"It's just a bunch of Hocus Pocus"

We arrived at the gate of the Sanderson house. I knew that Max was just joking. Right? I mean he couldn't possibly want to really go in there.
I mean I'm not scared of the house. I'm scared of the police. You know getting caught trespassing.

I looked at Max, his face glowed in the moonlight. "We really going to do this?" Allison asked reading my thoughts.
"Of course. It can't be that bad. Right?", Max said looking at me for agreement. I nodded my head; 'oh well, if we get caught we'll get caught together' I thought following the group up to the house.
Inside it was pitch black the only light source was from the moon streaming through the windows.
"I can't see a thing" Dani coughed.

She held up her pumpkin trick-or-treating bag using it as a flashlight.
The house was filled with cobwebs. I stayed close behind Max, which only encouraged his ego. But other than his cocky smirk he was pretty cute. 'No, Liz don't do it.' I told myself.

Finally, Max found a light switch, the room filled with light revealing all the old stuff left in the house when it was shut down. I remember coming here when our mom use to run it. I always felt I was being watched when I would walk around the black-flamed candle.

I followed Allison over to the spellbook. She smirked at Dani and then read the description attached to the glass case. I stood over her shoulder, and Max stood over mine. This may sound weird but I loved the feeling of having him near me. I felt safe and comfortable around him.
"They say the book is bounded in human skin." Allison smiled. I laughed at Dani's priceless face.

I felt max leave from behind me and move over to the candle stand.
"What's this?"

"Oh, that's the black flamed candle," I said in an ominous voice. Max smiled at me. This boy was really getting to me.
'This is going to be a long Night'

"The black flame candle made from the fat of a hangman."

"Ew," Dani cried.

I and Allison laughed in unison.

"Well let's light the sucker and meet the old broads." He flipped the lighter open.

Out of nowhere, a black cat jumped from the air onto Max's shoulder. He dropped to the floor yelling. He finally wrestled the cat off of him. "Stupid cat!" He yelled. He stood up brushing himself off.

I was superstitious, I knew this was a bad idea. You don't mess with things like this. I and Allison know that and I know that Max was only trying to impress. It wasn't working. 
"Max we should leave." I worried.

"Yeah, I agree with Liz," Dani said.

"Oh come on it's just a bunch of hocus pocus." He lowered the lighter to the wick of the candle. It instantly lit. The bright orange flame turned black within seconds. It stayed quiet for a split second. Then there was a cold breeze and the lights began to burst. Each and every light in the room went out.

The ground began to shake and glow green. Allison and Dani were screaming and running to me. We held onto each other; trying to stay standing up.
The shaking abruptly stopped and everyone was silent.

I looked up at Max, fear was the only expression on his face. The door flew open and I and Allison ran and hid behind it. Max dropped behind a table, and Dani hid behind the register.
"It's the cops" I whispered to Allison.
"Good, we should tell then what happened. "
" Yeah, that's a great idea. What are we going to tell them? That we snuck into government property and we summoned some angry demons?", I said sarcastically.

"Don't be mean to me." She sassed back.

Before I could say anything back I heard a woman's voice.

"Sisters we're home!"

Three women dressed in colonial clothing walked in. One plump with brown hair and an orange and purple dress. The other with blonde hair and a purple and pink dress. The Last one was the oldest with bright red hair. She wore a green dress.

Wait a minute was that? No way it couldn't be. I can't believe it! We brought back three dead people and those people just so happen to be the witches who were hung for stealing the souls of children.

The Sanderson Sisters.

They were back and they were probably hungry to suck the souls of children again.

Man, this was a really bad time to technically still be a kid.

Authors note,
Sorry, it took me so long to update. Also sorry that this was such a short chapter. I know this is not the best writing but this is my first book. So I'm trying. Thank you all for reading, it means a lot to me. I hope you continue to enjoy the story. Love yall.

Word count - 831
