old memories

This story takes place in the start of Junior year for Sanatana Rachel Kurt Finn ext. Selena is also a junior. 

Moving to Ohio again is not what I anticipated but I have no choice in the matter. My father's job is needed there and that means I have to see everyone again. Last time I was here I was slushied so much my face almost stained red but that was when i was a small little freshman i'm a junior now things should get better, right?

I have to just stay hidden and hope I don't get recognized. I put on a star clip with a yellow silly string shirt. I put on some denim skirt I found and threw on some boots. To complete this outfit I put a big mario star backpack. I love stars. I want to be a star but not in this society there is way too much pressure.

I love cheerleading. I hope I can get in the cheer team this year. I was put in a tumbling class to help me. Let's hope all this work can help me. I know that means i have to cheer with the same people that bullied me but that doesn't matter as long as i can dance. I want to sing as well but I don't think there is a club for that, It McKinely after all.

I walk into the school and I don't think anyone noticed me. That's good. I don't see anyone that I know though. To be fair I didn't really have any friends back then. I was way too awkward. I soon then saw a very familiar face, Rachel Berry.

I remember that face so distinctly. Her voice is amazing but I don't like her. I tried choir with her and she sent me to a crack house. I don't know why though. I guess I was just really good that I scared her. NAH, I doubt it.

I go to the cheer coach Sue Sylvester. She scares me and kicked me out last time but I know I can prove her wrong. "Excuse me, I'm Selena Santo and I was wondering if I can join the cheer team." "Oh I know you. You're in." "Huh, wait really." "Yes of course, your dad is my lawyer."

I got it yay.... I wanted to get in but not because of my dad. Well I just have to be the best cheerleader now, since I got in. I noticed Slyvester going into a classroom that's not her own. I follow her because I'm curious. I then see a group of people there singing a song. That's cool. I want to join. I go to the class as well and I see the teacher that runs it. " Excuse me. What club is this." "Hello there I'm Mr.Shue and this is the Glee club. Are you interested in joining." "Yes I am." " What's your name?" " I'm Selena Santo." " Well Selena, you have to audition after school." "Ok then I'll be here."

I'm so excited to join but I don't know what I'm going to do. I love Britney Spears but maybe a Taylor Swift song. Ill do Love Story or You belong to me. Guessing this is a singing club I think I'm going to impress them with my voice, so Love Story.

I go to my Spanish class and Mr.Shue is my teacher and there I see Santana Lopez. I remember her because she was the reason I was kicked out of the team. I'm not too mad though.I see her staring at me, still all toxic as always. I think she finally realized who I was when Mr.Shue called out my name. I don't know why she looks so surprised though maybe it's the tumbling that gave me some muscle.

Class ends and Santana comes up to me. A little scary I might say. " Hey you're Selena Santo right?" " Yes I am, why? I haven't changed too much in 2 years." "Uh, what are you talking about? Girl I have to say you don't look like a loser anymore." " Wait? What?" "Ugh never mind. You're still an idiot for conversation I see." I've never been complimented by her. Maybe she changed or I'm pretty sure I did.

I go to the glee club all ready to start my performance. I look around and I see the member I might work with soon. Some I recognize, some I don't. I'm a little nervous. I haven't sung in front of people before but oh well.

The music starts playing. It scared me a bit because how did they know and how do they already know how to play it?Are they even high schoolers?

Once the song ends everyone starts clapping i'm guessing i did good. "Wow Mr.Shue you better let her in, Hello there I'm Mercedes Jones." "Oh thank you. I'm Selena Santo." "Oh my god Selena it me Tina remember me from middle school." "OH my god yes i do you've grown so much." I go up to her and give her a big hug. She's grown up so much. I miss this school so much its kinda weird.
