One - Back at it again with the eating like it's the Olympic food games

One - Back at it again with the eating like it's the Olympic food games

Aria's POV

I jump up from the sofa, "Ha, I won! I won! I win, you loose, now you get a big bruise!" I sing and lightly punch Kayden, my brother, on the arm.

My brother and I are playing GTA 5 on his PlayStation and I'm just saying I won even though I didn't. The only thing I do in this game is drive around until I find a club and then I go and fight the bouncers and make them chace me around the city, laughing because they 'can't touch this'.

He pouts and rubs his arm, "You punch like Donkey Kong, Aria." he complains. I roll my eyes, "Not my fault you're weaker than grandma Ginny."

A pillow slams into my face and I chuckle, "Someone's a sore loser!" I sing as another pillow slams into my face, "Jeez Kayden, did you take your chill medication today?" I say.

Another pillow slams into my face. How many pillows are on this freaking sofa?!?! I catch one of the pillows and run up to Kayden, tackling him with a pillow. He flips me over and starts tickling me, "Okay, okay, you win!" I shout through laughter.

He stands up, "Who's the loser now." he smirks and turns around walking out the living room.

"This is Spartaaaaaa!" I scream and jump onto Kayden's back, tackling him to the floor, "The only loser here is you, grandma Ginny." I tease and stand up, dusting off my hands on my jeans.

I hear the ding! of the oven go off, "Food!" I scream running to the kitchen. "You made pizza?" I ask Kayden as he walks into the kitchen. He nods and takes the pizza out of the oven. Oh my gosh, PIZZA!

Well, there goes my diet. I'll start tomorrow, after getting the cookie dough ice cream from Ben and Jerry's of course.

I take six slices of the pizza and start stuffing my face. "Hey, give me two of those!" Kayden says and reaches for my plate. I snatch it away, "My precious." I whisper.

"I made it!" he defends and grabs two slices from me, "Plus, I'm older than you." he says and sticks his tounge out. "By one day! It would've been less than one day if you came out of the womb faster!" I say and Kayden chuckles then licks the slices, "Well I licked it so its mine." he says and I glare at him.

Kayden and I are fraternal twins. We live alone because we are both 18 and old enough to. My mom died last year and only god knows where my dad is. My Aunt from Canada sends us money every month and Kayden has a job that he doesn't talk about often.

Apparently he works for some guy named Axel Krieger. Either way he makes money and he isn't in jail or dead so I guess it's a reasonable job.

I fold my pizza in half and stuff it into my mouth. "Damn Aria, back at it again with the eating like it's the Olympic food games."

"Your just jealous." I say when I'm done chewing. I stand up, "I'm going down the road to get ice cream, you want any?" I ask, he puts fifty bucks in my hand, "Double chocolate chip." I nod.

"See you later Kiki!" I shout as I walk out the door. "Eat a dick!" he shouts back.

I walk down the road and into the ice cream store, "Hello pretty lady, how may I help you?" The guy at the cashier asks, he looks around my age.

I bet he only thinks I'm pretty cause my eyebrows are on fleek. I nod and smile to myself, they better be on fleek, it took forever to pluk them. Being a girl is such a struggle.

"Hi, can I please have two scoops of cookie dough and two scoops of double chocolate chip both in cups please." I say.

"Coming right up." he says and scoops up the ice cream.

"So what's a pretty lady like you doing all alone?" the guy asks with a smile as he hands me the ice creams. I'm getting a pedophile vibe, even though he looks my age.

Maybe he is fourty and got plastic surgery because the Kardashian's did look a lot younger after they had their faces removed and replaced.

Is 'no' a feeling because that would explain what I am feeling right now? Without an answer, I turn around and walk out the door.

As I unlock the door to my house and swing it open I shout Kayden's name but there is no answer. Hmm, that's strange, the car is still here.

I keep shouting his name as I walk around the house. Maybe he is gone for a walk, I'll just call him.

I dial his number and it starts ringing but goes straight to voicemail, "Hello, you have reached Kayden. If this is a one night stand, this number does not exist. If this is Aria, please look down," there is a pause and I look down, the phone still on my ear, "WHAT ARE THOSE!" the phone shouts and then the voicemail ends.

I roll my eyes and dial the number again, it rings four times and then someone picks up but it stays silent on the other side. "Kayden, this is not the time to play hide and seek, your ice cream is melting and no, this ice cream does not think some people are worth melting for." I say.

"Aria." I hear Kayden whisper, he sounds scared. "Kayden? Are you okay? Where are you?" I say, starting to panic.

"Your brother has been a naughty boy Aria, he needs to punished." a deep voice says on the other side of the line. "I don't think Kayden swings that way, you're going to have to find someone on tinder."

I hear the guy growl, "Read the letter on your fucking fridge and don't bring the police or your brother dies." he shouts and the call ends.

Rude much? My eyes widen. What? My brother is going to die? I run to the fridge as fast as I can and put my hands against it, trying to catch my breath. Damn, I really need to start working out. Ha, no!

I tear the letter of my fridge and let my eyes scan over it.

Meet me at the corner of Greenwich at five. Bring sixty thousand dollars and don't being the police or I will kill your brother in the worst way possible.

- lots of love from your next nightmare

Sixty forking thousand? I don't even have five bucks! I check the watch on the wall which tells me its 4:40. I have twenty minutes, screw it, I have to go without the money.

I grab the car key from the counter and get into the car, turning on the radio, "-in a drug deal gone wrong which ended in three people being killed as well as two injured. Please be on the lookout for three men who go by the names of Vincent-"

I turn off the radio and roll my eyes, nobody is going to find those guys, nobody even knows what they look like. "Why doesn't a drug deal ever go right?" I talk to myself with a sigh.

I'm coming for you Kayden, the day I let you die is the day I get a letter in the mail saying I am a wizard.


Oh my gosh, finally finished the first chapter. I'm sorry to the people that were reading the old version of this book but I didn't like it so I decided to spice it up a bit. I hope you like it and please tell me in the comments if you think it is good and funny because I'm really not sure *starts biting nails*

Also, I post writing tips on my Instagram reels (how to get reads, writing dialogue, getting rid of writers block etc) & I'll be making lots more in the future. If that's something you'd like to check out, my Instagram is @laylaawrites

I love you all sooo much <3 Thanks for reading xx

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