a date with vance hopper

18 september 2022
Bruce took his phone off charge running down the stairs to his living room it was 5:00am and his parents were asleep still, he quickly called Finney in a panic and obviously Bruce woke him up. finney still lying in bed, his hair all messed up yet still fluffy he groaned "Bruce do you realise what time it is my dad and Gwen are still asleep you know?" he rubbed his eyes and sat up sorting his hair out bruce was still freaking out shouts "FINNEY IM GOING ON A DATE WITH VANCE, VANCE HOPPER I NEED TO LOOK MY BEST IVE ALREADY SHOWERED AT 4:35 AND I NEED TO PICK MY OUTFIT STILL DO MY HAIR AND I STI-" finney cut him off with "woah, chill out dude its not until 9:00 you should go back to bed" bruce knew he wouldnt be able to go back to bed because there was one thing on his mind, vance. the boy of his dreams with his curly long hair and his stupid pinball, the boy with his metal music loudly from his earphones that the wires are visible in 7 different places and his jacket he ripped the sleeves off and patches of bands from hot topic. "i mean i can stay on here with you though?" Finney says just before bruce can start rambling on about vance again.

sorry this is so short its only the introduction 🤷‍♂️
