Stubborn head

You know you really love someone
When you can't hate them
for breaking your heart.

Manik's pov

Having her in my arms was peaceful like finally I was where I really belong it gives me immense pleasure, it's being 3 day's after that incident in these 3 day's I meet with that deshmukh and make sure he never came out of the jail. In between these days media created a lot of buss which effected nandini very much.
If you are thinking everything is  all good between me and nandini and we are together than you have big misconception.
It's not the first time something drastic happen in our life every time something like this happens we always come together and support each other and next day we back to normal and behave like ex's.

I know you guys must have frowns over you forehead thinking what type of relationship we share but like I tell you before it's complicated. Did you ever seen your parents fighting with each other but the second someone try to interfere in their space they will sue them away and again started showing each other angry looks till someone take initiative and say sorry. That's the same thing with us, we may not be there in each other's happy times but we always come together and face the problems together we can be late but never fail each other bcoz according to nandini , we are the person who set examples for Aaru after all we are her parents whatever she will learn in her life will reflect our behavior. And we can't afford to set bad examples.

'Manik sir , shoot is ready' said the spot boy and I stopped running horses of my brain , 'i have a long day today'. I nodded and get back to my work.


My life turn upside down after that incident. I got a lot of attention or I should say unwanted attention from media , neighbors, even my employees ughhh " can't I have  a simple life aiyappaa" I said looking up to the ceiling again complaining. Suddenly my intercom rang .
"Yes" I said. "Ma'am Mr. Cabir Dhawan is here , should.." "let him come and don't ask me this again" I cut her words and ordered her to mind my words. Though I myself ordered her not to let anyone come in my cabin after that incident but it doesn't count on cabir.

"So someone is in deep thoughts... huhh" n here is he , a big smile came on my lips and without replying him I just throw my self on him and like always he protected me.

"I missed you" I declared it , after all I have right on him.

"I am sorry I wasn't there when u needed me " he said after cubbing my checks, he doesn't need to say it his eyes are showing me how much guilty he is with himself.

" It's okk Bhai, abhi sab thik Hai now don't feel guilty " wait did I said okk ?? Well though I wanna say 'ab to aadat c Hai mujhko ' but controlled myself coz I know he really cares for me and Aaru may be more than anyone else and that's why I can't hurt him more. I just hugged him more trying to assure him that I m fine.

"If you are really okk then plz Meri favorite nandu coffee bna k do na , kitne saal ho gai " he said and without seeing him I can say he is back to his jolly mood and doing melodrama like always.

" Firstly, bs ek week hua h not some years , and secondly u don't need to say please ever again, just wait for 5min and your coffee will be in front of your eyes" I said and come out of his grip and started going to the canteen for preparing his coffee just like he wants.

"And on 6th minutes it will be in my stomach" he said and I laughed a little.

" Aap araam say baitho Mai aati Hoon" I said and excused myself.

After 5 min.

"And here is your coffee sir" I placed the two coffee mugs on table and give him his mug.

It's been almost a month when I last have a proper conversation with him though we meet once in a week for sure but now the work pressure is to much for both of us so I have a lot to catch up with him.we were chatting about each and everything manik's topic too come in between but I didn't give to much importance to it n he to doesn't pressure it on.

My intercom again ring. N I forgot that I have a meeting with our new client , looking at my apologetic face he knows what the problem. He just hugged me.

"Sorry main bilkul bhool gai the about the meeting" I apologized though I didn't needed to.

" Ohh chill madam I know we have a lot to catch up but it's okk waise bhe aaj to mill he rhe Hai na manik ki party may " he said and I frowned , party which party but still I nodded and he smiled , after giving me a last hug he left and again i got busy in preparing for my meeting with new client.

It was almost 6 pm when I got free I was leaving for home when I remembered about cabirs words than reality hit me I totally forgot about the shinny red colored card send by manik at that dead full night. Then I remembered it must be still in my car coz that day I didn't take it out from the car after reaching home. I quickly collected all my stuff and left to parking lot, after opening my car I started searching the card and when I get a glimpse of that I became sad. Coz the white Lilly's are no more white it turned into some palish color and it smelled really bad , I picked them up and and kept it on back seat and secondly pick up the card and opened it.

Manik Malhotra is inviting you for celebrating the huge success of "Sanam Teri kasam"  (movie) and also inviting you for his new movie  premier party.

Grace us with your presence
@ MM studios
On 8 pm .

I closed the card after reading it and kept it safe in by cars drawer. He always do this in his every movie launch or success party he always send me the invitation coz according to him he needed Aaru on his side for such big events . it's not like he don't want me to come infact I know he always waits for me  sometimes i go with Aaru and sometime send her with cabir or manik. I don't want manik to feel that I am taking his daughter away so I always send Aaru.
It's so strange we know what the second person is thinking what he/she wants , we understand each other on small small things but somehow we lack the ability to understand each other on big things. Keeping my thoughts away I drove to my home.

"Aaru I am asking you for the last time wear this or else get ready by yourself coz mumma and Aunt Mary won't help you" Aaru is making me crazy from last 30minutes I am trying to dress her up but she is so stubborn child.

" Mamma plz na mujhe ye nhi phnna aaru want a red dress that one" she said pointing her tinny finger to the red dress.

" Pr aaru what is wrong in this dress look it's so pretty" I tried to justify but in vain she started making bad face so stubborn. Curtsey to be with manik Malhotra I guess.

" No no no I wanna be matching matching with papa I talked to him vo v red phn rhe Mai v red pehnungi bs" she declared and what the other option I have rather than shutting of my case.

"Okk do whatever you want" saying this I started obeying my little baby and did her dress up.
And she was comtinuesly clapping her hands and jumping here and there.

" Now go downstairs cabir chachu aap ko lene aayenge" I said and she stopped whatever she was doing and looked at me with wet eyes.

" Aap nhi aao ge?? " She asked and I nodded no.
"Tb Aaru b nhi jaayegi" she declared again.
"Aaru aap jaao na chachu k sath and I promise next time Mai bhe chalungi" I said and tried to convince her.

"No no no aap chlo ge mere sath bs " she said and crossed her hands and kept them on her chest showing how much determinate she is.

For last 10 minutes we were fighting on the same reason and lastly she managed to win over me....... "Huh like father like daughter" I said looking up trying to show my puppy face to aiyappaa.

Now I was searching for a perfect outfit for myself but find none when Aaru climbed over me and I picked her up in my arms and instead of me she started searching for a suitable dress
. I looked at her , she was making faces and keeping the dress back whatever she chooses. She is so like manik he used to do the same whenever they have to go somewhere and nandini was least interested on going he used to choose a perfect dress for her and now on behalf of manik his daughter is doing that for her , I thought and kissed her cheeks hard.she giggled along with me. She was still searching for a dress when suddenly she started clapping her hands .

"Ab Kya hua Aaru" I asked. Instead of answering she picked up a red saree and give it to me.

"Aap ye pehno , sab same same hehe " saying this she giggled.

Red?? Red is manik's favorite color and he loves me when I wear sarees but above all the saree Aaru pick up was given by manik only , I kept the saree back .

" Mai kuch or phn loongi " I said to her and pretended to search another dress for me when my mind was going back to memory lane.

" No aap yhi pehno ge , plz plzz aaj main papa aap sab matching matching dress phnenge " she said and again give the saree back to me.

"Aaru plz bhut hua aap ne bola aap ko red dress phnni Hai Maine phanai , aap ne bola aap ko mere sath chlna Hai Mai chl rhi Hoon pr abhi ye dress " I said showing my eyes to her and kept her on the floor and turned back.

After some minutes I hear sniffing sounds but I didn't turned around.

" Nikita have a big family photo were she and her mama papa wear matching matching cloths looking happy , I too wanted a photo like that I want to hang it on my wall " she said and the words make me num and bring tears back. I turned around but Aaru was not there . I silently set on bed and covered my face with both of my hands . My baby have such a small wish and what type of a mother I am who cannot able to fulfill her baby's wish . In-between all the mess and our life running in a metro-speed we both failed as parents , keeping her happy and secure should be our first priority but we both didn't understand that making her secure can't happen with account full of money , on the way of making her happy we thought the more money we earn will bring happiness in her life we will give her all luxury but we failed. My baby don't want anything related to luxury all she wanted is time and affection for her by both of us. She have small small wishes and we failed to fulfill her wishes , she must have dreams about a family but we both again failed in making her dreams come true.... We FAILED.

I removed my tears by back of my palm and stand up Taking my saree back which Aaru choose for me. I changed it in to after making me presentable I give a last look over my self and clutching my purse I moved downstairs. There she is lying on sofa covering her face between two pillows I gently removed the pillows from her face and she turned to me and after seeing me in saree she just hugged me tight and I too we were hugging each other and she was just repeating thankq , it's peace . She is my peace. When suddenly my phone ring.

"Aap rhne do Bhai , Mai or Aaru khud a jaayenge bs hum niklne he wale Hai" it was cabir asking me is Aaru is ready but now coz I m going along with Aaru then why trouble cabir so I declined .

After keeping my cell back in my purse I gently fixed Aaru's hair back with my fingers and she just showed me her teeth I picked her up and after locking my home we set on our car and she looked at her surrounding from the window while I was driving.

Aaru will get everything which she wants , her each dreams should be fulfilled her each wishes will be command for us we will do our best as parents and give her all the love and if it coast our own ego or career I won't hesitate to choose her over all . I repeated this in my mind while driving towards my destination.

Manik's pov

Like I said it will be a long day same happened too but I m ready for it . But the biggest relief is , Aaru is going to be with me to night I was sooo happy after completing my shoot when I get free I called Aaru but before that I called nandini for knowing is she fine or not but her phone wasn't rechable so after that I called Aaru , hearing her voice after 3 long days give me relief we talked and talked till cabir shows up I cut the call after assuring Aaru that his dad will be waiting for his princess .
Well cabir is a totally different case he is my best friend but along with that he is nandini's brother though they are not blood related but still they are more than that , he wasn't in India when all the mess happened n before he tell me I know the second he land India he must have gone to see nandini whether she is doing fine or not .

During our divorce cabir was the one who tiered really hard to get us back together but destiny have something other planned for us so we had to part our ways , but after the divorce thing he never ever said me to go back to nandini nor he said me to move in my life like other people , the best quality about him is he interfere in your life till when it's needed and after that he leave it to you , he didn't manipulate things which most of the people do that's why he is the best person I have ever come across.
We talked till late when I noticed he is too sleepy so I asked him to stay at my house and get some sleep which he easily excepted .

Now it's 8:30pm and we , I and cabir are waiting at MM and receiving guests and attending media interaction. Well cabir is a director by profession and also have great knowledge of music he plays drums the best whenever we get some free time we always practices , so basically he is popular plus a celebrity too so handling media and their tricky questions is easy for him .

After giving the last interview we came inside and started attending the guest when suddenly I hear a melodious voice..... though it will be a noice for others coz the person literally shouted for me but it's Melody for my ears it's her voice my baby ....Aaru.

She looked beautiful in red frock dress and her silky hairs set with the help of a red hairband she looked beyond beautiful when she come near me and jump over me and I catched her on time securing her in my strong arms and she giggles near my heart hearing her giggles I to have a smile over my face when suddenly I noticed a Devine beauty in front of me rapped in a red saree looking like a epitome of beauty , I raised my eyelids to see clearly who she is my eyes stopped ..... wait .... Nandini??? I m seeing right or it's just a dream ?? She was wearing a red saree ohh god he looked Devine whenever she wear a saree and shitt red is my favorite clr but wait the saree .... Oh my God it's the same saree I gifted her .I looked at her than myself I was wearing a red shirt along with black pant and black plus red combination court ,  again then back at Aaru n I found her eyes twinkled , so That's why today she was asking me again and again what i will wear in party , she wanted us to be color coordinated and indeed she did. 

"Congratulations manik" her voice reaches my ears but before I say something she shocked me more by hugging me , not tight but still hugging me when I feel one more pair of hand over my chest a tinny little hand ... My baby Aaru . I don't need anything else just both of them close to my heart .

Sorry for late but I can't help it my professor chooses to surprise us by surprise exam which turned out a shock for me🙈, well thankq for your love and support n I promise next part will be posted more early as a compensation what say????

Hit the star button if you like it.

Subhratri .
