Walk to the palace

             Heres the second chapter :) enjoy

Heimdoll jumped when they saw the golden timedoor open "what kind of soressorey is this?" "No soressorey Heimdoll its ok" Loki said as the door would close behind him and Mobius. Heimdoll was still a little frightened, but it wasn't very noticeable, "and who's this with you,God of Mischief?" Heimdoll would ask "This is my-" Loki hesitated for a moment, "friend". Mobius frowned a little at the fact Loki probably only see's him as a friend, it also ached Loki to call the man who ment the world to him a friend aswell.

"And what are you wearing? Those don't look Asgardian" Loki looks down realizing they were still in their TVA jumpsuit, a green spark of light would come up from his feet to his head showing a green and black outfit with gold lining and a chest plate."So...should we get going?" Loki started walking away with Mobius following.

"Uhh Loki?" "What is it Mobius?" "Aren't people gonna stare at me since I'm not really dressed like you and everyone else?" Loki had forgotten Mobius was also still in the clothes he wears when working at the TVA, to be honest thats all Mobius ever wears, they probably really need a deep clean. "I can probably find you something at the palace, just try not to bring a lot of attention well we're walking through town." "Ok..".

Mobius stayed pretty close to Loki almost squished into him, trying to not bring attention to himself, unfortunately it didn't go so well, almost all eyes where on them because it was pretty rare for someone of royalty to roam the streets. People whispered to eachother and pointed and a lot of people even thought they were dating.

"Is that prince Loki?" one women said "Do you think him and the person he's with are dating?" whispered a young man to they're friends. Mobius didn't like the attention they're where getting, "Hey Loki, do you think we could walk a little faster?" Mobius said in a shakey tone. Loki looks around seeing everybody looking at them and Mobius "Uhh...ya lets do that." .

Loki and Mobius started walking a little faster almost sprinting at one point but they eventually they got to the palace.

The gates to the palace opened revealing the inside, there was gold and fancy relics everywhere. They walked for a bit to find the throne room to find Frigga. "My son!" Frigga rushed over to greet Mobius and Loki, but for Odin, he gave such a glare that Mobius thought he would have died. Odin rose from his throne and stared at Loki then Mobius, "Who is this person you are with..".

Sorry forthe short chapter, I honestly have horrible writing skills probably why I have a 77 in ELA but hope you injoyed
