Chapter 41

When I finally woke up the next day, it was already around noon. I checked my phone for messages and saw one from Shane.

‘Hey what day works for our double?’

I glanced over my shoulder to see Jack still snoring, and I turned back to the screen.

‘I think Monday would be best, but I’ll have to wait for Jack to get up lol’

‘Jules… it’s 12 in the afternoon’

‘But he’s so peaceful!’

‘It’s a good thing you like each other ;)’

I rolled my eyes and put the phone back on the table and quietly got out of bed. I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, one of Jack’s Boner shirts, and a sweatshirt and went to take a shower. Once I had finished with my shower, I applied my makeup while letting my hair dry. I came out of the bathroom to find Jack still asleep.

“Jack! Wake up!” I yelled as I jumped on top of him.

“What? What happened?” he shot up, causing me to fall off of the bed. I burst out laughing as he looked down at me with a concerned expression on his face. “Baby, are you okay? I’m so sorry,” he said quickly.

“Jack, I’m fine,” I giggled, standing up. “Just get up! You have to be at the venue in like, two hours.”

“What the fuck how long did I sleep for?” he groaned rubbing his face.

“Well it’s 1:15, so like 12 hours. It’s not my fault we stayed up so late,” I stuck my tongue out at him.

“You can’t say you didn’t enjoy it,” he smirked, pulling me on top of him and feathering kisses over my face.

“Jack!” I squealed, trying to push him off of me. “Come on, I’m not going to be in trouble with Matt because you were too horny to be on time,” I said squirming out of his grasp and walking over to my suitcase. Jack groaned and slowly made his way to the shower. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the blow dryer, pulling my sweatshirt off from the sudden heat.

Jack emerged in a towel about 20 minutes later, strolling over to his suitcase. I pulled the flat iron out of my hair and turned, biting my lip. Fuck he looks good.

“Now who’s the horny one?” Jack said, not even turning to face me.

“Shut up,” I mumbled, blushing and turning back to the mirror. He exchanged his towel for a pair of skinny jeans and started digging through his suitcase.

“Where the fuck is my shirt?” he said, confused.

“Which one babe?” I asked, still focusing on my hair.

“The Boner one!” he whined, throwing clothes around the room.

“I stole it,” I shrugged, smirking at him in the mirror. He straightened up and turned to face me, looking me up and down. “It looks better on me anyway.”

“Can’t argue with that,” he laughed, pulling on his ‘Who the F*@# is Jack Barakat?’ shirt. He ruffled his hair in his towel and came up next to me. “You wore that shirt on one of our first dates,” he stated proudly.

“Shane thought I was absolutely crazy,” I giggled, finishing up my hair and unplugging the flat iron.

“The guys gave me so much shit for giving a girl I liked my Boner shirt,” he laughed. “I think Zack’s exact words were ‘she’s never coming back.’”

“Well here I am,” I smiled, looping my arms around his neck and pressing my lips to his.

“Here you are,” he smiled against my lips, his breath tickling me. “Starbucks before we go?” he asked when we pulled apart.

“Yeah, let’s go,” I grinned, grabbing my bag and phone.

When we finished our coffee trip, we made our way to the venue. We slipped past excited fans and joined the rest of the bands in the back area.

“Jules!” Alex shouted as he enveloped me in a hug. “Are you ready to fucking rage tonight?” he grinned, pulling back.

“Don’t scare her,” Rian laughed pulling me into a hug.

“She’s marrying Jack Barakat, I don’t think anything can scare her,” Zack chimed in, standing next to Rian.

“Hey,” Jack whined, wrapping his arms around me and resting his head on my shoulder.

“Jack being a sweet, doting boyfriend,” Alex smirked, snapping a photo on his phone. “We have proof.” Jack snatched the phone, sending the photo to himself. He pulled out his phone and typed something, shielding the phone so I couldn’t see.

“What did you do?” I pouted as my phone vibrated in my pocket. I opened up my Instagram and clicked to see the photo.

‘@JulesTheJewel New nickname? #Boner’

“Oh my god I’m going to murder you,” I groaned shoving him lightly.

“Whatever you say,” he hummed, kissing my forehead.

The show was even more exciting and energetic than any of the others I’d seen. The boys were so happy to be playing in their hometown. When they finished, they all bounded backstage with huge grins plastered on their faces.

Jack bounded off stage first and handed his guitar off, quickly making his way to me. When he reached where I was standing he pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

“We’re done!” he yelled over the crowd, spinning me around.

“Now you have to spend all your time with me,” I winked, making him laugh.

“I’m not complaining,” he grinned as he leaned into kiss me, but he was interrupted by Alex.

“Let’s party, bitches!” he yelled, jumping on Jack’s back. “We gotta go celebrate you fuckers’ engagement!” Jack and I rolled our eyes as we headed backstage. I waited on the bus while the guys signed autographs and met up with fans outside. When they were done, they ran into the bus with the same amount of energy as before.

As they clambered on the bus, Rian started to assemble the many bottles of alcohol before Alex stopped it.

“No fuckin’ way, we’re going out. We have to do this right!” he laughed, dragging us off the bus again. We walked a few blocks and ended up at a club. We went inside and made our way to the bar, Alex ordering us a round of shots. “To the happy couple, we love you guys!” he yelled, raising his glass. Everyone cheered, pouring their glasses back. Jack kept his arm wrapped securely around my waist the entire time. We ordered a few more drinks, and I was soon feeling the effects.

“Dance?” I asked, clinging to Jack’s arm. He smirked in response, allowing me to lead him to the middle of the dance floor. We stayed there for what felt like eternity; our bodies pressed close together, hands roaming through his hair and down my body, panting. Maybe it was the alcohol, but it was strangely perfect.

“I need you,” Jack growled in my ear, barely audible above the music. I looked up at him, a satisfied grin growing on my face.

“What ever do you mean?” I asked, cocking my head to the side.

“Stop being such a tease,” he groaned, burying his face in my neck and biting down on the sensitive skin.

“Fuck,” I moaned, pushing him off me and grabbing his hand. We made our way hastily to the door, only to be stopped by Alex.

“Where are you two off to?” he slurred, leaning against the door.

“Not now,” Jack said, glaring at his friend.

“What’s a little cockblock between friends?” he asked, his twinkling eyes and wide grin resembling those of the Cheshire Cat.

“Alex-” Jack groaned, but I interrupted.

“If it’s not too much to ask, I would love to go fuck my fiancé now, please. Enjoy your night, Lex,” I smiled, kissing him on the cheek and pulling Jack forcefully behind me. Liquid confidence.

We made our way quickly back to our hotel, practically running up to our room before slamming the door behind us. I turned around and slammed my lips against Jack’s, pushing him back onto the bed as I began to pull off clothes.

“Damn, I have to get you drunk more often,” he smirked against my lips.

“Shut up and kiss me,” I mumbled, tangling my hands in his messy hair.

A/N: Again, I’m really sorry that took so long. I didn’t have my computer for a few days so I couldn’t finish the update, and I’ve been visiting my friend while he’s in/out of the hospital so that kept me busy too. Don’t worry though, things are about to get exciting very soon!
