are in a no talk zone" said the awfully familiar voice.

I had heard enough from this arrogant "wall" and I decided to give him a piece of my mind.

"For your own information, this is a free country and I can talk to whoever I want in whatever place" I told the arrogant jerk who had turned his back towards me and this when I noticed that this was a muzungu.

"Excuse me you arrogant jerk" the stubborn me shouted towards the jerk who turned towards me with an irritated face.
For the first in the long time, I wished the ground could swallow me because I couldn't believe my bad luck today.

It was HAP....
"please let it be his twin" I silently muttered.

To be continued.......

I apologize for the late update. I hope to do better beginning this month..

Boda is a motorcycle used for transport... It's usually called a boda boda and it's rider is called a boda man in Uganda.

Love you all my silent readers and keep the comments and votes coming..
