chapter 20

Lez:(this takes place after Steven universe ended before even the movie happend so Steven is still a kid)

Y/n(monologuing) after along treacherous journey filled with pot holes and outrages gas prices.....I have a car now so I can complain about it I have finally made it Beach City

Y/n:looks nice

As Y/n drove down the road he was met with the stares of people looking at his........abnormal car

Y/n:......maybe adding those spikes at the back was a bit....overkill

Y/n decided parked his ride near the beach

Y/n:this should be a nice and legal spot to park this thing!

Y/n then got off his vehicle and locked it....which is stupid since it doesn't have a roof so anyone-you know what forget it

Y/n:alright I'm in new territory so I gotta do some research about this place

Y/n took out his phone and typed the city's name in the search engine only for the first thing to pop up is a blog called Keep Beach City weird

Y/n:(shrugs) eh! Look reliable enough

Y/n looked into the post and found out that this City is currently  inhabited not only by people but Gem People as well or Gems as they like to call them-

Y/n:(keeps on scrolling) Aliens yada yada yada born from using the minerals from the earth....giant space arm-okay(puts phone away) I think I'm good. Hmm I should probably go and look around now.

Y/n started to look around town trying to map out the area so he wouldn't get lost. As y/n looked around he noticed a group of gems more specifically a group of three conversing with each other so he thought it would be a good idea to greet them

Y/n:maybe I should say hi you know alien to alien......that's sounds weird

Y/n began approaching the group

Gem 1:so like I was saying-

Y/n:hey there!

All three Gems looked towards the stranger only to be stricken by fear

Y/n:......are you guys okay?

Gem 3:i-is that-

Gem 2:it is!

Y/ name is y/n..

Y/n stretched out his arm for a hand shake only for the group to jolt back from the gesture

Y/n:h-hey did I do something wrong?!

Gem 1:it's attacking!!!

Gem 3:lets get out of here before we agitate it further!!!

The group ran away leaving a very confused y/n behind reminiscing  on what just happend

Y/n:it's just like what happend with Zim

Y/n then brought up his hand and looked at his palm

Y/n:what did we do?

With out much thought Y/n decided to go back to the Beach. As y/n walked along the street Gems who walked by quickly avoided or literally sprinted away from him

Y/n:is this how highschool anxiety feels like?

Y/n approaching the sand quickly got out a spare radar and turned it on

Y/n:the faster I do this then the less Gems I'll send into a panick

Y/n looked at the device but looked confused shortly after

Y/n:what the- it says that it should be here but it looks like it can't pin point the exact location(face palms) don't tell me I have to look around town aimlessly!

A frustrated y/n sat down on the sand and sighed

Y/n:what do I do

???:um excuse me mister?

Y/n looked to his side to see a young boy

Y/n:need something?

???:you wouldn't happen to see a monster walking around would you?

Y/n immediately figured out that the so called monster was him

Y/n:weeelllllll your looking at him kid

The young boy looked confused but quickly questioned y/n

???:you?......but you don't look like a monster

Y/n:well that how the gems are treating me so far

???:really?! Sorry about that! I'll talk to them about it Mr- uhhh what's your name?


???:well nice to meet you y/n! My names Steven!

Y/n chuckled and extended his hand

Y/n:nice to meet you Steven

Steven returned the gesture

Steven:like wise

Y/n got up and looked back at the radar

Steven:ooooh what's that gizmo?

Y/n:oh this thing? well its a radar....I'm trying to find something

Steven:find what?

Y/n:a emerald......but it's going to be hard to find with the readings being all over the place! you need help?


Steven:I said if you need help? It'll probably be faster if we work together to find that emerald you're looking for

Y/ just met me so why help?

Steven:it's because I like helping others! I kinda been doing that my whole life............

Y/n:(smiles)that's actually really nice of you Steven yeah you can help me


And thus the search began y/n looking through the tall grass while Steven looked near the Beach.



We shift to y/n picking up a random rocks and looking under them with Steven doing the same thing

Steven:Hmmmmm nothing here y/n

Y/n:we need a different approach

Y/n flipped up the lid to a dumpster behind a pizza joint only to be immediately attacked by a couple raccons hiding in there

Y/n:OH GOD!!!


We see y/n walking down the street with a couple bandages on him

Y/n:hmph! Bottom feeders

Steven:adorable bottom feeders!

We shift scenes to Steven trying to explain to a couple gems that y/n isn't a bad person but they soon ran off as y/n brought a straw to his lips and drinked his soda

Steven:wait don't! (sigh) don't worry
y/n they'll warm up to you

Y/n:I hope so

With their labors providing no fruit at the end they both decide to go back to their starting point

Steven:hey y/n


Steven:where are you from?

Y/n:Green Hill City

Steven:Whoa! Green Hill! I heard that place is like Beach City but bigger!

Y/n:(chuckles) I kinda see it

We shift scenes to y/n and Steven eating a donut on the beach sitting on the sand

Y/n:soooo Steven I noticed that you talked to those Gems like it was a normal know them?

Steven:oh that because I helped them get use to living here! That and I'm a Gem....well half

Y/ your a half Gem


Steven lifted his shirt to reveal a pink gem located where his belly button should be

Y/ who's the Gem and Human

Steven:my dad's human while my mom is a Gem

Y/n:do you any powers

Steven:well I can-


Steven:oh that must be Pearl


Steven go up and waved towards his guardian

Steven:I'm here

Pearl:thank the stars!

Pearl immediately checked Steven for any injuries

Steven:what are you doing?

Pearl:nothing just checking if you were hurt I heard that a Mo-

Y/n:hey Steven is that your Mom?

Pearl immediately looked back to y/n standing there menacingly......well in her head at lteast


Steven:oh Pearl allow me to introduce you to my friend y/n!

Y/n:(nervously waving)heeeeyyyy

Pearl:you're friends with him!?!

Steven:yeah! Is that a problem?

Peral:Steven! Do you even know that he is

Pearl:qrk! He's a Mobian!!! A very dangerous and powerful being Steven!!!

Y/n:.......ain't the ego boost I was looking for but hey I'll take it

Steven:....I'm missing some lore here

Y/n began to approach the panicked Gem in a careful manner


Y/n:hey let's just talk about this no need to get-

Y/n stopped his talking when he dodged a swipe from a sword


Steven:P-Pearl why did y-

Peral:trust me Steven y/n is more than meets the eye

Y/n:o-okay were off to a bad start

Pearl then got in front of Steven in a protective manner

Peral:s-stay back or I'll-

???:I think that's enough Pearl your scaring him!

???:whoa it really is true!


Y/n looked around Pearl to see two different Gems appearing on the scene

Y/n then got into a fighting stance

Y/n:alright I'm really confused here! But if it's fight you want then I'll-

Garnet:don't worry yourself y/n we won't harm you

Y/n:h-how do you know-

Amethyst:is it true that you can blow up planets?!?


The tallest one Garnet began approaching him


Garnet:don't worry Pearl everything's under control

Garnet stopped infront of y/n and looked him deep into his eyes

Garnet:.......(nods) yup

Garnet smiled and looked back to the group with a thumbs up

Garnet:don't worry t he's cool

Pearl:w-what?! How can you be sure?!

Garnet:(chuckles)it's all in the eyes

The little one Amethyst ran up to y/n with stars in her eyes

Amethyst:hey! Y/n right?! Can you blow up the moon?!

Y/n:......can I? hold on I'm confused here! First off why are the Gems treating me like I'm a monster and why are you saying stuff about destroying planets?!

Garnet:(adjust shades like a badass) I belive this deserves an explanation. Pearl


Garnet:yup we gotta get you more well acquainted with our friend here


Peral approached y/n and nervously stood there

Peral:y-you do know what you are right?

Y/n:eh more or less

Peral:okay and you do know what you are capable of right?

Y/n:not much no

Peral:n-not even your background!?

Y/n:absolute zero

Peral then face palmed in a huff

Peral:ok for starters while we may not know much about your race but what we do know is that you have destructive powers that have the capability to destroy a whole fleet of ships .....(mumbles) especially with that form.........

Y/ I getting deja fu?

Peral:this information contributes to one of the worst documented disasters of Gem history that is known as the Mobias massacre which shattered millions of gems that is untill the great war but it's still up there

Y/n:hold up before anything else I a have a question.......can I travel through time?


Y/n:w-well a irken told me that I can have that ability but I just want to verify it because the guy.......isn't right in the head

Peral:(sighs) those irkens always always ones for the dramatic. While there is no documentation of your kind having that ability but it isn't saying that you can't do just that all we do know is that Mobians can break the sound barrier with a sonic boom

Y/n:huh.....neat......wait why did the Mobias Massacre even happen?

Peral:well back when home world was still expanding there was a report of a destroyed ship near the planet called Mobias so the diamonds decided to send in more fleets to investigate only to find inhabits living on that they decided to invade it for it's minerals...but that turned out to be a big mistake as those ships were destroyed too. So the diamonds decided to send a whole army there thus began the Mobias Massacre and it was all caused by one mobian soilder..........(Chuckles) I still remember when Rose wanted to adopt wasn't right


Amethyst:man.....that sounds so cool and messed up!

Steven:but y/n wouldn't do that....shatter a Gem

Y/n:yeah......I don't the way is my planet still there

Peral:I don't know......after that whole ordeal we decided to never go back and check...we kinda forgot all about them..

Y/n:(looks down) so that's why they're man.....

The group then felt bad for teenager to  who they started to comfort

Steven:hey don't worry y/n sooner later they'll see that you're a good person

Amethyst:yeah don't sweat it man!

Peral:I have to agree with those two having you here was.........rather pleasant

Garnet placed her hand on y/n's shoulder

Garnet:just give it time y/n.I see that things will work out in the future

Y/n then closed his eyes and smiled

Y/n:thanks guys thats-

Y/n then felt a energy signal call out to him

Y/ that

Y/n started walking towards a random spot on the sand

Y/n: alright here goes nothing

Y/n flared up his energy causing sand to start flying everywhere

Steven:(shielding eyes)whoa!

Amethyst:(rubbing eyes) I think some got in my eyes !!!


Y/n then stopped and looked back down to see a yellow light starting to emit from the sand

Y/n:hey guys I think I found-

Y/n was suddenly grabbed by a hand made of sand and thrown up into the air



The hand then sunk into the ground then a body of a monster started to
form witha cracked gem on its forhead and a bright yellow light coming from its chest

Peral:a corrupt gem?!

Amethyst:hey I thought Steven said that he made friends with the gluster!

Garnet:I think the emerlad did something to the gem!

The group then her a loud thud behind them it was y/n

Y/n:(strained) oh my..............


Steven ran up to y/n while the others turned towards the now bulking sand monster

Amethyst:(summons whip)hey guys I'm getting a sense of nostalgia!

Peral:(summons spear sword) I suppose so

Garnet:(summons gauntlets) alright crystal gems together!

The three then charged at the monster  all the while Steven checked up on y/n

Steven:are you okay!?

Y/n:......I think my arm is broken......

Steven:which one?

Y/n painfully moved his left one

Y/n:t-this one

Steven:don't worry I can fix it

Y/n:r-really? How?'s sorta weird-

Y/n:do it

Steven nodded and licked his hand then grabbed y/ns bad arm with said hand  causing y/n to shudder in digust

Steven:(takes hand off) there you should feel better

Y/n moved his arm around and smiled

Y/n:wow disgusting but wow my arm feels great!

Y/n got up and looked towards the on going battle

Y/n:okay what to do.........what can we do to the sand monster......

Steven:looks likes the sand Is absorbing the attacks from the gems not to metion also regenerating lost chunks of it self too

Y/n stood in thought before coming up with a plan

Y/n:(snaps figures) I got it but I gonna need their help(points thumb at gems) and your help just get me hair spray and a lighter

Steven left to grab said things

Soon after the gems they were struck by the beast arm launching them next to y/n

Peral:(rubs head) how are we suppose to destroy this thing?!

Amethyst:(brushing ear) I think I got sand in my ear!

Garnet:well this is turning difficult

Y/n:hey talk about convenient- hey guys I have a plan!

Peral:(gets up while dusting herself) what is it?

Steven then came back from the errand

Steven:here you go y/n hair spray and a lighter

Y/n:thanks you my little buddy

Y/n grabbed the items from Steven and looked towards a confused Peral and Amethyst all the while Garnet stood there like she knew what was about to happen

Y/n:for the you guys know how to play volley ball?

We shift scenes back to the monster walking aimlessly around the beach attracting the attention of some human and gems. The monster sensed them and growed it began picking up giant boulders from the sand and began chucking the boulders at the group causing the group to go into a panick


Y/n came in and kicked every boulder into tiny pieces saving any pedestrians caught in the crossfire

Y/n landed on the ground  and looked at the people and gems all looking in awe

Y/n:uhhhh.....your welcome.......

Y/n looked back to the beast and smirked

Y/n:alright you ready?

The monster only roared in response

Y/n:come on let's go!

In a show of great speed y/n made his way towards the beast dodging each stomp or slam the beast made

Y/n:this better work!

Y/n began running circles around the beast creating a tornado of wind this caused the beast to stay in place

Y/n:please work!please work!

Y/n brought out the hair spray and lighter and began to spray  flames behind him adding fire to the tornado

Y/n:time to go even faster!

Y/n ran faster then ever before engulfing the beast inside in hellfire

Y/n stoped and jumped back causing the flames to disperse seeing the once sand monster turned into glass

Y/n:alright now of never!

Y/n turned himself into a spinning ball and launched himself to where Pearl was positioned.

Pearl:that's my cue!

Peral used her sword to redirect y/n into one of creature legs shattering it

Amethyst came in used her whip to grab y/n and spin him around then releasing him into the other leg shattering it  also y/n still spinning was heading towards Steven who had his shield position like a ramp

Steven:this is going to be so cool!

Y/n used the ramp to fly up into the air. Garnet began running and then leaped high towards y/n readying her hand to deliver a powerfull spike

Garnet:this might hurt a bit y/n

Garnet then gave a powerful spike blasting y/n towards the creatures chest ultimately going through it. When y/n came out through the back he had a yellow chaos emerald in his hand.


Y/n landed on the ground and looked towards the camera smirking as the monster blew up into clouds behind him

Steven:yay we did it!

Amethyst:just like old times huh guys!

Pearl:(smiles) just like old times

Garnet came towards the group with a cracked gem gently held in her hands

Garnet:you think you can take care of this Steven?

Steven:of course I can!

Steven took the cracked gem gently and bubbled it

Steven:I'll take this back to home world

Y/n:thanks alot for your guy's help it really means alot

Steven:it's no problem y/n we're just doing our job

Y/n chuckled and brought up the emerald to show the group which Pearl looked at curiously

Pearl:so this emerald is thing you came here to look for?

Y/n:yup! And thanks to you guy's I can g-

Y/n stopped as he felt like someone was tugging on his pants


Y/n looked down to see a smol gem looking shyly at him

Gem:o-oh hey! me and the others would like to t-thank you for saving us from that boulder

Y/n looked up front to see a group of gems standing there nervously smiling and thanking him

Y/n:o-oh uhh no problem just doing my job

Gem:okay.....we also think you're really cool!!! Okay bye!!!

The little gem fled along with her group back into town

Y/n:huh...(smiles) well would you look at that.......

The chaos emerald started to glow and  float up

Steven:Whoa! It's doing something!!!

The emerald quickly went through y/ns chest a silenced insued not long after

Amethyst:.....that way so cool do it again!!!

Pearl:very fascinating!

Garnet:does it have a bond with y/n?

Y/n:well that's one down two more to go

Steven:so there's more out there?

Y/n:sure are and I gotta find them quick

Steven:so that means you're leaving now?

Y/n:yeah sorry Steven but I'm on a very important mission right now

Steven:it's alright...just make sure to visit ok?

Y/n:will do man!

Y/n began walking to his car while waving back thanking them

Steven:sooooo Garent......can you use your future vision to see what he's gonna use those emeralds for?

Garnet:well I can't say for sure but it's for a good cause Steven so don't worry

Steven:hm! Just can't wait for his visit back here! Oh! I almost forgot got to get this gem to home world!

Steven left the group

Pearl:I'm gonna see if Paradot knows anything about the Mobians

Amethyst:count me in!

Peral and Amethyst left for the the Barn
Leaving Garnet alone to her thoughts

Garnet:I see alot of obstacles and loss in your future y/n but I know at the end you'll break through it all

(Lez:I'm so clever me)

We shift scenes to y/n driving down the road as the sun started to set behind him. Y/n then dialed Membrane

Membrane:y/n! How was your stay in Beach City?!

Y/n:pretty cool met some  new people and gems


Y/n:I'll tell you when I get home oh and I found a emerald

Membrane:good work my boy! So do you need the other location?

Y/n:you bet!

Membrane:Ok.....just give me a few.....................oh my....

Y/n:what is it?

Membrane:it appears that the chaos emerald is located-

