Chapter 38

Yule Ball Outfits
(scroll down for chapter)

Neville Longbottom

Ginny Weasley

Harry Potter

Lorenzo Berkshire

Draco Malfoy

Luna Lovegood

YN Potter

Chapter 38

Dress shopping was a relatively new thing for you and honestly it was rather difficult.

There was so many options and you just couldn't rap your head around it. You and Luna were at hogsmeade looking for a dress for you.
Luna already found her dress and it looks good on her.

Now here you are currently struggling to find the right dress.

As you walk around the dress shop, you and Luna go your separate ways to cover more area. Hoping either of you could find a cute dress for you.

As you gazed around the shop nothing really caught your eye.

As you finally make your way towards the back of the shop you see a dress that slightly shimmers in the light.

You walk towards the dress and take it off the rack. Your eyes light up as you look at the dress. It's a really beautiful white sparly dress with off the shoulder straps and butterfly wings on the chest.

You quickly rush over to Luna. You tap her on the shoulder, as she turns around to look at you.

"Oh wow YN it looks beautiful! You would look great in that dress!" Luna exclaims.

"I know! I think I'm gonna get this dress, it's the only dress I've actually liked in this whole store." You say happily.

You and Luna bring the dress up to the counter to purchase it, you hand the lady the galleons before grabbing a paper bag to put your dress in.

You tell the lady to have a good day before walking out of the store and back towards Hogwarts.

"Do you have a date to the yule ball yet?" Luna asks.

"I do, yeah. Me and Lorenzo are going together." You state looking at Luna. "Do you?"

"I'm going with a friend of mine." Luna says calmly.

You and Luna finally make it back to Hogwarts. You and Luna go your separate ways to go get ready.

You make your way upstairs into the Slytherin common room.

As you walk into your dorm you see that you're the only one in there. Which means that you get the whole bathroom to yourself.

When you get in the bathroom you take your dress out if the bag, hanging it up outside of the shower before you get in.

When you get out of the shower you do your hair, and you put on some makeup as well.

Once you finished getting ready you check the time to see that theres stil about 15 minutes until you have to meet up with Lorenzo and all the other people chosen by the goblet of fire.

You grab your dress from the outside of the shower and put it on. You quickly look at yourself one more time in the mirror, before heading down the stairs and towards the great hall.

As you arrive to the great hall you see familiar faces there such as Harry and Hermione. You wave to the both of them before looking for Lorenzo.

As your eyes search through the people outside you finally see Lorenzo.

You walk up to him, excitedly tapping him on the shoulders. He turns around and smiles at you.

He quickly looks you up and down admiring you and your dress before saying; "Wow YN you look stunning."

You smile at Lorenzo "Thank you! You don't look so bad yourself."

All of the rest of the students are in the Great Hall and the people participating in the triwizard tournament were all present and beginning to line up with their partners.

You and Lorenzo were in the back of the line, the people in front of you begin to walk forward into the great hall.

To say you felt nervous was an understatement. You were practically shaking with anxiety.

Lorenzo could tell you were nervous, his hand reached out and grabbed your, his thumb rubbing your hand as comfort.

You look over to Lorenzo and see that he's already looking at you, he mouths the words 'You're doing great' with a smile. You sweetly smile at him, feeling the butterfly's in your stomach disappear.

The bright lights of the Great hall Welcome you in, as all of you begin to make your way into the middle of the dance floor for the first dance.

Lorenzo's hand rests on your waist as you put your hand on his shoulder, your other hand is still holding his as you lift it up slightly.

You and Lorenzo had been practicing because neither of you were great dancers but after a little bit of practice you felt confident that the both of you would do great.

As the dance commences you and Lorenzo begin to move around the room smoothly, following the rhythm of the music.

Lorenzo spun you around a couple of times before picking you up by your waist and spinning you around.

Other people such as Neville and Ginny join in on the dance, but after forever of dancing the music finally stops.

You and Lorenzo look at eachother, laughing slightly you say; "We did really good! The practicing payed off."

"We did do really good, I'm really happy we went together YN." Lorenzo states smiling happily at you.

Draco nods quickly. "Yes I want to be with you, I don't care about my father I just want you. Let's go dance."

His hand reached out to yours, your fingers interlocking as you walk back into the Great hall.

You make your way to the dance floor as a slow song begins to play.

Draco's hand finds his way to your waist as the both of you dance together.

As the songs coming to an end Draco looks at you before leaning in to kiss you.

Your lips meet his and he puts his hand on your lower back, pulling you in closer as his other hand rests on your cheek.

The both of you pull apart, looking into eachothers eyes. You were about to say something but you hear a noise from behind you.

You turn around to see Harry stomping towards you with an angry yet betrayed look on his face. Behind Harry you see Lorenzo staring at you and Draco with a heartbroken face.

As you make eye contact with him, his face saddens even more, he looks away from you and sits back down on his chair.

You stare at him as he sits back down, you feel confused as to why he was upset and you wanted to go over and sit with him but Harry rushed up to you and pushed Draco away from you. Which immediately changed your focus back to Draco, forgetting about Lorenzo.

As Draco stumbles backwards you quickly grab Harry's arm pulling him away from Draco.

"Harry what're you doing?!" You question him shocked.

He turns his head away from Draco and towards you, "What am I doing? What're you doing?! There's no way you're kissing Malfoy! Of all people you choose him? You know he's a death eater!"

You let go of his arm, as you're about to respond to him Draco quickly stands back up and pushes Harry back, causing Harry to shove into you. Which sends you tumbling backwards onto the floor, your heel stepping on the back of your dress. You hear a tear as your body makes contact with the floor. You realize that the whole back of dress had been ripped off by your heel.

You look up to see Harry and Draco still arguing, neither of them even spared a glance at you to make sure you were alright.

Everyone in the room looks at you and begins laughing. The room fills with giggles as your eyes fill with tears.

You couldn't get up and walk away because of your dress so your only option was to sit there on the floor, crying, as everyone laughed at you.

You feel someone's hand on your shoulder, you look up to see Lorenzo taking his jacket off.

He helps you stand up, making sure he stands behind you, he hold his jacket in the place where your dress was ripped.

He picks up the pieces if your dress in the floor as well as your broken heel. "Do you want to take your shoes off? I can hold them for you." Lorenzo quietly asks you.

You nod slightly, tears still falling from your face. He quickly bends down and take your shoes off for you. His hand still holding the jacket as one of your hands is on his jacket and the other is on his shoulder steadying yourself.

As soon as he has your shoes the both of you quickly walk out of there, heading upstairs towards the common room.

You hear quick feet approaching before hearing a familiar voice; "Are you ok YN?" Neville asks concerned, ginny next him. You look at them nodding before turning back around and heading upstairs.

No words are shared between the two of you as you make your way up. You finally arrive to the common room, Lorenzo walks you into your dorm.

You quickly grab your pajamas and walk into the bathroom. You change and go to take your makeup off, mascars is streaming down your face and your lip gloss is smudged.

You walk out of the bathroom expecting Lorenzo to be gone but he's still in your dorm, sitting on your bed. His head shoots up as you walk towards you bed and sit next to him.

"I'm so sorry YN, are you alright?" Lorenzo asks sadly.

"Yes I'm fine." You say quickly, looking away from his as tears begin to build up in your eyes again.

"I'm sorry Lorenzo. I didn't mean to make you upset earlier. I was going to go up to you but everything just happened so fast." You say crying as you look back towards him.

He frowns before bringing you into a hug. "No no its ok YN. You don't have to be sorry, I'm sorry that happened to you." His hand rubs your back as he lets you cry it out.

As your tears begin to stop you start to realize how tired you are. You pull out of the hug and start to lay down.

Lorenzo gets up to leave but you grab his hand. "Can you stay with me, until I fall asleep?" You ask quickly, hoping he'll stay with you.

He makes his way back towards you before saying, "Yes I'll stay with you." He sits next to you on your bed, leaning back slightly on your pillow.

You turn towards him and mumble "Thank you." Before closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Lorenzo admires your sleeping face and brushes hair out of your face. As he gets up he makes sure to pull the covers up before kissing the top of your head and exiting the room. Leaving you to sleep.
