home tree

jake eventually caught up to me and the native woman, her grip still strong on my wrist as she lead us through the forest.

jake's sudden yelp halted our steps, we turned around to catch him fall off the branch and falling to the ground. "you good jake?" i called out to him,

jake's reply was cut off by natives approaching us from behind the bushes, several natives rod on a pa'li, the rest were on foot, their bows and arrows pointed right at me and jake.

jake pulled me close to him, the both of us raising our hands to show that we meant no harm. the native woman jumped down and stoof defensively between us and the other hostile natives, hissing at them.

one of the natives who rod on the pa'li walked over to her, speaking in na'vi with the native woman. after a short while they seem to have come to some sort of agreement, he got on his pa'li and rod off.

me and jake were held at knife point, the natives pushed us forward, urging us to follow along.

we jogged all the way back to their home i assume, a large tree that towered over every other plant around it. i didn't have time to marvel over the tree with the natives aggressively pushing us inside, a large crowd of natives greeting us with curios eyes.

the large crowd of natives opened up a path for us, we were led to a native that was adorned in accessories the others didn't have, presumably the leader of the clan of sorts.

the native woman started, "father, i see you." i had been learning some basic na'vi these few days back at the base, so i understood a few words of what she said. so this native woman was the princess of the clan i see.

her father gave us a judging look, turning back to his daughter. he spoke again, but this time i didn't quite understand what he said, i guess i really do need to improve my na'vi.

"hey what's he saying?" jake asked, "my father is deciding whether to kill you both." she replied in a hushed voice.

"your father? it's nice to meet you sir." jake tried walked forward and held his hand out but i hit him on the head and yanked him back. "let's not do anything stupid yeah?" i whispered to jake.

another voice broke the tense atmosphere, a native woman in red clothing descended down the stairs, making hand gestures while i felt the hold on me loosen up a bit.

"that is mother. she is tsahik. the one who interprets the will of eywa."

"who's eywa?" jake asked again, god i wanted to bash his head into the ground. i pinched his waist, "no one will think your a mute if you shut up jake."

mother, or tsahik, inspected us, "what are you called?" she asked in english.

"jake sully." she looked at me next, "and you."
"ashley sinclair." i answered.

she pulled out a needle like thing, then proceeded to poke us in the chest, licking off the blood on the needle. not weird at all.

"why did you come to us?" she asked again, "we came to learn." i pulled on jake's wrist, replying for the both of us instead.

"we have tried to teach other sky people. it is hard to fill a cup which is already full." she said.

"our cups are empty, trust me." jake answered this time, "just ask dr. augustine. we're not scientists." i answered as well.

"what are you then."
"i was a marine- we are warriors, of the uh, jarhead clan." i mentally facepalmed at jake's reply, jarhead clan? really jake, that's the best you can do?

after they came to an agreement , she turned to us again, "it is decided, my daughter and tsu'tey will teach you both our ways. learn well, jake sully, ashley sinclair. then, we will see. if your insanity can be cured." we nodded.

"well this went slightly better than i thought." i grinned at jake who was smiling back at me.

we were given a set of clothes to change into, their clothes really didnt cover much. i sigh, well considering the rest of the people wore bikinis for clothes like its normal, i guess there isn't anything for me to be ashamed about either. i quickly changed into my set of clothes and followed tsu'tey.

the clan people sat around a bonfire, eating their food. i was careful to not step on any tails, letting out a relived breath when i made it over next to tsu'tey and sat down. he passed me a leaf roll that had some food inside, i copied whatever tsu'tey did and ate it. not bad actually.

then i heard jake walk in, he gave me a slight wave, to which i returned. jake stepped on someone's tail before i could warn him to be careful, i suppressed a chuckle, continuing with my food.

jake sat down next to me, the native woman whom we still didn't know the name of, passed jake some leaf rolls as well. "what's your name?" i asked her, "neytiri." she replied.

neytiri corrected jake's pronunciation of her name when he pronounced it wrong, neytiri didn't correct me when i said it so i guess i said it right.

after dinner, tsu'tey led us to a hammock, he pointed at it to us then left to his own hammock.

i looked at jake with confusion, "are we supposed to share?" jake shrugged his shoulders, "I don't mind, if you don't mind." he smirked at me, getting on the hammock.

i rolled my eyes, getting into the hammock with him. i got myself comfy, jake wrapped his arms around me but i was too tired to care. he touched the sides of the hammock and it closed up like a cocoon around us. i closed my eyes as my consciousness drifted back to my human body.
