Jade is 19 years old .Her family is very rich as her dad is CEO of Ryan Industries in California and her mother is a successful lawyer in Ishevsk (Russia) .Actually jade is from Ishevsk because her mom and dad both are Russians but jade was born in California and she have never been to Russia due to family and business issues .Jade lived with her dad until highschool graduation in California but now she wants to became a Russian singer so she went to Ishevsk to her mom for taking admission in top college of arts and music etc.

I woke up as alarm rang went to the bathroom ,took shower , i wore black and white stripped skirt with black jeans put my make up on and did my hair straight and went downstairs .I saw lilly my cousin and Bff , hugged her tightly bitch !!! How are you i said in excitement

"Fine she said to me ."

"You ready to go ",said lilly

Yes ,of course, i said excitedly

we drove to college in my car when we reached to college i was parking my car in parking lot when suddenly another car crashed my car from behind .

"OH SHOOT"!!! Said Lilly
We got off the car and saw a hot boy has hitted our car from behind .

OH MY GOD! lilly screamed Y...YOU ARE RAUF MIRZAEV the famous russian singer OMG OMG... I love you so much . Can i get a selfie with you .I am your huge fan Lilly said with surprise .

"Sure why not" ,said Rauf "

Lilly grabbed her phone and took selfie with rauf

Lil' ,Jade said in surprise what about my car .

"Oh i am sorry but don't you know Rauf Mirzaev "? ,asked Lilly suspiciously .

"No i have never seen him before .i don't know him" , I answered.

"Like seriously Jade YOU DON'T KNOW RAUF AND FAIK MIRZAEV, if you don't know then you know nothing about Russian music",Lilly said in surprise

"I am sure jade is new here" , said Rauf

"Yeah you are right" , Jade answered shyly

"I am really sorry about your car i didn't mean to crush it ",said Rauf

"It's fine i can repair it but be careful next time ",i said to him and went off to college

After we entered the college Lilly was so excited about the selfie .

"It was the happiest day of my life . l am gonna post this picture on instagram "; Lilly said happily to me .

"Calmdown Lill' I don't even know this boy but he was so cute looking btw"; I said to lilly

"Jade you should check out these guys and listen to their songs they are great", lilly said to me .

"I Will when i get home ,but we have to hurry before it's late for our class", i said to her .

We entered the class Lilly wanted to sit on the back seat but i sat in first row and she went back because mostly boys were sitting in the back row .Now the seat next to me was empty .

After ten minutes when the class started .Rauf entered the class .

"You are late MR.MIRZAEV", the teacher yelled at him .

Sorry Sir, said Rauf.

"Be careful next time," said the teacher .

And Rauf went and sat in last row .

Rauf was sitting in last row talking loudly , the teacher noticed him .
And changed his seat.

The teacher seated him with jade permanently in first .

Jade was very nervous.

In break me and lilly were in canteen for lunch . l was so excited about Rauf because i think i like him but i gave up on this thought because he won't even look at me he is so famous and there are thousands of other girls for him so why would he fell for a girl like me ?

"I was in my thoughts when Rauf came and said ", hey there i jumped out of my thoughts.

He said are you okay ?

"Yeah i am fine sorry i didn't notice you coming here ",i replied

"I was wondering if you need anything you can call me anytime without any hesitation since you are new here" , said Rauf as he handed over his number to me .

"Thankyou" i replied to him.

"Anytime" he said with big smile .


At home i was just thinking about jade .She was like stuck in my mind then

Faik entered the room and he saw me smiling so he said , "looks like someone is in love today ".

Shut Up, i shouted at him.

"Then tell me what are you hiding from me" , said Faik teasingly .

Then Rauf told Faik about jade and like he have a good feeling for her and she looks so cute and smart.

I finished my homework and was thinking about the number Rauf gave to me so i texted him.

JADE: Hey you there?

RAUF: Hii you need something?

JADE: NO just wanted to check on the number.

RAUF: Thanks !

JADE: OK! Gotta go now. Bye


I CLOSED my phone and went to sleep.
