*⁠・⁠゜゚⁠(⁠^⁠O⁠^⁠)⁠↝. Chapter 3^⁠_⁠^

I am sorry Hong-er 😔

🍁 Nobody pov 🤗

She was about to leave the palace only to the crown prince hold her back.

" Your highness leave me , let me go!!" She screamed.

" It's all because of me!, let me come with you." Xie lian said.

" Your highness let's call your golden carriage" mu qing suggested.

"Go to hell! You and your fucking golden carriage!!"

Everyone took a step back. Xie lian gulped before saying. " Feng xin, Mu Qing it's ok I will go myself." Xie lian said calmly.

" Still no " but why? He asked. She took a deep breath before replying. " Your highness you are the crown prince we can't go peacefully together public will surely be excited to see their prince.

(.....) Feng xin

(......) Mu Qing

(.....) Xie lian

" I will find a way-" before he could finish his words she hold the prince hand and call her sword.

" Zhou rong !"

Her sword unshielded itself and came in front of her flying. " Your highness if you really want to come then climb on my sword, we will fly.

And if you are uncomfortable then take your golden carriage and search for yourself.

" Your highness come with me I will call the golden carriage."

"No I am going with her on her sword" xie lian said.

" Your highness what if you fall !!" Feng xin exclaimed.

" I will hold him now please let's hurrryyyy." She shouted.

Xie lian was now a little afraid he immediately climb and hold her waist with his both hands.

" I-I am ready let's go." As everything was ready she commands her sword 🗡️. Soon after they both were talking to the sky higher.

" L-Li yinnggg it's too high! And fast slow down a bit." Xie lian said tightening his grip around her waist. But she didn't care at all she care about now is Hong-er.

"Your highness hold on tight!! I am going to increase the speed. " Soon after they fly even faster than before.

"Li ying!!!" It's too fast!!" He shouted.

Hong-er pov 🍁♥️

' it's beautiful Hong-er is beautiful '

Jie jie where are you? I missed you so much. I want to sleep in your arms, I want to fly with you, eat with you, play with you.

I want to see you please come back. You said you will find me if I rub my bracelet it's been three days where are you?. But I won't lose my hope I know you will come back.

It's hurt , it's hurt a lot my heart it's want to see you hug you , I missed you.

Should I rub it more harder? I think I should keep rubbing it.

🪷 With xie lian and Li ying 🤍

The pendant keep vibrating wildly she took her pendant in her hand tightly. " Hong-er where are you?" She mumbled but xie lian listen.

" We are going down the vibration is stronger around here." She said before landing.

As they touch the ground xie lian was feeling ill , he run towards the side road and throw his breakfast.

" Cough.. cough..how did you fly like this? Don't you feel uncomfortable?" Xie lian asked breathing heavily.

" It's my 118 th times, it's normal for me. Your highness the crown prince." If you are feeling ill should I call the golden carriage?

" Just forget that carriage!! I don't want to talk about it anymore." Xie lian said feeling irritated.

" Fine then come with me or you can go back."

" I am not going back!"

" Your highness take  this you will feel better." She handed him a lemon.

" Are you kidding me a lemon?" Xie lian asked holding that lemon in his hands.

" Yes eat it you will be fine in no time " she said before cutting the lemon in half.

She forcefully squeeze the lemon inside the prince mouth. Before drinking it too.

" It's too sour !"

" Of course it's a lemon."

She take out some paper doll and activate them all ran towards different direction.

" What this?" Xie lian asked.

" It's my paper doll or you can say tail marks." She said before closing her eyes and put a finger on her forehead.

' She is so pretty while concentration like this ' xie lian thought.

Li ying open her eyes and one paper doll climb on her palm pointing towards a direction.

" Your highness he is somewhere near by let's search!."

♥️ With hong-er

He was still rubbing the bracelet in hope his jie jie will show up. His finger was bleeding due to rubbing to hard. Suddenly he heard footsteps coming his direction.

He stood up and run towards the footsteps but it's was the same teenagers who bullied him last time.

" Hey look , the devil shows up."

" It's been a while you ugly brat."

Hong-er was again trapped by the teenagers. He tried to run away but he failed.

" Let me go! I am not alone anymore. I have someone who loves me." Hong-er said.

" Oh? Is that the witch last time with you?" The first one asked.

Hong-er break through their hold and landed a punch on his cheek.

" Don't call her witch!! She is my jie jie, she is a fairy!." Hong-er yelled at the tall guy.

"You-" suddenly the boy grab his wrist and look at the bracelet she gave him.

" Ugly monster like you doesn't deserve a pretty gift like this, give it to me, I will leave you." He said staring at the bracelet.

" No!! Jie jie give me this, I won't give you!" Hong-er hugged the bracelet.

" I am asking you last time give me that bracelet!!" He shouted tightening his grip on hong-er wrist.

" Ahhhh! Let me go!" The tall guy smirk. " You remember last time I told you, I will take my revenge."

" Everyone hold him , I will take the bracelet and share all money among us." Everyone agreed and hold both of his hands and legs.

" No!! Don't take it with me!! It's my jie jie gift please " Hong-er begin to cry because of the pain .

The boy snatch the bracelet roughly and tugged his hair.

" It's been a while devil, now we are going to have our fun , so be obident and don't cause more trouble."

Hong-er can't take it anymore and begin to cry " Jie jie!! Please take me with you save me!!.

Suddenly they heard the same music and wind becoming strong.

" Leave him or I will break your bones!!."

She is standing just behind the tall guy and her Aura was cold as ice. And her anger was going out of control.

" Jie jie? " Hong-er open his eyes and look at her standing and surrounded by her cold aura.




"Give him back the bracelet!!"

He hurriedly handed the bracelet to hong-er and about to run only to freeze by her spell.

" Li ying! " Xie lian came after and begin to check the bandage boy if he is hurt anywhere.

" Are you alright?" Xie lian asked. Hong-er was so pleased to see the crown prince in front of him at this situation and also his jie jie back to his side.

" Humm" he said.

She glace at them filled with anger in her eyes before taking out her sword to throw them away by the spiritual power.

" Ahhhhh!" They cried in pain and disappear from the scene.

Xie lian lifted the little boy and walked towards her. She had become statue at her place and tears rolls down from her cheeks.

Suddenly She fall down on her knees and started to curse at herself. " She was right! I am useless, pathetic not good at anything, I failed myself, my responsibility. I am a pathetic fucking cultivator!!"

Xie lian stopped at his track and put hong-er down. Hong-er run towards her and hugged her tightly. " Jie jie you are here! I know you will come back! My jie jie is back."

She hugged him back and stroke his hair. " Hong-er I am sorry, I failed to protect you, take care of you. I am useless, Jie jie is bad very bad.

Hong-er lifted his head and wipe the tears away with his little hands. " No, Jie jie is good, Jie jie is my fairy , hong-er's fairy."

She break away the hug and look at hong-er. His wound were reopen, his clothes were soaked with water and dust.

She take out her outer robe and cover hong-er with it. " Let's go we are going home now. " She lifted hong-er and started to walk away.

" Wait! If you don't mind then please take this" xie lian take out his diamond ring to give them but she refused. " It's fine your highness I can earn I don't want this for free " she said.

Xie lian was feeling so wrong at that moment. He never thought that the situation will turn out like this.

" I am sorry Hong-er, Li ying for causing trouble." Xie lian bow in apologize but Li ying stopped him. " Your highness it's fine it's not your mistake I am the one who should apologies for disrespecting you." She said.

" Can I ask you something? Would you like to be my assistant?" He asked a little nervously.

' it's too straight what if she thinks it in a wrong way' xie lian thought.

She was silent for a moment after she speaks. " I will love to but in one condition."

" What is it?" Xie lian asked.

" Hong-er will stay with me at the palace, I don't want to leave him now." He had already suffered so much." She said looking at the little boy sleeping peacefully in her arms.

" Can I ask you one question?"

" Yes?"

" Hong-er is not your blood related
brother right?"

" Humm"

" It's so nice of you, you are really kind to take care of someone you don't have any connections. He continues.

" My last request, will you......be my... Friend?

Xie lian asked blushing madly. He can't help but he had developed an unknown feeling with the stranger.

She smiles sweetly and took a step closer to xie lian. His heart skip a beat.

" Alright friends?" She took out her hand to shake with the crown prince. Which he gladly accepted.

" Friends. Now let's go to the palace, my mother wants to meet you." Xie lian said.

" Your mother? I mean the empress!" Her mouth was hang open. Xie lian notice her nervousness and try to calm her down.

" Don't worry about it, when she learned about your condition she wants me to take you at the palace actually." Xie lian said.

She sign in relief." Fine then your highness you go first I will come after you." She call her sword and climb on to it.

"If you don't mind can I come with you?" Xie lian asked nervously. She gave him another lemon.

" Then take this maybe your highness is little uncomfortable while flying on my Zhou rong." She said with a teasing look and continue" or you should call your golden carriage?"

Xie lian don't know whether to laugh or to cry. " I will prefer your sword ride then my golden carriage." Xie lian climbed on her sword and hold her tightly.

She wasted no time and take off for the xianle palace.

🪷 In xianle palace 🩵

" Look there is something above the sky!"

" Wait! Is it his highness the crown prince?"

" That's the pretty lady he brought in his arms!."

They both finally landed gracefully and the sword return back to it's cover. " Good!" She complemented her sword.

" Your highness!!" His both trustful servants came running towards his direction.

They both notice that Li ying was no longer anger and had a gentle smile on her face. But they also noticed the little child sleeping in her arms.

Xie lian was now feeling a little dizzy but not ill anymore. " Feng xin, Mu Qing it's alright we found him.

" Is that your child?" Feng xin asked.

Xie lian was scared that she will be upset but instead she giggled before replying. " Do I look that older your highness?" She asked xie lian playful.

" Of course not! And Feng xin it's not her brother either, she take care of him because he is alone and helpless. "

" You pick up a random begger from street?!" This time it was Mu Qing.

Xie lian sweat dropped he keep worrying that they will upset her and she will refuse to be with him.

" Well it's not like that, we both feel an unknown bond between us , after all I was alone too." She said while looking at hong-er holding her robes with his small little hands.

Xie lian was smiling knowing that she was able to defence their questions so easily. Suddenly a maid came towards their direction." Greetings to the crown prince" she bowed.

" Young Miss your majesty want to talk to you." She nodded without any hesitation. " Your highness hong-er is sleeping peacefully looks like he didn't sleep in these three days can I -"

" Give him to me , I will layed him in your room don't worry" xie lian extended his hand and she gave the little boy to the prince before leaving.

Now I am going to meet the empress!! I mean Xie Lian's mother.

Dear readers don't forget to leave a star if you like this part.
