poh-tay-toe, poh-tah-toe

au: "im a cashier and i saw you stuffing you pants full of potatoes and i would stop you but you already have 27 and i want to see how many you can fit"

or jennie's crushing, and lisa's... mashing.

"Jendeukie," Jisoo calls, walking towards her with a teasing glint in her eyes. "Your crush is over at aisle 4."

Jennie rolls her eyes. She knows exactly who Jisoo's pertaining to, but she's not going to give her that satisfaction. "I don't have a crush." while continuing her reading. With finals coming around the corner, she's tries studying in between every small time gap she has.

"Sure, you don't." Jisoo scoffs, leaning on the counter. "It's the 5th time she's been here today. I wonder what she's cooking."

Jennie snorts, without looking up from her book. "Lisa can't cook for shit. She told me she burnt her food in the microwave two days ago." She points out, chuckling at the memory of a disgruntled Lisa, glaring at the microwavable pizza Jennie was restocking.

Her book suddenly slams shut.

"Hey!" She looks up, glaring at Jisoo. "My economics final is tomorrow, unnie!" She whines, opening the book up again.

"Funny how you immediately thought of Lisa, when I never even mentioned her name."

Jennie sighs. "Yes you did," she says, finally finding the page she was on. "You brought her up earlier."

Jisoo shakes her head, a smug grin on her face. "I said your crush was here, never mentioned Lisa."

"Whatever." She tries ignoring her best friend, while continuing to read the page.

Her and Jisoo go far back. They met each other in elementary school. Jennie still remembers it like it was yesterday.

"When are you going to admit that you've got a crush on the girl? I swear she's also got the hots for you."

"Never, because I'm not crushing on her." She repeats.

— okay, maybe she does have a crush on the tall Thai woman. Lisa's pretty and funny. What's there not to like?

They met last semester, in their critical thinking class, but never got to speak to one another— That was, until recently at Jennie's new job at the grocery store close to campus.

She was shocked at first when Lisa recognised her. Jennie would sometimes catch herself staring at her during class, mesmerised by her beauty. The Thai woman admitted that she was a little intimidated by her in class— it's not the first time she's heard that before. People always find her intimidating because of her resting bitch face.

It's not like she can control it.

Ever since their first conversation at the store, she started seeing more of Lisa. The two would engage in small talk. Small talk that gradually turned into Lisa staying longer at the store, talking to her while she stocked up items on the shelf, or walking her back to her dorm after a late shift.

And during their talks, Jennie's learnt that Lisa's a photography major, and works at the local gym teaching zumba lessons.

Jennie learnt that Lisa's really funny— well, corny. Always giving her tragic jokes that she pretends to hate. She learnt about Lisa's dedication to her passion for dancing and photography, and would find herself impressed by Lisa's work ethic.

And after her shifts, she often finds herself daydreaming about the Thai woman and her perfectly plump lips, her gorgeous smile and those brown eyes that can make her sway just thinking about them.

— so yeah, okay. She does have a crush. But it's not like anything would happen between them. Even with Lisa's overly flirtatious nature.

"You're not fooling anyone with that lie, Jendeukie."

Jennie's about to protest, when their conversation gets interrupted by a customer clearing their throat.

Jennie looks up from her book, and finds a woman in her late 50s, looking at the both of them impatiently.

Jennie offers her an apologetic smile. "My apologies," She says, as she closes her book, and getting back to work. "How has your day been—"

"— actually, I'll be assisting you instead." Jisoo says charmingly, as she makes her way behind the counter, pushing Jennie out. "My colleague here needs to clean up on aisle 4."

"I— what?" She says with confusion. She hates clean up duty. "But I'm on the till today—"

"— nope. Not anymore." Jisoo says, while scanning the items.

Jennie sighs and walks away. There's no room for argument when it comes to Jisoo.


She's absentmindedly looking around, recalling the last page she read on her textbook when she finds her.

There stood Lisa, in a baggy hoodie, and joggers, stuffing her clothes with—

— she squints her eyes to get a better look.


She's stuffing her clothes with potatoes?

"24, 25, 26," Lisa counts, stuffing the current potatoes in hand inside her jogging bottoms. "27, 28– oh shit." Lisa curses, as the last potato falls, rolling its way towards Jennie.

Jennie bends down, picking up the potato. Upon getting up she's met with Lisa, wide-eyed, staring at her in shock.

"Jennie," Lisa says carefully, her eyes bulging out."I can explain."

Jennie chuckles. "Explain what exactly?" She teases, cocking an eyebrow up.

Lisa purses her lips, not knowing what to say.

They stare at each other in silence, with Lisa's mouth slightly agape.

"Damn, Lisa," Jennie starts, trying to break the awkwardness. "I didn't know you were packing." She teases, eyeing the potatoes in the tall woman's joggers.

Lisa's face turns red, covering her front. "I— uh." Lisa stutters. The tall girl never gets this embarrassed— it's always the other way round. Jennie smirks to herself, trying to make the most of the situation.

"Your strap game's big, huh?" She eggs on, thoroughly enjoying watching Lisa blush.

Lisa's eyes widen, shocked at Jennie's sudden remark. Jennie grins even bigger, proud of herself for having the taller woman tongue tied.

Hook. Line and sinker—

"I could take you home so you can find out?" Lisa challenges. Jennie squirms on her feet, her cheeks reddening at Lisa's remark

Lisa smirks, a soft chuckle escaping her lips at Jennie's reaction. "Anyway," Lisa starts, bending down to pick up the potato. "What are you doing here?" She asks awkwardly.

"I work here."

"No— i know that," Lisa points out, rolling her eyes and shaking her head. "You don't work today though."

Jennie shrugs, ignoring the butterflies in her stomach at Lisa remembering her schedule. "Someone called out," she explains, leaning on the shelf. "I was the only one who can cover."

Lisa frowns, "But your final—" her words get cut off as another potato rolls down her pants. "Ah, shit."

Jennie tries fighting back the small smile breaking into her lips at the thought of Lisa remembering her final.

Her schedule, now her final. They're small details that she thought would've flown through the Thai woman's head.

She shakes her head and tries stopping the potato with her foot. "So, you mind telling me why you're stealing our potatoes?" she asks instead, trying to change the subject before she overthinks everything.

Overthinking leads to expectations, and expectations leads to disappointment.

Lisa gulps, raising a hand up. "I'll put them back I swear, just don't call the cops on me."

"Lisa, you're my friend." She says, empathetically, placing a hand over her heart for dramatic effect. "Of course I'm calling the cops on you."


"I'm kidding," Jennie says, picking up another potato. "Fuck 12."

Lisa laughs.

"But I do want to see how many more you can fit in there." She eyes Lisa curiously.

"27," Lisa says sadly. "I can only do 27. After that, everything keeps falling out and i'd have to keep doing it again."

"Shame. I would've been really impressed."

"I could impress you in other ways."

Smooth. If Lisa is anything other than hyper and energetic, she's smooth.

"You're all talk, Manoban." She says, feeling her cheeks get warm for the nth time. "You want to tell me why you're stealing all these potatoes though?"

Lisa looks at her guiltily, before sighing. "My parents."

Jennie eyes the tall woman curiously. "Your parents told you to steal?"

"No!" Lisa shakes her head vigorously. Jennie giggles, watching as the taller girl gathers her thoughts.

"I mean, my parents are coming over for dinner tonight, and I'm trying to cook them something to show them how independent I am— that I no longer need to be babied." She grumbles out, another potato rolling out her pants. "God damn it!"

Well that's interesting. Lisa only ever mentions her parents every now and then.

"What exactly are you making?"

"Mashed potatoes."

Jennie stifles a laugh. "So let me get this straight," She starts, biting her lower lip to contain her laughter. "You're preparing mashed potatoes— just mashed potatoes— for this extravagant meal you planned out to show your parents you're independent?" She asks.

Lisa shakes her head. "Yes and no. I bought ready made roast chicken earlier— your friend Jisoo was helping me out. All I needed were sides and desert and I love potatoes so I chose to make mashed potatoes 'cos it's the easiest potato recipe there is." Lisa says, barely having time to breathe as she talks about food with such enthusiasm and excitement.

"So you cheated then." Jennie teases. "But why do you need 27 potatoes for that?"

"Technically I need 6," Lisa explains, putting the potatoes back one by one. "But I kept messing up the recipe earlier."

"How so?" Jennie asks. How on earth does one mess up mashed potatoes? It's one of the easiest recipes to exist.

"I made the first batch too wet, and then the next batch too salty," Lisa explains, as she puts the potatoes back in place, removing each one from her pants one by one. "And then I burnt the batch after that."

Jennie watches as Lisa unzips her jacket, making at least 10 potatoes fall out, but Lisa seems un-phased by this as she continues her explanation.

"And then for the last batch, my best friend Chaeng— you know her right?" Lisa asks, this time looking at her. "She's in the same English class as you— we sort of just ate the last batch 'cos we got hungry from burning and ruining everything."

Jennie nods. Park Chaeyoung sits beside her in their English Composition class. The platinum Blonde girl wowed her with her accent, and her ability to write really good pieces of poetry for their class. Jennie wasn't fully aware that the two knew each other until recently, when Lisa picked Chaeng up from class.

"Oh, so you talk about me with her?" Jennie teases.

Lisa stills for a moment, before another teasing smile appears on her lips. "Wouldn't you like to know, Jen?"

Jennie rolls her eyes, nudging her playfully with her shoulder. "Anyway," she says, wanting to change the topic to pull herself out of misery. "How on earth does one mess up mashed potatoes?"

Lisa pouts, lifting her shirt up to take out the last few potatoes.

Jennie gulps.


Of course she has abs.

Toned, toned abs.

Super toned abs.

"I don't know—" Lisa pauses for a second, her shirt still raised as she focuses her attention on Jennie.

She does everything she can to maintain eye contact with Lisa.

"Rosie and i can't cook for shit to be honest." Lisa sighs in defeat, before letting go of her t-shirt. Jennie curses herself for not taking a longer look. "I think that was all the potatoes."

"Right, right." Jennie responds, trying to think of a different topic. "I actually have an alternative for you." She thanks herself for thinking quickly. She'd never live it down if Lisa ever found out she was checking her out.

"An alternative?" Lisa asks.

Jennie nods. "Yeah, come and follow me."


"Boxed mashed potatoes?" Lisa asks, looking at the boxes with an unreadable expression on her face.

"Yeah. At least this way you sort of half made it, right? But your parents will never know." She jokes.

Lisa turns around, eyeing her carefully. "You, Jennie Kim, are the smartest person I know." Lisa's face breaks into a big smile, while wrapping Jennie in a tight hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." She repeats, squeezing her tighter. Jennie giggles, squealing in response. "My landlord told me he was going to kick me out if I burnt the apartment down again."

Jennie stills at the revelation.

"You burnt your apartment down—"

"—Ah, I'm so happy I could almost kiss you right now." Lisa says, while pulling away from the embrace.

Jennie looks at the taller woman, baffled.


Jennie chuckles softly, heat rising up on her cheeks again. "Ask me on a date first, and then we'll talk about kissing." She half-jokes.

Lisa turns around, reaching for a box. "Okay, how about Friday after your shift?" She asks, turning her head to the side, a small smile on her lips.

Jennie squints her eyes playfully. "Alright, Lisa. I get it. You're great at this game." She comments, not wanting to have her hopes up.

Lisa frowns. "What game?" She asks, scrunching her eyebrows together. She grabs the box, and then fully turns herself to face Jennie. "I'm being serious, Jen."

Jennie pauses. "A date? You want to go on a date?" Jennie asks, carefully.

Lisa scratches the back of her head. "I mean, yeah. Haven't I been obvious?" Lisa asks.

Jennie blinks.

Lisa has been playfully flirting with her more than usual, and has been offering to walk her home a lot more lately too.

But she didn't want to think too much into it.

Lisa bites down on her lower lip, suddenly deflated. Her brown orbs no longer as sparkly. "Unless you don't want to then I'm sorry I—"

Lisa's words get cut off by the screeching of the intercom.

Damn they need to get that thing fixed soon.

"Jennie Ruby Jane Kim, if you don't say yes I'm throwing your textbook away." She hears Jisoo's voice through the intercom.

Jennie groans.

Kim Jisoo you're dead.

Lisa snorts. "Your middle name is Ruby Jane?" She teases.

Jennie rolls her eyes. "Don't."

"It's pretty." Lisa shrugs.

Jennie's about to say something back, when a familiar laughter echoes through the supermarket.


Of course Chahee talked Jisoo into using the intercom with her. She wasn't even supposed to be working today.

"Lisa, she's been pining over your fine ass since you two shared that one class together so— oh yes, sorry how can I assist you today?" Chahee's voice filters out.

Can the ground swallow her up already?

Out of all the people in the world, why'd she end up with the most annoying best friends in the world.

Lisa's laughter catches her attention.

Jennie looks up, embarrassed.

"I like your friends," Lisa teases, smiling at her widely.

"Makes one of us." She grumbles out. She looks up at Lisa, who's brown orbs are twinkling at her. "Uh, how bout I check that out for you?" She offers, nudging her head in the direction of the counter till.

"I'd rather check you out, but this can also do." Lisa jokes. Jennie giggles a bit, playfully glaring at her.

"That sucked."

"Made you smile though."

Damn. This girl will be the death of her.


They settle conversation about the latest thing Lisa took a photograph of, the younger woman showing her the pictures she took the other day enthusiastically.

Jennie's heart throbs. Hearing Lisa talk about things she's passionate about was one reason why she started crushing on her.

"You think they've kissed yet, chu?" She hears Chahee ask.

Jennie looks up from Lisa's phone, finally realising that they've made it to the till.

She glares at her best friends, flipping them off with a tight smile.

"You have yourself a handful with this one, Lisa." Jisoo teases.

Lisa laughs. "I sorta figured after I noticed her checking my abs out earlier." Lisa winks over at her direction.

Not as slick as you thought, Jennie.

Jennie ignores Jisoo's obnoxious laugh, and Chahee's loud wolf whistle. "I wasn't checking you out." She lies.

"Sure you weren't."

What did she do to deserve this?

"Yo, Chu. We should give the two love birds some privacy." She hears Chahee say.

"Alright, I heard there was a bunch of potatoes rolling around aisle 4." Jisoo adds.

Lisa purses her lips, and looks away, ashamed.

Jisoo and Chahee waves the both of them a quick goodbye, before erupting in a fit of giggles as they make their way towards the aisle.

Jennie rolls her eyes. "Anyway, those pictures looked amazing as always, Lis." She smiles reassuringly, as she gets back behind the till.

"Thanks." Lisa says, bashfully, placing the box on the till.

Jennie eyes the box, then moves her gaze back up at Lisa. "Hmm." She hums out.

"You alright, Jen?" Lisa asks curiously. "Was that too much teasing earlier?"

Jennie shakes her head. Though yes, she's suffered enough embarrassment today to last her a life time.

"I think I'll give you this for free."

Lisa makes a face. "No, it's fine. I did bring money—"

"— how bout you use that money for our date, on Friday?" Jennie replies, biting down on her lower lip, containing her smile.

Lisa's eyes widen, a big smile painted on her lips. "You'll go on a date with me?"

Jennie nods. "Pick me up at 6."

"I— wow. Okay." Lisa stutters, tongue tied. "Friday at 6. Noted." Lisa raises her hand up to her head, and feigns a salute.

Jennie snorts. "I'll see you then, dork." She's smiling so wide her cheeks are starting to hurt.

"It's a date, Jennie Kim."


a/n: wassup? lol this was a short fic i wrote in the parking lot yesterday jus bored out of my minddd. hope everyone's doing well!

i havent proof read it yet so if there are any mistakes, i'll go back and fix em on a later date.

i saw this prompt on tumblr so i decided to add a lil spin on it :)
