Chapter 32: Relief

Previously on I Promise:

"I rather you kill me than killing Shawn or Hailey" I said still my eyes closed. If I have to die, I will just to defend them.

"Aww how nice...You're giving up your pathetic life for Shawny and Hailey" she said and I nodded.

"Sam don't" said Shawn. I heard Hailey screaming through the cloth.

I opened my eyes and smiled at Shawn. "Thanks for...Always being my friend" I said. I stared at Hailey.

"I'm sorry" I mouthed.

I closed my eyes and I heard Natalie pulling the trigger.

"Natalie stop!" I heard Shawn screaming. Everything happening like in slow motion.

Just then, I heard a door being swung open and people screaming. I opened my eyes and stared at my bloody arm. I started feeling weaker.

"Sam!" someone screamed. I think it was Nash. Could it be my imagination? My view started to blurry.

I was falling but was caught in mid-air.

"You're going to be fine" I heard a male voice before blacking out.


Bip. Bip. Bip.

I heard something from beside me. I recognize that sound somehow.

Bip. Bip. Bip.

I opened my eyes, my view was blurry. Once I adjusted my view everything was more clear.

I was in the hospital.

I tried to move, and it hurt a little. I might be looking like crap due to the bruises.

"W-what happened?" I asked confused.

"You got shot" I heard a voice. I jumped a little and saw a man with a white suit.

"How you feeling?" he asked. I shrugged.

"Better, I guess"

"Good thing we got you on time, that handsome blue eyed-boy was so worried" he said while writing a few things in his note pad.

Blue eyed-boy. Nash!

"Where is he?" I asked eagerly. He noticed my excitement and chuckled.

"Outside. He was waiting for days for you to wake up" he said with a warm smile.

Days? Days!?

"I-I've been days passed out?" I asked in clear shock. He nodded.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go to get some papers. Should I let him in?" he asked. I nodded quickly.

A few minutes passed and someone enters. Not just someone...

"Nash?" I said, one tear escaping my eyes. He had red and puffy eyes, he must've been crying too.

"Baby" he said and came rushing towards me. He broke down into sobs too.

"I missed you so much, it was horrible" I kept crying. I can't believe I'm finally in his arms. He kept soothing me while caressing my hair. He pulled away and kissed me on the lips. I missed him so much.

"You have no idea what a relief is that you're okay" he said once he pulled away. He wiped my tears with his thumb and caressed my cheek. But then I remembered something.

"Wait...What about Natalie and-"

"The cops already took care of the four of them...They will be in prison for a long time. You're safe, and nothing will ever happen to you again" Nash assured me. I sighed in relief.

"Thank you" I whispered and hugged him again. But then something else crossed my mind.

"And Shawn?" I asked.

"I don't know" he said. "The minute the cops came inside, I said he was a hostage too...Then he disappeared"

"You...You didn't turn him in?"

"Of course not, because I knew you wouldn't want me to"

"But would you?" I asked. He sighed.

"No...Even though he did what he did, he's still my best friend, and he doesn't deserve paying for something that that bitch did" he said.

I nodded. But I really wanted to see Shawn, to see if he was okay.

After that, we did some paper work and I was free to go.

When we arrived to the Grier's house, Elizabeth was asking if I needed something. Okay, she didn't said it calmly though. She was worried if I move, I would break in any second. Which was sweet.

She reminds me of my mom in so many ways. No wonder why they were best friends.

"Are you hungry? Cold? Still hurts? Tired? Are you-" started Elizabeth but I cut her off.

"Its okay Elizabeth, I'm fine" I said. She gave me a sweet smile.

"I will prepare you something to eat" she said and started walking to the kitchen.

"Mom" Nash groaned but I stopped him.

"No, leave her...I am hungry" I whispered the last part and he laughed. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. His touch was warm and I felt more safe in his arms than how I felt days ago. Always with that fear in some point...They would kill me.

"It was hell without you, every day I was saying how stupid I was to let that happen" he said into my hair. I pulled away and gave him a peck on the lips.

"I'm here, aren't I? I will always be here for you, I'm never leaving again" I smiled. In a few minutes Elizabeth came with a plate with a sandwich.

"Oh my god, thank you" I said and rushed to eat it. She chuckled. It was soo good!

"Did you starve?" asked Nash.

"I ate so little, their food was crap" I said.

"I'll go wash the dishes" said Elizabeth obviously wanting to give us some alone time.

"Shawn hasn't called yet, right?" I asked. Nash let go a big sigh and shook his head.

"Nope" he said popping the p.

"I hope he's alright" I said honestly.

"I'm sure he is" he smiled and kissed me in the lips briefly.

"Are you still mad at him?" I had to ask.

"Aren't you?"

"I was...And then realized he was also losing someone special too. And honestly, I'd rather die than making Hailey suffer...She doesn't deserve that" I said still remembering those eyes of Hailey, full of fear and tears.

"Neither do you" Nash said. I finished my sandwich and placed the plate in the coffee table next to us.

"Yeah, but they wanted me, not her...They just used Hailey as a hostage just to get me...Just to make me suffer" I said and shivered remembering all the pain Natalie caused me.

I looked at myself in the mirror that was near us. I looked like crap. I had bags under my eyes and multiple bruises and cuts.

"You look beautiful" Nash said and hugged me from behind.

"You just say that cause you're my boyfriend" I said and smiled at him. He kissed my neck.

"No, I say that because is true..."

"I'm glad everything's okay finally" I sighed. Nash nodded in agreement and turned me around so now I'm infront of him.

"And even though all of that happened...You never removed the necklace I gave you" Nash smiled proudly.

"No, you know why?" I said while touching it.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because the person I love the most, gave it to me" I said and he leaned in to kiss me.

I put my hands around his neck to be closer to him. Man, I missed him so much.

I'm finally where I belong...I finally have a family...Which reminds me I will call my dad in a few.

I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend, or a better family, or better friends...

Three years ago, I wouldn't believe this was going to be my life, I would've laughed in your face. Now, I'm here...Kissing my ex-bully.

I will always remember these people as long as I'm alive...And as far as I know...I'm not going anywhere.


{A/N~ YAAY!! Sam is fine...You can stop crying now...Soooo, I hope you liked it, and you didn't hated me for before...Just keeping the drama people. Comment & Vote, let's share the love 😘 Love ya'll, till next Saturday}

Ps. Okay, I have a confession...Is a warning, and If I don't tell you, I will be mean. And the last thing I want is to be mean...There's only ONE chapter left plus an Epilogue, and then an Extra Authors Notes at the end. So, I will say everything I have to say there okay? Love you all, bye Belenators 😘😘
