22. Cry Baby Cry

"Tell me why you cry, and why you lie to me," The boys harmonized beginning to sing onstage for the hundreds of fans out in the crowd.

The girls and I watched alongside Brian from backstage in complete awe.

The cameras were capturing every moment as they performed, even filming the frantic screams of beatlemaniacs all throughout the crowd. It was a bit strange for me to see girls screaming out George's name, knowing some of them probably had his picture hung up in their bedroom and pray to have him for themselves. I couldn't help feel slight jealousy although I knew it was silly.

I smiled the sight of Paul and George sharing a microphone as John sang with his beautifully raspy voice that caused the girls throughout the crowd to screech with joy.

George peered over to me and shot a quick wink cheekily. I smiled and shook my head at how cheesy he was causing him to laugh.

"Poppy, can we talk now?" Cynthia whispered in my ear pulling me out of my trance and back into reality.

My eyes widened as I stared at her and Julian for a moment.

I looked around us seeing everyone else around us enthralled by the performance and motioned for her to follow me. I lead her to an empty hallway further away from everyone backstage where dressing rooms lined each wall.

After we'd reached far enough so no one could hear us, I turned around watching as Cynthia put Julian on her hip to shift her focus to what I had to say.

"You have to promise me you won't tell anyone." I stared into her eyes, my breathing becoming heavy as my heart rate became faster.

"Of course." Cynthia nodded encouraging me to go on intently, her eyes staying glued to mine with baited breath.

"I'm, late, Cynthia." I gulped looking down at my feet shamefully unable to look her in the eyes while I said it.

When I heard nothing except for Julian's contented incoherent mumbling I looked up, seeing Cynthia's face in complete and utter shock.

"You mean you're?" She began to ask, her lips curving upwards.

"I don't know yet." I tried not to allow her to get too excited.

"You haven't been to the doctors?" She asked astonished.

I shook my head shyly.

"We have to take you to my doctor, he's top of the line for this sort of thing." She grinned excitedly, turning to walk away.

"Well come on." She smirked looking back to my unmoving body.

"Now?" I whispered looking at her like she was insane.

"Well what are you waiting for love?" Cynthia laughed.

"Can we go after the boys are finished onstage?" I asked feeling my throat tightening.

"Fine, alright. But we're leaving right after." Cynthia smiled.

The two of us walked back to the side of the stage from where we were watching before.

"What was that about?" Brian asked curiously referring to where I had gone.

I felt a lump forming in my throat. I couldn't even imagine talking to him about it.

"Oh, nothing, Cynthia was just telling me about," I began wearily unsure of what I was going to say.

"I wanted to bring her along to shop after the show, that is if it's alright with you Brian." Cynthia batted her eyelashes kindly.

"I don't see why not." Brian grinned merrily.


Once they'd gotten on with their set and finished up completely, Cynthia lied to everyone saying her and I were going shopping, leaving Julian with John to go home and get some rest after the performance.

"Aren't you the least bit excited?" She grinned ecstatic as she finally pulled into the hospital parking lot.

"Cynthia, I'm not ready to be a mum." I began to tear up while finally becoming overwhelmed with emotion to the point where I couldn't hold tears back anymore.

"Oh, dear, no one is ready." Cynthia smiled thoughtfully wiping away one of my tears with a small laugh.

I grinned slightly for a moment.

Once Cynthia and I made it to the doctor, he had taken the samples he needed from me and we just had to wait.

An uneasy silence engulfed the room, Cynthia nor I having the heart to talk.

My mind was racing with millions of thoughts, having a baby had never even crossed my mind.

When the doctor came back into the room, he looked at me straight faced, causing me to be unsure of my fate just yet.

"So?" Cynthia broke the thick tension in the room.

"Everything looks normal. You're not pregnant." He looked a little downcast delivering the news, like he had crushed my hopes.

I sighed in relief despite having an unexpected sinking feeling in my chest as if I were disappointed.

"Then why was I late, is something else wrong?" I inquired suddenly a bit anxious.

"No, it's probably just stress from your move from Liverpool to London, it should come soon enough, but in a few weeks if it isn't you should come back to see me." He nodded affirmatively.

"Oh." I nodded blank faced, his words beginning to tune out after not hearing what I had expected.

Cynthia got up from her seat and gave me a hug after seeing my stillness.

"I didn't know I would be upset." I whispered blinking away tears, unable to comprehend why I was suddenly so distraught because I wasn't with child, I thought being baby-free would make me happy, but for some reason I couldn't shake an odd feeling of disappointment.
