What are her intentions?

Elena kept staring at Jenna as she approached us. She had a serious look on her face. The one your teacher has when you forget to do homework.

"I..I will protect you from her", I said. I also thought about confessing my feelings but how on earth was this the right time, right?
"Hey. Jenna..right?" Elena asked.
"Yeah. You're the..new girl" Jenna said, frighteningly.
And then, she smiled!? Elena, fucking, smiled!
"I heard you're really good at mathematics. Well, I'm trying to improve. Would you help me with it?" Elena asked.
Why is she not even looking at me? She is looking at nothing but Jenna, and not just now but since she entered our school. Atleast that's what I've noticed.
Elena looks like a completely different person when she smiles.
"Sure. I'd love to help you. But we have classes now so.."
"Oh no problem! How about after school?"
Wait a minute! Elena is still a stranger and what if she's trying to trap Jenna in the name of studying?
"I am going home after school." On hearing this, Elena looked like she just got her heartbroken. And Jenna is obviously the sweetest person ever!
"Well, I could stay for extra 2 hours." Jenna said.
"Okay then." as soon as Elena said this, she bit her lip and smiled. She gave me a strange mad look.

I can tell Elena doesn't like me at all. But do I?
And then she left.

"She seems nice. I told you there's nothing wrong about her" Jenna said.
"Really? It felt like I wasn't even here! You both ignored me. She did not even talk to me!"
"You're being dramatic, Kathy."
Right..I never mentioned but, my name is Katherine. Jenna calls me Kathy and I love it. She doesn't know I wanna call her, 'baby'.
"Just, do not be alone with her."
"We're going to stay in school! What do you think would happen?"

Should I tell her how I feel? Is NOW the right time? Here I go..
"Jenna.." I say, hesitating.
"...I have to tell you something."
She looks at me. For five seconds, I say nothing. I look into her blue eyes, her long blonde hair, her cleavage and her breasts dying to come out of her little tight shirt, just as me dying to come out in front of her. She smells like roses. I'm sure that's her natural smell. How can someone be so hot!?
"What is it, Kathy? You're the one staring at me in a weird way not Elena" said Jenna.
Jenna was blushing but was also annoyed at this point.
"I like girls, Jen."
Her eyes widened.
"It's true. I like girls. I should've told you earlier but.."
"Oh god! So that's what this is about? Well, don't worry, I'm not going to take Elena away. I could be your wingman though." Jenna winked.
What? She thinks I'm into Elena? Ain't no way!
"No! I don't like Elena! C'mon!"
"You don't have to hide it. After all, we're best friends. You can tell me anything, Kathy."
The bell rang. Lunch time was over.
I noticed Jenna talking to Elena during classes.
Is she trying to steal my bestfriend?

After school, Jenna asked me if I liked Elena once again, saying she could talk about me to her.
"No. I don't. Have fun studying or whatever." I said.
I could roughly hear Jenna and Elena talk while I was walking away from them.
"Would you come to the girls' restroom with me?" asked Elena.
Okay! Now I am scared! What are her intentions? Why is that the first thing she wants to do? And not differential equations?
I could sense Jenna's eyes on my back as I was walking. So I had to keep walking away.
I would come back in 30 minutes to check on Jenna. I'm not stalking them! I just wanna make sure Jenna is okay. I hope she doesn't kill Jenna. Or worse..

For 30 minutes, I cycled around the school, worried about Jenna.

I came back, and ran straight towards the classroom where Jenna and Elena were supposed to study. But to my surprise, I found no one..
What did she do to Jenna? Where are they?
