
Ray's P.O.V

I was drag to I guess the middle of the town, and they tied me to a piece of wood with robe. I tried to move my hands but my wrists started bleeding, then I felt something popped my back. It stung  like a bitch I yelled in pain as it hit me about twenty more times, then I heard a pop but didn't feel it. "Leave him alone he was defending me!" Rose yelled, the peacekeeper yelled at her "Get out of the way!" but Rose didn't budge.

Then he had someone grab her, I got worried what would happen to her "Please please don't hurt her, listen Rose go to the house." I said calmly. They let go and she ran off to the house at least she'll be safe, and they continued to whip me until my back was bleeding.

Rose 's P.O.V

Ray told me to the house so I did and I could hear his screams fill the streets, when I got home I got prepared to fix him up. Then I heard the door open and Ray walked in shirt all torn to shreds, I walked up to him and took the shirt off him and sat him on the floor. I got water and some ice that I found in the icebox, I grabbed the washcloth and dipped in the cold water and rang it out. "This is going to sting." I warned, when I put the cloth on his skin he screamed bloody murder.  I felt bad but I had to clean it, I dabbed the cloth softly and he relaxed. When I was done I put some bandages over it, then I helped him to the room we share. I told him to lay on his stomach and I put the ice pack on his back. "I'm so sorry, I laughed at you earlier, and you still defended me. " I apologized, he grabbed my hand "Rose it's fine, and I will always defend you." He replied. I went to the kitchen to see if I could scratch up any food and I found was pasta and tomato sauce, looks like spaghetti for dinner. I made it and Ray came in the kitchen "What smells delicious? " he asked with a small smile on his face, I said spaghetti he looked impressed. He put his ice pack in the icebox to freeze it, I fixed him a plate and he sat at the worn down table, and patted the sit next to him. I sat down and he ate "Are you gonna eat Rose?" He asked me concerned. I shook my head no and walked to the bedroom, sat on our bed and pulled my knees to my chest. Ray walked in with two plates of pasta, he gave one to me and sat beside me eating his as I ate mine then he spoke up "This is Unfair."
