Chapter 35 - Nostalgia

"Mommy! Mommy! Look!"

The boy turned at me and shouted cheerfully. He waded the pedals of his small bicycle faster.

"—, be careful! You'll fall!"

A worried voice left my mouth.

It was clear that I adored the boy very much, but I can't seem to recall his name even though I just affectionately called him.

The boy waddled even faster as if he took my warning as a challenge. I walked faster and followed anxiously behind him. He was turning a corner when the bicycle lost its balance and fell.


I shouted his name alarmingly as I ran toward him. The grocery bags that I was holding fell to the ground.

"Are you okay? Where does it hurt?"

I embraced the boy, helping him get up. I was anxious.

I dusted off the dirt that dirtied his shorts. There were some scratches on his knees.

"Oh my. Poor baby. Mommy will blow the pain away!"

"Mommy, you're exaggerating. I'm fine. It doesn't hurt at all! Humph!"

The boy crossed his arms while pouting at me.

"I'm not a baby anymore. I'm a big boy now. This is nothing! Mommy can stop being such a worrywart!"

The sight of my precious baby trying to act like an adult melted my heart. I smiled fondly at him.

Where did he even learn words like 'exaggerating' and 'worrywart' anyway?

He was only five years old, but he was very smart. Even the kindergarten teacher praised how clever he was. Since birth, he never gave me too much trouble raising him, as if he understood my situation and tried to ease me his own way.

As if it was even possible! But at least I'd like to think it was the case.

But it was true that my child is very bright. I don't want to brag but...

He toilet-trained at 18 months. He able to talk decently at 2 years old. I sent him to a renowned private kindergarten seeing his potential. I didn't expect too much, but he really surprised me. He can read at the age of three. He can do simple math at the age of 4. The kindergarten teacher even recommended he apply for the topmost elementary school in the nation next year.

I must've given birth to a genius!

"You're right, —. You have already grown this big. Mommy didn't realize, I'm sorry."

I patted his head tenderly. His face lit up hearing my words of acknowledgment.

I'm sorry, baby. Even though I said that, you're always a baby to me. You're my whole world. Don't grow up too fast!

"Okay! I forgive mommy. You just have to watch me from behind. I'll ride faster this time! Just see! Ehe!"

The boy ran toward his fallen bicycle. When he just about to hop on it, he stopped moving and turned at me.

"What's wrong?"

I asked him.

"Ah, mommy. Look, you dropped your bags. Let's pick them up first!"

The boy came to me and held my hand. He pulled me toward the grocery bags that were on the ground.

"Look, mommy. The carrots were covered with dirt. If we leave them here, they'll grow, right? Right? Let's leave one here and see!"

The boy that was acting more mature than his age was being unnaturally childish.

It seemed like he was trying to distract me by diverting my attention to the carrots. It was so unlike him.

"Just what..."

I couldn't finish my sentence.

Because I saw what he was trying so hard to not let me see.

In front of our apartment complex, my husband was with a girl who looked like she was barely twenty years old. His arms were encircling her waist. They looked as if they had just shared a passionate kiss together.

Ah. This was what it was. I remember this scene now.

It was a dream of that day. No, it was a nightmare.

The nightmare of the day I first met with my husband's future wife. The day when the divorce bomb was dropped in front of me. The first day when the time I have with my child was numbered.

I don't want to relive this scene! I had forgotten all about it. Why now?

My baby! My little boy. I've longed to see you, but I don't want to experience this ever again.

"No! —! —! My baby —!"

"Hey, hey. Ally, wake up! Wake up, dear."

Oscar's distant voice became clearer.

I slowly opened my eyes. My eyes were wet. I was crying in my sleep.

"You alright, Ally?"


I nodded. I gave an assuring smile to the worried Oscar.

"I just had a nostalgic dream. It was nice and all, but it suddenly turned into a nightmare. It's nothing, really. Don't worry."

"Oh. I thought I heard you calling someone's name in your sleep."

"Huh? Whose name I was calling?"

The dream itself is quite vivid, the only blurry part was my child's name. No matter how much I wanted to recall, I couldn't seem to remember. Maybe Oscar heard it when I was calling his name.

"I don't know. You were mumbling, so it wasn't clear. What was the dream all about, anyway? You looked like you were in a lot of pain."

Oscar is right. I was in pain. Although it was an emotional one rather than physical pain.

Hm. How do I explain it to him? Should I lie again?

"Don't frown, love. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to recall it."

Oscar smiled gently as he patted my head.

Ah, Oscar is an angel! I really appreciate him being with me at times like this.

I just entered the fourth month of my pregnancy. Although it was just a little bump, my tummy looks larger than it is supposed to. It was because I'm carrying twins. And it may be because I'm carrying twins, the effects of pregnancy hormones are twice as bad.

One moment I was ecstatic, then a few moments later, I got sad for no reason. I got irritated with simple things. I got worried out of proportion.

It got worse since Gregory's visit about three weeks ago. That brother of mine has been writing letters to me every single day, persuading me to return home.

I obviously ignored him. There's no way I'm going home with this swollen tummy! I've been venting it out at Oscar every time I received Gregory's letter.

Oscar being a sweet darling he is, patiently put up with all my emotional drama.

And right now, concerns are written all over his face.

I can't help but smile blissfully.

"I'm okay, Oscar. It was just a dream. I'm wide awake now. Come on, let's have some tea."

"Okay. But how many times I tell you not to take a nap too late afternoon. I told you, you'll have nightmares."

"Yeah, yeah. Superstitions!"

I rolled my eyes.

Just by seeing his face, I felt better already.

Now that I thought about it, it was probably the pregnancy hormone that triggered the past memories of my son. I shouldn't think too much about it.

We moved to the living room. Sarah prepared light tea and some snacks. We were talking about trivial stuff when Oscar told me the news.

"You know, the Pagan Kingdom of Hura surrendered the war yesterday."

"Huh? What? Seriously?"

I couldn't believe it! I know that the war will definitely end sooner than the original novel, but the war just started two months ago! I can't believe it already ended!

"Yeah. The Huran had no choice but to surrender. The Alliance totally annihilated the Huran main army camps and wrapped its supreme commander's head in an extravagant box and gifted it to Hura Kingdom's King. Pretty savage, if you ask me."

Hmm, something like that happened in the novel, too.

Because the Alliance was too angered with what the Huran had done to the South Kingdom and its innocent citizens, they went all out in the final attack, not sparing even a soul. It also served as a serious warning to the Huran King, sending a clear message that if they still want to continue with the futile war, the Alliance is capable to eliminate the whole kingdom the same way they did the army camp.

Like Oscar said, it was quite savage. But in a situation like that, it was the best countermeasure. It was definitely an idea of someone from the Night Rose. My bet goes to Noah! Only someone as cunning and shrewd as him would meticulously plan something like that! As expected of the Night Rose's best spy and assassin!

Although, the timing was totally off. In the novel, the war will go on for a whole year. I'm not sure how to feel about this.

"Hm, that aside, Ally. What are you going to do? Greggy will come running to you as soon as he's dismissed from the war. Not to mention, your man, Lucas Maxwell..."

"Urgh, he's not mine."

I grimaced.

"Don't deny it. There's a possibility that he'll tag along with Greggy."


My heart skipped a beat all of a sudden. What a bad premonition!

"Don't say something so forbidding!"

Truth to be told, I don't know how I'm going to face Lucas after everything. I don't want to even think about it. I know I'm running away from him and the worst-case scenario in case he found out about my pregnancy.

I'm scared.

I don't want to admit it before, but after that dream, I had to accept it. I'm really scared. So scared that I don't want to think of any possibility of meeting Lucas.

Luke. The father of my babies. He is not even my lover. Not my boyfriend. Not a string attached. If he knew I'm carrying his heirs... What do I do? Don't get me started to talk about his future relationship with Selene!

Argh! Stop thinking, stupid Allyssa!

"Baby, what's wrong?"

My silence had made Oscar worried. But I don't care if he is. I'm starting to get irritated at him for bringing Lucas up.


Oscar called me.

"Shut up, Oscar! Don't talk to me. Leave me alone!"


Oscar's worried face turned into an understanding one. Despite my harsh words, he smiled at me.

"I'm sorry, Ally dear. As a punishment, I'm gonna sit there and pretend I don't exist. You know where to find me."

Here I go again. Being a selfish, oversensitive prick.

I couldn't help these mood swings.

I'll regret it in a few minutes. But right now, I just want to be alone and think of nothing.
